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The deep blob Beware the suffocating metastasis of the administrative state Roger Kimball

…….Here The New York Times has spent the last three years running interference for the Democratic party, skirling hysterically against candidate Trump, then President Trump, and minimizing every evidence of wrongdoing by the Hillary-Fusion GPS-rogue intelligence and law enforcement contingent while simultaneously coming done like a ton of bricks against anyone associated with the President, from Michael Flynn on down.

And now we have Andrew McCabe, former Acting Director of the FBI, beginning his book tour with an interview on 60 Minutes in which he admits that he was at the center of a plot to unseat the President of the United States. The Times put it this way: ‘McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out.’

There follows a few hundred words of brow-wrinkled prose about their ‘so alarmed,’ ‘dire concerns’ that the President had just fired their guy, FBI director James ‘higher loyalty’ Comey, that they got together and wondered how they could entice the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to collude (ooo, there’s that word!) to invoke the 25th Amendment and jettison a guy they didn’t approve of.

The Times story is cast in their best anodyne prose, carefully tilted to make it seem as if this was perfectly reasonable, business-as-usual stuff.

But it wasn’t reasonable, and it is business-as-usual only in a banana republic or a polity that is essentially ruled by hyper-bureaucratized administrative apparatus.

‘Justice Department Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out.’ Even for the Times that must have been a twisted cue.

‘Justice Department Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out.’ Think about it. On May 9. the President fires his employee, James Comey. Panic in Bureau. Scarcely a week later, the Big Boy Scout, Robert Mueller is appointed by Rod Rosenstein to be Special Counsel in charge of the Get Trump battalion. It’s a real flood the zone operation. Pre-dawn raids, full-press intimidation, careers ruined.

President Trump Needs To Stop Activists From Controlling The Country With Universal Injunctions So long as universal injunctions exist, plaintiffs will be able to impose their policy preferences on the entire country, if they find a willing judge. by Ben Weingarten


Facing a divided Congress comprised largely of hostile, intransigent establishmentarians, President Trump’s ability to advance his agenda going into 2020 will likely be limited to where he can exercise executive authority. With the clock ticking on his first term, and finite resources, the president’s best strategic play is to fight where he has the greatest odds of winning, and for which the impact of such wins will be most far-reaching.

So if President Trump wishes to achieve his goals now and in the future, particularly in national security and foreign policy, he must challenge the tool the Resistance most uses to thwart him: Universal injunctions.

The concept of universal injunctions would shock most Americans. Such injunctions permit a single one of the more than 600 federal district judges overseeing the case of a single party to block the executive branch from enforcing or implementing a law, regulation, executive order, or policy for every American across the country over the typically many years the case is litigated.

Stated simply: Universal injunctions give an unelected judge power over the president, shunting aside the considered judgment of the people’s representatives in Congress and the presidency.

Wars We Were Never Meant to Win by Linda Goudsmit

: http://lindagoudsmit.com

It has been over 17 years since George Bush announced the war on terrorism and 47 years since Richard Nixon announced the war on drugs.

Does anyone wonder why the most powerful nation on earth has not won either? I do.

The current border war and heated debate over the building of a security wall on our southern border sounds disturbingly familiar.

Terrorism, illegal drugs, and the flow of illegal immigrants are all weapons in the hybrid war being waged against America by those with common cause to destabilize and collapse America from within. Unlike a traditional military war using bombs and bullets, the hybrid war uses political warfare, lawfare, and fake news to destroy the enemy – but exactly WHO are the players in this unconventional war? Who is the enemy? What is at stake?

America is threatened by domestic enemies within who are collaborating with foreign enemies to destabilize America and bring her into the fold of internationalized one world government. Americanism is being attacked by globalism.

Globalism is not to be confused with global trade. Globalism is a system of internationalized government – a new world order of global citizenship with global citizens being ruled by the globalist elites under the auspices of the corrupt United Nations. So, what is the problem? What is wrong with the globalist vision of one world government? EVERYTHING if you value your freedom! This is the way it works.

America-first President Donald J. Trump is the existential enemy of globalism. He is an American patriot who insists upon national sovereignty, secure borders, and adherence to the Constitution.

So, who are the domestic enemies of American sovereignty, secure borders, and adherence to the Constitution?

● Obama and his entire resistance movement

Rep. Omar’s Anti-Semitism is Just CAIR’s Anti-Semitism Pull on the string of Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism and you go right back to the Muslim Brotherhood. Daniel Greenfield


Rep. Ilhan Omar defended the anti-Semitic Black Israelites hate group in January. In February, she was originally scheduled to speak at an Islamic Relief USA dinner alongside IRUSA’s Yousef Abdallah who had endorsed violence against Jews and described former Governor Chris Christie “down on his knees before the jewish lords and masters… only money makes stuff like this happen.”

Abdallah’s comments were very similar to the anti-Semitic Twitter slurs that got Omar in trouble.

That’s not a coincidence. Omar’s worldview, including her anti-Semitism, was shaped by a familiar network of Islamist organizations which control life for most Muslims in the United States.

In March, Rep. Omar is headed to California to speak at CAIR’s Los Angeles dinner. There she will appear alongside CAIR’s Florida boss Hassan Shibly who has defended Hamas and vocally praised Hezbollah. “Israel & it’s supporters are enemies of God and humanity!” he had tweeted.

Shibly has vocally defended Rep. Omar over her comments about Jews.

Rep. Omar’s comments about Jews are a commonplace CAIR talking point. Nihad Awad, the co-founder and executive director of CAIR, had made an even more explicit version of the same argument. “Who of Clinton’s advisors … is opposing the latest agreement with Iraq? Look at their names. Look at … their ethnic or religious or racial background.”

“The Jews plan to distort Islam’s image and have succeeded in their plans,” he later claimed.

A Lesson in Anti-Semitism Look across the pond to see where the Democrats could end up.


Bipartisan support for Israel has long been a feature of American politics. But as the Democratic Party moves further left, it is increasingly home to vociferous anti-Israel voices. An anti-Semitism crisis in the United Kingdom’s Labour Party shows what happens when a political party doesn’t rebut such views.

Labour General Secretary Jennie Formby recently announced that the party had received 673 complaints of anti-Semitic acts by its members in the past 10 months. These numbers are likely low. Margaret Hodge, a longtime Labour Member of Parliament, said she had filed some 200 grievances since the fall. Well-known television personality Rachel Riley has been subject to vile online abuse for her efforts to expose Labour anti-Semitism.

This is a lesson for U.S. Democrats tempted to excuse anti-Semitism in their ranks as over-enthusiastic political opposition to Israeli policies from neophyte politicians. That’s how Labour chief Jeremy Corbyn got his start, attacking Israel from Parliament’s back benches. After hailing Hamas and Hezbollah representatives as “our friends” and attending a wreath-laying at the graves of 1972 Munich terrorists, Mr. Corbyn and Labour tried last summer to blur the line between anti-Israel views and anti-Semitism when adopting a definition of the latter for use in party disciplinary matters.

The Hypocrisy of Honoring Henry Ford By Alex Grobman, PhD


The decision by the city of Dearborn, Michigan, to honor Henry Ford should raise concerns for all Americans, not only Jews. Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, accused Jews of being the cause of World War I. He also made references about the house of Rothschild being the symbol of avaricious bankers who plotted conflict for financial gain. As the hostilities in Europe increased, accusations that Jews were the instigators of wars for profit became more frequent.

In 1920, the first American edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a known forgery published by the Czarist Russian secret police to justify persecution and pogroms directed at Russian Jewish citizens, was published in The Protocols and World Revolution by Boris Brasol, a leader of the Russian monarchist movement in the U.S. By the end of the year there were three editions from which to choose. Brasol was responsible for convincing Henry Ford of the authenticity of the Protocols, which Ford then published in his “International Jew” series in the Dearborn Independent.

Titled “The International Jew: The World’s Problem,” the first article in this consecutive series appeared on May 22, 1920, and then sporadically until 1927.

The hostile slanderous nature of Ford’s antisemitic articles is evident in their titles, which included “The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in America,” “Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Baseball,” “How the Jewish Song Trust Makes you Sing,” “Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music,” “How Jews Gained American Liquor Control” and “The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold.”

Andrew McCarthy: Mueller’s report is for an audience of one, but it isn’t President Trump


Scathing remarks directed at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe by John Dowd, President Trump’s former criminal defense lawyer, are understandably drawing attention. I am less interested in the ad hominem than in the salient issues Dowd has raised.

Dowd described Mueller’s investigation as a “terrible waste of time,” suggesting that there are no crimes and that the exercise was one of score-settling for “a cabal in the FBI” opposed to the president.

Therefore, the lawyer expects that the special counsel’s much-anticipated final report will never materialize, at least for public consumption. “I will be shocked,” Dowd declaimed, “if anything regarding the president is made public other than, ‘We’re done.’”


This brings to the fore some legal issues worth sorting out.

First, there certainly will be a final report by the special counsel. The regulations governing special counsel appointments by the Justice Department state: “At the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.”

The Future They’re Planning for Us by Mark Steyn


Two contrasting approaches to population growth:

~First, the American policy, per the Census Bureau:

The Census Bureau is projecting that the population of the United States will hit 404 million by 2060, and nearly all of the net growth will be from immigrants and their families.

A new analysis of the figures shows that of the 79 million more in 2060, 75 million will be legal and illegal immigrants and their families, a population the size of France and Belgium combined.

Without immigration, according to the Census analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. population would increase by just 3.7 million, the latest sign that the country is on a path to zero native population growth.

Did anyone ask the American people if they want to be a country of 400 million people by mid-century? What else will be happening round about then? Oh, yeah:

Will Jobs Exist In 2050?

What will the job market look like by 2050? Will 40% of roles have been lost to automation – as predicted by Oxford university economists Dr Carl Frey and Dr Michael Osborne – or will there still be jobs even if the nature of work is exceptionally different from today?

For example, there may be plenty of jobs available handing out welfare checks at the Unemployment Benefit Office. In which case, America’s decision to turn itself into the world’s longest dole line will look like a smart move.

Democrats and Anti-Semitism The problem isn’t ‘tropes’ that are ‘hurtful.’ It’s policies that aim to wipe out the only Jewish nation. By Abigail Shrier


The Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem, and it isn’t subtle. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted Sunday that congressional support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins baby,” a slang term for $100 bills—a straightforward accusation that American lawmakers who support the Jewish state are being bought off. Who does she think is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, the Forward’s opinion editor asked. “AIPAC!” Ms. Omar gleefully replied, notwithstanding that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee does not contribute to political campaigns.

House Democratic leaders—though none of the Democrats running for president—quickly condemned Ms. Omar’s smear, saying in a statement that her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters” was “hurtful” and “deeply offensive.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said her “anti-Semitic stereotype” was “offensive and irresponsible.”

All true, but beside the point.

That Ms. Omar would slander Israel is disturbing not because of the feelings it tramples. Since her appointment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, her statement raises alarm about how her enmity for the world’s only Jewish country—and the world’s largest Jewish population—might translate into policy aims. The issues for Israel’s supporters are security and survival, not hurt feelings, which are trivial in comparison. Assuming that all Jews love gefilte fish, play klezmer music, and suffer overbearing mothers? Those are stereotypes. Actively working to isolate Israel and accusing pro-Israel Jews of bribing Congress isn’t “insensitive.” It’s something far darker and more malevolent.

The Furies in Congress by Linda Goudsmit

http://goudsmit.pundicity.com/22344/the-furies-in-congress http://goudsmit.pundicity.com

In ancient Greek mythology the Furies are the three goddesses of Vengeance, Jealousy, and Anger. They are the daughters of Mother Earth Gaia and her son Father Sky Uranus. The Furies are infamous for taking vengeance on men and punishing all crimes including breaking the rules of society by striking the offenders with madness.

The Furies in ancient mythology dispensed vigilante justice and were the “guardians of the law when the state had not yet intervened or did not exist, or when the crime was a crime of ethics and not actual law.” Here is the problem – we don’t live in ancient Greece and we are not characters in a mythological story. We live in the United States of America, the greatest experiment in liberty and individual freedom the world has ever known.

For 242 years our Constitution has been the supreme law of the land that provides the national frame of government and rules of society to guide American life. Our Founding Fathers envisioned ordered liberty based on individualism, personal responsibility, and the meritocracy. Their economic principles included property rights, free markets, and sound money.

In the last several decades the radical left has engaged in a culture war against the United States that seeks to undermine the Constitution and replace it with a “living document” that would support collectivism aka socialism.

The Furies in Congress Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar are the spawn of the radical leftist narrative that embraces liberalism’s dogmatic tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. These three women were elected by a segment of the American electorate who embrace radical leftism’s orthodoxy.

The new secular religion Leftism embraces the antisemitism of Islamic sharia law, the Marxist hatred of American capitalism, and the misandry (hatred of men) of the ancient Greek Furies. The Leftists in Washington have common cause to collapse America’s representative republic but what are they offering to replace it? This is where the Leftist alliance collapses.