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Readers of a certain age will know that Monday Night Football was not the first regularly scheduled prime-time television production of a live sporting event. Long before large numbers of Americans watched NFL football played under the lights while simultaneously being annoyed by Howard Cosell, there were the Friday Night Fights.

Officially part of the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports, the Friday Night Fights were must-see TV for sports fans in the ’40s and ’50s, or at least for sports fans with access to a television set.

The bouts were held in Madison Square Garden 3.0 (the current MSG is the fourth), and in the early years they tended to feature fighters from three demographic groups: Irish, Italian, and Jewish. As the zeitgeist began to change, more black fighters such as Sugar Ray Robinson, Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, and Ezzard Charles began to appear on the show.

Clearing an hour of network airtime was a fairly big deal in those days, and an early-round knockout would leave considerable time to be filled. When live Saturday-night boxing shows began to be broadcast a few years later, producers had a backup sporting event lined up and ready to fill out the hour — one that combined the sheer excitement of a Bill Belichick post-game press conference with the raw athleticism of a Bill Belichick post-game press conference. Make That Spare! came to you live from the Paramus Bowling Center in Paramus, N.J., and featured two professional bowlers . . . making spares. It was not as riveting as it sounds.

The way today’s televised sports events are produced and hyped bears little resemblance to the way it was done in those grittier times. The same can be said for the way boxing matches were pulled together and promoted.

Mandela Legacy and Pink Floyd Fallacy: Steve Apfel


“The rock idol ‘believes.’ And what a belief it turns out to be. A wholesale program of murder – of six million Jews burnt, executed, gassed, buried alive, worked to death, drowned at birth, and processed into usable products; and Roger Waters equates that with a Palestinian population under Israeli watch growing to 4.4 million in 2012 – up from 1.9 million in 1990.How many member countries of the United Nations can claim a growth rate of 132% in a short twelve years! And so we illuminate the rockhard quality of an old rock idol’s faith.”

It’s almost impossible to find a way through to the mind of an Israel hater like Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters. But here’s trying with a little context about life and death for Jews, Palestinians and South Africans

A one time rock idol is a man true to a faith newer than monotheism, yet stronger. Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd fame believes that Israel is guilty of the worst crimes men can inflict: genocide and ethnic cleansing.Faith, that unshakeable belief in something without proof, acts like that upon devotees. The inner heart and soul talks to men like Waters.And what they hear they hold fast to and never let go. Jews today treat Palestinians no differently to how Nazis treated Jews back in the days of Hitler. Jews carry out genocide and ethnic cleansing. Right up to the moment of death the retired rock idol will hold fast to such beliefs:“There were many people that pretended that the oppression of the Jews was not going on from 1933 until 1946. So this is not a new scenario; except that this time it’s the Palestinian people being murdered.”

Now, before we put the rock idol’s faith to the test, I’d like to pick out two words in his statement: ‘oppression’ and ‘murdered.’ The Jews were oppressed (not too fatal), while Palestinians are murdered. Why is that important?

Because Waters, being a faithful Israel boycotter, would die before he acknowledged that Jews can be victims. They can only be a ‘demonic abstraction,’ to coin the phrase of Professor Robert Wistrich. The people of Israel, for the rock idol as it was for Hitler, are a force of unequalled malice. So how can they ever be murdered?

The Most Pro-Capitalism Place in N. America? Surprise…It’s not the United States: Daniel Mitchell

The most economically free state in North America isn’t a state. It’s a Canadian province. The United States is losing ground in free enterprise to what was once dismissed as a Europe style social democracy. Stunningly beautiful, stunningly free


Back in February, I said Australia probably was the country most likely to survive and prosper as much of the world suffered fiscal collapse and social chaos.

In hindsight, I probably should have mentioned Canada as an option, in part because of pro-growth reforms in the past two decades that have significantly reduced the burden of government spending.

And I’ve already acknowledged that Canada has passed the United States in the Economic Freedom of the World rankings.

So I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that the most economically free state in North America isn’t a state. It’s a Canadian province. Here’s a map from a new report showing how sub-national jurisdictions rate for economic freedom.



Accurate test for cancer gene. Thanks to scientists at Hadassah Medical Center, a simple blood test will now detect the presence of harmful BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in otherwise healthy women. Gene expression profiling is far quicker, cheaper and more accurate than the previous method of full gene sequencing.

Slowing down to speed up DNA sequencing. Technion scientists have made a breakthrough that will improve the accuracy and speed of calculating an individual’s genome. A focused low-power green laser slows down the flow of DNA nanopores to enable sensors to get a higher-resolution analysis of the proteins in the DNA.

Seeing is believing. I featured the “talking glasses” from Israel’s OrCam in a previous newsletter, but here is a new video showing the power of the unique Israeli device for the visually impaired.

Israeli experts at G8 Dementia Summit. Israel has participated in an international summit on dementia in London, England, bringing its know-how to bear on a disease that is set to treble globally by 2050.

Digital dentistry has wide-open benefits. Thanks to the Israeli-developed Objet30 OrthoDesk 3D printer, small dental labs can now produce stone models, orthodontic appliances, delivery and positioning trays, retainers and surgical guides, which were previously only accessible by large labs.

Analyst: Secret Report Reveals Kerry’s Plan ‘Fraud’

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/175128#.Uq0vV7RCrYh Mark Langfan uncovers secret 1967 USJCoS memorandum, says it proves Kerry’s proposals are ‘fraud on Israel and the Jews.’A secret US Joint Chiefs of Staff (USJCoS) Memorandum from 1967 has been uncovered by Arutz Sheva analyst Mark Langfan. Langfan says the report proves that US Secretary of State John Kerry’s current proposed security arrangements are a “military […]



‘I don’t want to be emotional but this is one of the greatest moments of my life,” declared Nelson Mandela upon meeting the Spice Girls in 1997. So I like to think he would have appreciated the livelier aspects of his funeral observances. The Prince of Wales, who was also present on that occasion in Johannesburg, agreed with Mandela on the significance of their summit with the girls: “It is the second-greatest moment in my life,” he said. “The greatest was when I met them the first time.” His Royal Highness and at least two Spice Girls (reports are unclear) attended this week’s service in Soweto, and I’m sure it was at least the third-greatest moment in all of their lives. Don’t ask me where the other Spice Girls were. It is a melancholy reflection that the Spice Girls’ delegation was half the size of Canada’s, which flew in no fewer than four Canadian prime ministers, which is rather more Canadian prime ministers than one normally needs to make the party go with a swing.

But the star of the show was undoubtedly Thamsanqa Jantjie, the sign-language interpreter who stood alongside the world’s leaders and translated their eulogies for the deaf. Unfortunately, he translated them into total gibberish, reduced by the time of President Obama’s appearance to making random hand gestures, as who has not felt the urge to do during the great man’s speeches. Mr. Jantjie has now pleaded in mitigation that he was having a sudden hallucination because he is a violent schizophrenic. It has not been established whether he is, in fact, a violent schizophrenic, or, as with his claim to be a sign-language interpreter, merely purporting to be one. Asked how often he has been violent, he replied, somewhat cryptically, “A lot.”


Don’t just take my word for it…rsk
Product Details
Roosters of the Apocalypse: How the Junk Science of Global Warming is Bankrupting the Western World (New, Revised… by Rael Jean Isaac (Nov 25, 2013)

“Dr. Isaac, appropriately in my view, places the current concern over climate in the realm of social anthropology, rather than science. This is an extremely important observation.” From the foreward by Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Rael Jean Isaac, author of the seminal The Coercive Utopians, has produced another masterpiece, an insightful account of global warming apocalyptic thinking.” Fred Singer — Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science, the University of Virginia, first director U.S. National Weather and Satellite Service, founder and president, Science and Environmental Policy Project, coauthor Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1500 Years.

“Rael Jean Isaac has written a dynamite book exposing the corruption, hypocrisy and formulaic deception inherent in the “Global Warming,” aka “Climate Change” pseudo-scientific movement. Many books are described as “must read.” This one, seeking to debamboozle the public and condensing all the pertinent information in readerly compass, is a must-must read. “David Solway — poet, essayist, composer, author of Global Warning: The Trials of an Unsettled Science.

” In this lively and absolutely compelling book, Rael Jean Isaac–as she always does–has set her fellow Americans on the path to sanity, in this case providing them with everything they need to understand about both the recklessness with the truth and the very real threat to the future behind the politics of “global warming.” If we Americans ever find our way past this hoax, our debt to her (and to the Heartland Institute) will be immeasurable.” Midge Decter — former executive editor of Harpers and editor Basic Books, writer, recipient Medal of Freedom 2008.

” The “climatologists” predicting imminent disaster from man-made global warming descend spiritually from the Laputan astronomers in Book Three of Gulliver’s Travels. The latter “never enjoy a minute’s peace of mind” because they believe that “the sun, daily spending its rays without any nutriment to supply them,” will eventually burn out and bring “the destruction of this earth.” And Rael Jean Isaac is our Jonathan Swift, applying the lash of satire to apocalyptic dogmatism posing as science.” Edward Alexander — emeritus professor of English, University of Washington, author of The State of The Jews

” Rael Jean Isaac is an American icon whose ground breaking work has had a profound effect in several areas of study. Now Ms. Isaac has set her sights on Roosters of The Apocalypse, utopians who are using “climate change” to advance a radical agenda. These roosters are loud, boisterous and dangerous largely because they drown out contrary opinion. Fortunately there are truth tellers on the scene who are courageous and determined to reveal the facts. Rael Jean Isaac is one of those people and her new book is precisely that kind of contribution.” Herbert London — professor emeritus New York University, former president Hudson institute, president London Center for Policy Research.

” Roosters of the Apocalypse is a devastating take-down of the excesses of the environmental movement past and present, in the form of a well-reasoned, easy to digest analysis that packs equal parts reason and entertainment into a surprisingly compact package.” Rich Trzupek — Environmental consultant, author Regulators Gone Wild


When it comes to the Mideast, bad ideas never die, no matter how implausible, improbable or impractical.
I ask you to imagine what a two-state solution will mean for Israel, Palestine, Jordan and the region. Imagine what it would mean for trade and for tourism – what it would mean for developing technology and talent, and for future generations of Israeli and Palestinian children. Imagine Israel and its neighbors as an economic powerhouse in the region. – John Kerry, US secretary of state, Saban Forum, December 7.

Enough is enough. At some stage there must be a limit to the verbal garbage – I resist the strong temptation to employ a somewhat coarser epithet – that one can be subjected to before giving vent to pent-up exasperation and outrage.

A spade is still a spade.

Of late, this limit has been breached with increasing frequency – particularly when the matter of the “Palestinian issue” is broached.

As the clock runs out on the viability of the so-called “two-state-solution,” efforts to sustain it have become increasingly desperate, bizarre and disingenuous.

The annual Saban Forum held in Washington over the weekend provided ample examples of this near-hysteria, thinly veiled by the niceties of diplomatic decorum and dialect, masquerading as far-sighted diplomacy and inspired statesmanship.

No dogma, however disproven, no folly, however farcical, no notion, however nonsensical was discarded.

They were all bandied about, with great fanfare, as if they comprised a bold, yet-untried vision of a new future for peace, prosperity and regional understanding – rather than a proven recipe for calamity.

But smooth semantics cannot transform frenetic fantasy into sound substance. Merely because one describes a spade as a “manually operated device whose principal function is the creation of elevation differentials on the surface of the earth” does not mean that a spade is anything more lofty or exalted than a spade.

Similarly, shying away from more earthy and abrasive expressions will not transform utter absurdities into pearls of wisdom, no matter who is articulating them and no matter how glittering the setting in which they do so.

So no matter how prominent and preeminent the participants at the Saban Forum were, what took place in Washington was, well… wacko.




Speaking at the International Women’s Forum, Mandela said “if there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.”

Mandela said U.S. President George W. Bush covets the oil in Iraq “because Iraq produces 64 percent of the oil in the world. What Bush wants is to get hold of that oil.” In fact Iraq contributes to only 5 percent of world oil exports.

Mandela, a frequent critic of US policy on Iraq, also said that countries were only challenging the mandate of the United Nations now because Secretary-General Kofi Annan is black.

A threat to world peace “I have also said when the secretary-generals were white, we never had the question of any country ignoring the United Nations,” he said.


Statements Loewen has made to FBI Employee 1 reflect his desire to engage in violent jihadl on behalf of al Qaeda.

“As time goes on I care less and less about what other people think of me, or my views of lslam. I have been studying subjects like jihad, martyrdom operations, and Sharia law. I don’t understand how you can read the Qur’an and the sunnah3 of the Prophet (saw)a and not understand that jihad and the implementation of Sharia is absolutely demanded of all the Muslim Ummah.”

I do agree on one thing; the one thing we are doing wrong is that all 1.5 billion of us don’t rise up against the rest of the world and tell THEM how it’s going to be. lnshallah,T it will happen soon.”

Loewen left a letter dated December 71,7013 for a family member describing his intent to conduct a martyrdom operation. It reads in part:

“By the time you read this I will – if everything went as planned- have been martyred in the path of Allah. There will have been an event at the airport which I am responsible for. The operation was timed to cause maximum carnage + death.”

Muslim Convert Plotted Suicide Bombing at Wichita Airport for “Allah”

What the report is clumsily getting at is the idea that Islam is legitimate in private practice, but not in public imposition. It’s Islam when a Muslim goes to a mosque or avoids alcohol, but Islamism when he harasses barflies or chops off heads under the dictates of Islamic law. Unfortunately this distinction has no meaning in Islam which was never rewired to function as a private religion in a secular state.

The Extremism report talks around these basic facts. The solution of all the extremism projects is to combat Islamic theocracy by having governments distinguish “good Islam” from “bad Islam”. It’s a silly and awkward solution because it creates a government religion in the name of combating a government religion.

In totalitarian movements, the difference between the moderates and extremists lies only in the paths that they take to the same final goal. The radicals want action now. The moderates are willing to wait until the demographics are firmly on their side. The radicals want to blow up buses. The moderates want to expand immigration numbers. And both totalitarian paths ultimately lead to Londonistan.The UK Confronts Islamism

After telling her to take a shower, because it was customary to wash after sex in his culture, he raped her again. Judge Cannon said Derwish, who is incontinent and had been binge eating while being held in custody because of anxiety, had suffered bullying behind bars. 330lb Muslim Rapist Who Claimed Bin Laden Ties Complains of Prison Bullying

“Fighting Against Jews To Return Islamic Sex To The World” – Muslims can’t even publish a sex guide without anti-Semitism
South Africa is for all intents and purposes a one-party state. And it was Mandela who blasted opposition Democratic Party voters as white racists who “would one day die with a heavy conscience.” As a Communist, Mandela had always envisioned a one-party state.