“O” lie? Depends upon the meaning of “good plan”….
What lies at the root of Team Obama’s defense of “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period.”? In essence, Team Obama channels Bill Clinton’s famous line (0:05) during l’affaire Monica, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’, is.” Yet one estimate is that up to 129 million Americans may lose existing coverage. Many will wind up paying more money for less in benefits.
Comparing TV exchanges involving voters losing their policy versus the argument of ObamaCare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, one sees two sharply conflicting definitions of what a “good” insurance plan is: Voters view the question solely from a personal criterion: what they consider a good plan for themselves and their families; Team Obama applies a social criterion, that of paying a surcharge to cover what they consider to be the needs of others.
Team Obama further argues that such mandated subsidies are often repaid later when voters fall ill. In response to questioning by host Chris Wallace, Emanuel said on Fox News Sunday that while a 59-year old may pay for someone else’s maternity care that she herself does not need, she may get cancer or a stroke later, and in such event her financial costs will be largely subsidized by others
Team Obama’s key device for stripping away existing insurance coverage was theObamaCare “grandfather” rule establishing stringent criteria for qualifying plans–any more than $5 co-pay increase made plans ineligible–under ObamaCare (one of which is coverage for pre-existing conditions, an economic loser for all firms unless subsidized or reimbursed); these criteria Team Obama knew most plans would not meet.
Betsy McCaughey, co-slayer of HillaryCare (see links below), explains the deception and also how unions were exempted from the onerous grandfather rules: