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If recent events are any indication, the pace of U.S. withdrawal from the world and the extent of our fecklessness (and the West’s generally) in the face of threats coming from Islamist terrorism, Russia, China, and Iran promises to pick up in 2014. Something new pops up every day.

Al Qaeda and its various affiliates have made a great leap forward in Syria and Iraq, where the took over Fallujah. The Obama administration did not react apparently because it no longer sees al Qaeda as a threat. If Ramadi falls as well, there’s unlikely to be a response then either.

The fact that Syria has missed its chemical weapons removal deadline is largely ignored or excused by “unfavorable” weather and other “difficulties” to transport the chemicals for shipment. The Syrian civil war is being spread with Iran’s blessing as is growing Saudi intervention into Lebanon without apparent attention from Washington.

Iran’s growing intervention in Syria and Lebanon, the upgrading of Hezbollah’s missiles, which increases the threat to Israel, and assassinations of Lebanese Sunni leaders who dare to criticize Iran, fail to solicit any reaction from the U.S.

On nearly every foreign policy front, except the utterly fatuous and doomed promotion of Israeli-Palestinian peace, the U.S. is either doing nothing or backtracking.



Shattering the silence of Autism. Ola Mundo (“Hello World ” in Spanish) transmits instant messages using symbols for people whose speaking or writing ability is severely impaired. Israel’s Ophir Harel developed the world’s first and only symbolic communication app to help his 10-year-old autistic son.

Your car to the operating theater. (Thanks to Israel21c) Being wheeled into an operating room is a stressful experience for everyone. The Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel has now decided to try and alleviate that anxiety among its youngest patients by pushing them in pedal cars.

Treating age-related macular degeneration. Israel’s Cell Cure Neurosciences has been awarded a grant of NIS 6.1 million from the Office of the Chief Scientist. The grant will help finance the human clinical trials in 2014 of OpRegen, a cell-based therapeutic product for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.

Success in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Israel’s Can-Fite BioPharma has announced positive results in its Phase IIb trial of their CF101 treatment for patients with active rheumatoid arthritis.

75 years of saving lives. Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center received a $10 million birthday present from US entrepreneur Warren Buffet.

Israeli hospital delivered 20,000 babies in 2013. 20,000 babies were born at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem during 2013 – the highest number ever in any Israeli hospital and almost unsurpassed in the world. 2014 will see more delivery rooms, a huge neonatal intensive care unit and new obstetrics wards.

Implant helps rehabilitation of shoulder injury. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s OrthoSpace has developed the InSpace Balloon. It alleviates pain for patients recovering from massive injury to the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and activate the shoulder. 2000 people in Europe and Israel have used the implant invented by Israeli orthopedic surgeon Dr. Assaf Dekel.

London “Peace” Festival Organized by Terrorism Advocates by Samuel Westrop

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4117/st-james-church-bethlehem-unwrapped St. James Church supports the lie that the wall exists not to save Israeli lives but to subjugate Palestinian ones. Its replica of the security barrier has not managed to bring people together; it has only legitimized the extremism of the Holy Land Trust and the terror links of Interpal. In reality, it is […]


From the Roxbury mosque, to Northeastern University, to the Newton Public Schools, instead of confronting the new threats facing today’s Jewish world, the Boston Jewish establishment seeks to demonize anybody that will.

By Dovid Margolin

In an effort to stay relevant and powerful in an increasingly different world than the one they grew up in, Jewish establishment leaders in Boston have developed a distinct pattern of response. When anyone with a dissenting opinion raises the alarm on an issue that the establishment feels uncomfortable discussing – such as Left-wing anti-Semitism and Islamic extremism – they smear them. They try to shut down discussion by saying that opinions opposing their own are not valid and cannot be tolerated.

One notable leader of the opposition is Dr. Charles Jacobs. Instead of engaging with him, the Jewish establishment labels him and his supporters McCarthy-ites and Islamophobes.

And then, just when they figure out that Jacobs was right, the establishment embraces his battles, stepping onto the field at exactly the right moment before ultimately claiming victory for themselves. It’s a brilliant tactic, but one that will serve the establishment’s purposes only for so long.

A Pattern Revealed

When Charles Jacobs wrote an op-ed in the Boston Jewish Advocate in 2010 questioning the wisdom of Rabbi Eric Gurvis’ embrace of Bilal Kaleem of the Muslim American Society, seventy Massachusetts Reform rabbis signed a letter condemning him, and smearing him with the brush of Islamophobia. They called upon him to “discontinue his destructive campaign against Boston’s Muslim community, which is based on innuendo, half-truths and unproven conspiracy theories.”

Federal prosecutors had by then called Kaleem’s Muslim American Society an overt front for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim American Society is also the parent organization of the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Roxbury – where extremist speakers regularly appeared, and whose trustee for 8 years was Yusuf al Qaardawi, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood – as well as the Islamic Society of Cambridge mosque, a mosque regularly attended by the Boston Marathon bombers. So much for unproven conspiracy theories.

In 2012 Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT), the organization that Jacobs heads, called attention through a series of videos to the viciously anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activities of a number of professors and student organizations at Northeastern University in Boston. Holocaust Awareness Week at Northeastern, created to ensure that future generations not forget about the Holocaust, had been hijacked and transformed into a week-long Israel bashing event where Israel was routinely compared to Nazi Germany and featured speakers such as the notorious Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry.

A second video documented the radical Muslim activity taking place at Northeastern University. On tape was the university’s Muslim chaplain, Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, also a Muslim American Society associate, calling upon congregants at a Brighton mosque to “take up the gun and the sword” in the service of Allah and to support convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui.

A third video showed Northeastern’s Professor Denis Sullivan lauding the Hamas terror organization’s kindergartens and healthcare, and Northeastern economics professor Shahid Alam telling students that they “should laugh away accusations of anti-Semitism” and wear them as a badge of pride. Students spoke on tape, some with their faces and voices altered to avoid retribution, about the atmosphere of fear that any pro-Israel student faced on campus and in classrooms.

And yet at the time, the leadership of the Boston Jewish community, organizations that had been founded to stop the defamation of Jews in the public sphere – such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – did nothing, attempting only to pressure Jacobs and his allies to lay-off of Northeastern University. “Don’t make this a public fight,” they told him.

“We called up Northeastern administrators and asked them, ‘do you know about Imam Faaruuq?'” explains Jacobs in an interview with the Jewish Russian Telegraph. “The university lawyers called us back and asked us to see the raw footage, which we sent them.

“A day later Imam Faaruuq’s bio was erased from Northeastern’s website. He was dismissed from his post – the first time I can recall a university Imam being dismissed.”

As more and more damning information regarding Northeastern came out, the tide of public opinion turned, as did the approach of the Boston Jewish establishment. Gone were the furtive phone calls to Jacobs and his allies to stand down from their campaign against Northeastern, and in came the establishment to negotiate a victory instead. On November 11, 2013, the ADL and the Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) issued a joint statement:

“Over the past several years, students and faculty at Northeastern University have raised concerns regarding what they have described as virulent and intimidating anti-Israelism, or even anti-Semitism, on campus. Over the past year we have worked closely with officials at Northeastern regarding those concerns.

. Anti-Semitism posing as anti-Israelism is indeed a significant problem on certain campuses. At the same time, academic freedom and the right of free expression are vital to any academic setting. We applaud Northeastern for its statement to faculty and for the work it is doing to promote an atmosphere premised on civility and respect.”

Notably missing was any mention of APT or the Zionist Organization of America, whose legal director Susan Tuchman created a shocking report based on interviews she had done with dozens of students about their experience with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel professors at Northeastern. To the uninitiated, the ones who deserved credit for any changes put in place at Northeastern were the ones who for so long had fought to silence any criticism of the school – the leaders of the Boston Jewish establishment.


Newton Public Schools

White-washing Newton

The campaign to discover exactly what was being taught in Newton Public Schools and who had authorized it has recently run a similar course. Two years ago Newton parent Tony Pagliuso was asked by his daughter whether it was true that Arab women were being killed in Israeli jails by the hundreds, as she had read in The Arab World Studies Notebook. Horrified by the specter of his children being taught anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic lies in his city’s public school system, Pagliuso went to the school to find out what was going on. The school promptly dismissed his complaints.

As the story gained publicity, more parents and students began coming forward with disturbing allegations of anti-Israel propaganda being taught in Newton schools. At school committee meetings, the committee was confronted by parents and concerned Newton citizens with some of the materials being used in the curriculum. The board responded by stone walling and accusing the parents of “McCarthy-ite” tactics.

In fact, one of the materials used, The Arab World Studies Notebook, was described in a 2007 report by the American Jewish Committee as “a text that appears largely designed to advance the anti-Israel and propagandistic views of the Notebook’s sponsors, the Middle East Policy Council (MEPC) and Arab World and Islamic Resources (AWAIR), to an audience of teachers who may not have the resources and knowledge to assess this text critically.”

Louis Rene Beres: Iran and ‘Palestine’ pose combined threat to Israel Why final push toward Palestinian statehood needs scrutiny

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/dec/29/beres-iran-and-palestine-pose-collaborative-threat/#ixzz2pR8QkFB3  The Palestinian Authority, already raised by the U.N. General Assembly to the status of a “nonmember observer state,” will seek full sovereignty. Whether or not this final push to statehood will take place in collaboration with Hamas, or on an altogether discrete track, the result will inevitably be injurious to Israel. Significantly, although generally […]



If a report in a Chinese newspaper closely connected to the North Korean regime is to be believed, Kim Jong-un had his uncle (and former mentor) executed by stripping him naked and putting him in a cage with a hundred and twenty dogs that had been starved for three days. Felicity Morse of the UK Independent reports:

Kim Jong-un’s uncle was killed after being stripped naked and fed to a pack of hungry dogs, according to reports in a Chinese state-backed newspaper.

North Korea have already described Jang Song Thaek as “despicable human scum, worse than a dog,” but these reports, appearing in Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po newspaper, suggest he may have met his end in the jaws of dogs.

The account describes how Jang Song Thaek and five of his aides were stripped naked and fed to 120 hungry hounds, who had been starved for three days. The whole process lasted an hour, and as they were eaten hundreds of officials watched.

Honestly, this reads like fiction, something Borat would say in his next movie. And North Korea is known for exaggeration. But it cannot be ruled out. Either way, it reveals that the third generation heir to the world’s first hereditary communist dynasty is a monster. A monster with nuclear weapons at his beck and call.


http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/01/dangerous_times_the_new_york_times_goes_the_full_pravda.html Every thoughtful person knows the NY Times peddles shameless whoppers every single day, just as Pravda did in Soviet Moscow — “pravda” meaning “the truth” in Russian.   In the good old USSR you didn’t read Pravda for the truth.   You read it for the daily Communist Party Line, which bore no relationship to the […]

DR. BEN CARSON:Thinking for Ourselves: The Rewards of Independence and Common Sense Are Many

  http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | (MCT) Earlier this year, one of the mainstream media networks was planning to do a special on my retirement from neurosurgery. They recorded a lecture I gave at my medical school, as well as one given at a high school in Detroit. They also accompanied me to my old stomping grounds, where […]



A viral video making the rounds in December bore the very descriptive title “Ten Germans Try to Say the Word ‘Squirrel’” — and nobody seemed to think that it was racist or xenophobic, even though our Teutonic friends were being held up as figures of fun for something that is deeply embedded in their culture. Indeed, the Germans seemed to be as much amused as anybody else. The phenomenon is nothing new to students of linguistics: Not every phoneme exists in every language, and it is extraordinarily difficult for adults to process phonemes that are not part of their linguistic patrimony. Anglophone adults learning Sanskrit have a desperately hard time with the difference between aspirated and non-aspirated “d” sounds, just as somebody who had been raised hearing nothing but Japanese would find it difficult or impossible to distinguish between “r” and “l” sounds in English. Native speakers of non-tonal languages have a rough time with Chinese. Welsh, Romanian, and Dutch all contain sounds that are famous for being unpronounceable by the Anglophone. A “burro” is an ass, and a “burrow” is a hole in the ground, but your typical English-speaking person can’t tell one from the other.

This sort of thing is terribly distressing to Matthew Salesses, fiction editor at The Good Men Project, an online magazine, who published a hilariously self-parodic essay titled “Racism in the Classroom: When Even Our Names Are Not Our Own.” He began with this tale of pearl-clutching terror, his soul pierced by the unsettling childhood recollections of a classmate:

He described how, when he was a boy, he couldn’t figure out what a certain newscaster’s name was. The student complained that because the newscaster pronounced his name with a “Mexican” accent, he couldn’t understand it.

There are many possible explanations for this episode. But, racism?

Setting aside the sneer quotes around “Mexican” — as though there were no such thing as a Mexican accent — it is very likely that the boy complained that he could not understand the pronunciation of the broadcaster’s name not because he was a budding ethnolinguistic chauvinist but because he could not understand the pronunciation of the broadcaster’s name, any more than the typical English-speaking man walking the streets of Bakersfield can tell the शूर from the सुर. The story calls to mind a pained book chapter in which linguistic anthropologist Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer considers the famous Saturday Night Live skit in which a bunch of painfully correct Anglos in conversation with Jimmy Smits’s “Antonio Mendoza” use ever more lamely Hispanic-ish pronunciations of common English words and phrases — “Loh-HANG-ee-less” for Los Angeles, “kah-MAHRRR-oh” for the Chevy sports car, etc. Professor Ottenheimer writes that the skit expresses “the extreme ambivalence and complexity of ideologies about Spanish in the United States,” and she worries that under some interpretations Mr. Smits might be seen as “playing into the hands of anti-Spanish sentiment.” This discussion takes place under the heading “Mock Spanish: A Site for the Indexical Reproduction of Racism in American English.” Calvin and Hobbes takes a beating, too, when the racially insensitive stuffed tiger imagines himself as a fearsome potentate called “El Tigre Numero Uno.”


Nitpicking over which jihadists did what lets the Obama administration evade the real questions.


What was the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces doing through the night of September 11, 2012, while he knew Americans were under jihadist siege in Libya? You won’t learn the answer to that question by reading the mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times.

The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up. Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim terrorists — State Department technician Sean Smith and a pair of former Navy SEALs, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. Still, the Times is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

The word “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting.