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Bolivia’s Descent Into Rogue State Status: Mary Anastasia O’Grady…..see note


Alas, Bolivia…..I was born and nurtured there. Thousands of Jews found a haven in Bolivia where they were treated hospitably by the residents and never harassed or oppressed. ….Dictators came and went. They were tin pot tyrants but none as brazen and criminal as Evo Morales, a cretinous Hugo Chavez clone…..rsk

The country is a hub for organized crime and a safe haven for terrorists.

In the years after a brutal 10-year Soviet occupation, Afghanistan became a petri dish in which a culture of organized crime, radical politics and religious fundamentalism festered—and where Osama bin Laden set up operations.

Now something similar may be happening in Bolivia. The government is an advocate for coca growers. The Iranian presence is increasing. And reports from the ground suggest that African extremists are joining the fray.

Bolivian President Evo Morales, who is also the elected president of the coca producers’ confederation, and Vice President Alvaro García Linera, formerly of the Maoist Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, began building their repressive narco-state when they took office in 2006.

Step one was creating a culture of fear. Scores of intellectuals, technocrats and former government officials were harassed. Many fled.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/prez-clueless-over-mideast-mayhem This week the president plugged the toll-free number for Obamacare, urging citizens to join by calling in rather than logging in if they want a health care policy. My question: Which toll-free number do we call if we’re looking for a foreign policy? The fact is that while we’ve been understandably distracted by domestic […]


http://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/2013/10/still-bickering-over-balfour/?utm_source=Mosaic+Daily+Email&utm_campaign=96e25acaf1-Mosaic_2013_10_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0b0517b2ab-96e25acaf1-41165129 Still bickering over Balfour Last year, on the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the former Palestinian minister, Nabil Shaath, wrote an article in the Daily Telegraph attacking Britain for issuing its famous statement of support for the establishment in Eretz Yisrael of a national home for the Jewish people. Shaath called the Balfour […]


Will We Ever Be Forgiven for the Holocaust? The question is rhetorical. When will Jews be forgiven the Holocaust? Never.

“Criticism of Israel functions as a sort of antiseptic bath, or mikveh — no matter how mired in the impurities of anti-Semitism you might be when you go in, you come out as fragrant as a bride awaiting her groom.”


Howard Jacobson, Man Booker Prize winner and author of such novels as “Kalooki Nights” and “The Finkler Question,” delivered this year’s Jerusalem Address at the B’Nai Brith World Center in Jerusalem, from which this essay has been adapted.

The shocking psychological truth is that man rejects the burden of guilt by turning the tables on those we have wronged and portraying ourselves as the victims of their suffering. The Roman historian Tacitus spells it out. “It is part of human life,” he wrote, “to hate the man you have hurt.” Those we harm, we blame — mobilizing dislike and even hatred in order to justify, after the event, the harm we did. From which it must follow that those who are harmed the most, as in the case of the Shoah — are blamed the most.

Holocaust denial, in any of its forms, obeys this pattern. For foisting the lie of the 6 million upon the world, Jews are accused of compounding the wickedness that was the just cause of the Holocaust — had it only happened — in the first place. By virtue of the way Jews cynically exploit the Holocaust to serve their political and financial purposes today, are they shown to be deserving of what they suffered yesterday or, rather, since there was no Holocaust, what they ought to have suffered yesterday.

Must the terrible logic that ensures — that an irreparable wrong will never be forgiven — induce in us an equally terrible vigilance: Instead of Never Forget, must our motto be Never Mention? Is silence the only precaution we can take against its happening again?

The creation of the State of Israel was meant to settle that question for us. In many ways it does, and in many ways it still doesn’t. For some Jews, it is precisely Israel we need to stay shtum about. Such a refusal of sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust, grounded in this modern rehashing of the libel of the grasping, heartless Jew, is retrospective blame in action.

Hebron, Always and for Eternity -Jerold Auerbach ****


Forty years ago I was invited to participate in a journey to Israel that transformed my life. Ironically, it was sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, which had once been resolute in its opposition to a Jewish state. But Yehuda Rosenman, a Polish refugee who became a Committee executive, believed that even disaffected American Jewish academics might discover something about themselves in Israel. It was birthright before Birthright.

Midway during the two-week trip, we were bussed to Hebron to meet with Mayor Ali Ja-abari. Driving through the city, I glimpsed a massive rectangular stone structure topped by twin turrets. What is it, I asked our guide Tuvia. Me’arat haMachpelah, he responded. I had never heard of it. After Mayor Ja-abari’s talk, Tuvia whispered to me: “Ask him what his family did in 1929.” I didn’t understand the significance of the date, but dutifully asked. The mayor gave me a sharp glance and turned away.

I left Hebron with unanswered questions, eager to return for answers. During my Fulbright professorship in Israel the following year I spent endless hours wandering through Jerusalem’s Old City, determined to overcome my ignorance of Jewish history. Along the way, a friendship of sorts, fueled by my burgeoning collection of ancient Israelite pottery, developed with an Arab antiquities dealer.

When Ibrahim sold me an ancient pot from Hebron, I casually suggested that I would love to visit the city. The following week he closed his tiny shop for the day and drove me there with my two young children. We walked through the crowded shuk near the abandoned Jewish Quarter and climbed the steps to Machpelah. By then I knew that Muslims, in an early example of Jewish identify theft for which Palestinians have become notorious in the modern era, had converted the revered burial site of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs into a mosque that Jews were prohibited from entering for seven centuries before 1967.

ANNE BAYEFSKY: Europe, US Pressuring Israel to Endure Discrimination at UN Human Rights Council

www.HumanRightsVoices.org. The United Nations is gearing up for yet another attack upon Israel – even more outrageous on this occasion because it has been arranged in the name of equality. The so-called “Universal Periodic Review” (UPR), will take place in Geneva on October 29, 2013, under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council. The […]

The United States is Losing the Middle East Coalition by Mordechai Kedar

Also posted at:http://israelagainstterror.blogspot.com/2013/10/mordechai-kedar-united-states-is-losing.html Ever since the seventies, the world has become accustomed to the split in the Middle East, between those countries that support the West – Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Israel, and we might add Turkey to this list as well. This coalition was strong mainly because of […]


Law enforcement throughout the U.S. has been receiving armored vehicles, grenade launchers, helicopters, assault rifles, night-vision goggles, etc. – some even TANKS! Posse Comitatus has been dying a gradual death as police departments “gear up” and military reservists gain the legitimacy to mobilize in the homeland. In violation of the Constitution, Obama has “acquired” the authority to deploy American war fighters within U.S. borders in the advent of an “insurrection.” (Tea Party patriots? Evangelical Christians? Retired veterans? Pro-life supporters?)Coupled with Interpol’s carte blanche powers and immunity from discovery and prosecution (Obama-Amended Executive Order 12425 – December 2009), the death knell has been sounded for the Constitutional republ

Janet Levy,

By NWV News Writer Jim Kouri

© 2013 NewsWithViews.com

American communities continue to be increasingly policed by law enforcement officers armed with the weapons and tactics of war, according to the left-wing activists at the American Civil Liberties Union.

However, utilization of military equipment by local police departments throughout the United States – some call it the “militarization” of American policing – has been going on for quite some time. Now, observers ask whether this trend might have repercussions that are making citizens uneasy, according to a Homeland Security Newswire report on Monday.

Police departments generally receive the equipment for free, according to the report. “The gear being sent to local police includes planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, grenade launchers, assault rifles, bullet-proof helmets, night-vision goggles, and more. A few sheriff departments ordered tanks,”the report states.


Send a letter to the editor of The Tennessean and the The Daily News Journal regarding the appearance of Jamal Badawi at The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro on November 3rd.
Letters need to be 250 words or less. Be respectful and factual in your comments.
Submit to these two newspapers by clicking on the links below
The Tennessean
The Daily News Journal

Talking points:

Is there a problem with the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, who’s Imam professes to be a “moderate” having a radical extremist on a panel?
Jamal Badawi is the extremist
He supports suicide bombing
Badawi has sat on the board of a group that religiously authorized the killing of US troops
Individually named as an uninidicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terrorism financing trial in US history
Founded the Muslim American Society, an overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA
Promotes wife beating if not on the face
Justifies death sentence for apostates
Says Gaza-based terrorists were fighting a jihad and that those who were killed were martyrs


http://michaelcutler.net/ Hi Gang: In my latest commentary for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization), I took on the way that USCIS deals with a tsunami of applications each and every day.  The lack of integrity to the immigration benefits program creates a national security vulnerability that has, on many previous occasions been exploited by terrorists operating […]