Dangerous Times: Nobody can Deny Violent Islam http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/09/nobody_can_deny_violent_islam.html No one can deny the nature of jihad after last week’s horrors in Kenya were broadcast around the world. Everybody who saw the brutal Nairobi mall killings gets it. But our profoundly corrupt and Muslim-penetrated media and political class will keep denying those horrors. British PM David […]
It’s the law of the land.”
This is rapidly becoming the preferred shorthand argument for why criticism of Obamacare is just so, so wrong. It also serves as the lead sentence of a larger claim that all attempts to overturn the Affordable Care Act are really symptoms of a kind of extremist right-wing lunacy.
For instance, here’s Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who walked out of the painting American Gothic to deliver this homespun wisdom: “We’re not going to bow to tea-party anarchists who deny the mere fact that Obamacare is the law. We will not bow to tea-party anarchists who refuse to accept that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional.”
Where to begin? For starters, I know a great many self-described members of the Tea Party, and I’ve yet to meet one who would not acknowledge — admittedly with dismay — that Obamacare is the law. Nor have I met one unwilling to concede that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional. Though from my informal polling, I can report that most think the Court’s reasoning left much to be desired (logic, persuasiveness, consistency, etc.).
Lurking beneath such lazy rhetoric is a nasty psychological insinuation that there’s something deranged not just about opposing Obamacare, but about being a conservative. This is an ancient smear, used to discredit conservatives in order to avoid debating them.
Reid is a dim and sallow man whose tin ear long ago started to rust. But it’s worth pointing out that “anarchy” is not defined in any textbook or dictionary I can find as “the absence of Obamacare.” While, yes, it’s true that Mad Max, most zombie movies, and other post-apocalyptic films are set in worlds without Obamacare, that’s really not the most salient factor.
More to the point, petitioning Congress to repeal a bad law through formal procedures is not the kind of behavior educated people normally associate with anarchism. Indeed, the hypocrisy of liberals who find it somehow “extreme” for citizens to organize peacefully to overturn a law they consider bad and unjust is a marvel to behold. The Fugitive Slave Act was once the law of the land. So was the Defense of Marriage Act. Were those determined to overturn them anarchists?
On an almost daily basis, I get a fundraising e-mail from a Democrat or from liberal outfits begging for help to overturn Citizens United, which in case you hadn’t heard is the law of the land. Why won’t these anarchists and extremists accept that the Supreme Court has ruled? I cannot wait for the Supreme Court to overrule Roe v. Wade, just to hear liberals announce, “Well, the fight is over. The Court has spoken.”
Nearly the whole story of American liberalism is a story of dedicated ideologues seeking to overturn what they consider to be bad laws and replace them with good ones. Sometimes those efforts were laudable, as when they fought to overturn the doctrine of “separate but equal” (despite fierce opposition from Democrats). And sometimes they are lamentable, as when they routinely labor to overturn or deny school-choice laws, consigning underprivileged children to horrible schools just to placate teachers’ unions. But when conservatives try to do the exact same thing, they can’t simply be wrong, according to liberals. They must be demented extremists, anarchists, and — another favorite epithet these days — nihilists.
With new films, Hollywood finally telling story of fledgling Israeli Air Force
Some 65 years after a band of foreign volunteers took to the skies to ensure Israel’s birth and survival, filmmakers are racing to bring their exploits to the screen before the last of the breed passes away.
Among the competing producers and their financial backers are such famous names as Spielberg and Lansky. And though their budgets fall well short of Hollywood blockbuster standards, their competitive spirits are just as intense.
Nancy Spielberg, the youngest of Steven Spielberg’s three sisters, is the producer of “Above and Beyond: The Creation of the Israeli Air Force.” Her main challenger is Mike Flint with his “Angels in the Sky: The Birth of Israel.” His father, Mitchell, battled the Japanese in the skies of World War II before joining Israel’s famous 101st Squadron in 1948.
Spielberg, who lives in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, N.Y., and Flint, of Los Angeles, are facing competition from Boaz Dvir of the University of Florida in Gainesville, who has been working on “A Wing and a Prayer” since 2007.
The three films focus on the overseas pilots who made up 90 percent of the fledgling Israeli Air Force in the first desperate months after Israel declared its independence in May 1948. The pilots came mainly from English-speaking countries; nearly all of them were veterans of World War II. In Israel, they were officially members of Machal, the Hebrew acronym for “volunteers from outside the land.”
“First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.” There’s a clear connection between Jews being attacked and driven out of Muslim countries during the last century to today’s increased persecution of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa.Sadly, Christians did little to help victimized Jews, ignoring “the canary in the mine.” Some calmed themselves and assuaged their guilt by tracing the purge to just punishment for Jewish non-acceptance of Jesus as a messiah. However, time and time again, the maxim, “What begins with the Jews never ends with the Jews,” proves true.
When will Christians, who number 2.1 billion, acknowledge and stand up to the evil that confronts them and other non-Muslims worldwide? Where are the voices of Christian leadership as the carnage of their brethren reaches epidemic proportions?
Janet Levy,Los Angeles
The Persecution of Christians: “Turn the Other Cheek”
by Stu Bykofsky
Philadelphia Daily News
To our readers: This is an important article by Stu Bykofsky, a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News from today’s Philadelphia Daily News on how the world is ignoring the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries.
A RELIGIOUS minority is being persecuted, driven from their homes, robbed, raped, murdered.
From all the faux Islamophobia hysteria, you’d think it was Muslims.
It’s Christians, under a death sentence in parts of the Muslim world. Not in every Muslim country, but in too many.
The world remains remarkably, willfully blind and mute as the faithful of the world’s largest religion are blown apart by followers of the world’s second-largest religion.
Precise Christian persecution “figures are hard to come by,” says Kiri Kankhwende, spokesman for Christian Solidarity Worldwide, in the United Kingdom. Precise or not, things have rarely been worse. And who cares?
I am not a Christian, but I belong to a minority with a long history of persecution. The electrifying experience of the Holocaust, when the world stood mute, shapes my belief that it should happen “never again” to anyone. When the world is silent, slaughter follows.
Destination: Jewish Barbados A family celebration with the oldest Jewish congregation in the Western Hemisphere
BRIDGETOWN – In 2014, Congregation Nidhe Israel in Barbados will turn 360, making it the oldest Jewish community in the Western Hemisphere.
The story of Jewish Barbados is one of escape, freedom, piracy, trade, secret identities, sugarcane, intermarriage, assimilation, windmills, conversion, slavery, emigration, restoration.
It is a story of mysteries and remnants.
It is one that Robin Walcott knows well. A descendant of one of the first English families to arrive on the island, Walcott has spent his life exploring the various cultures and historical threads that weave through his homeland.
As a veteran of the hospitality business, he has shared his pride and knowledge with countless visitors to the island. After managing several successful restaurants along the west coast, Walcott opened Beach View, a popular family resort in Paynes Bay, which he manages together with his younger daughter, Carrie.
http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/korol/130928 The mission of San Diego State University shall be to provide well-balanced, high quality education for undergraduate and graduate students and to contribute to knowledge and the solution of problems through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. The university shall impart an appreciation and broad understanding of human experience throughout the […]
Daniel Halper: Another Yalta Conference. From Churchill, FDR, and Stalin to Blair, Clinton, and Pinchuk. http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/another-yalta-conference_757228.htmlYalta On a charter flight from Kiev to Simferopol, before our two-hour drive here, I’m asked by the earnest reporter seated next to me whether I know what Victor Pinchuk looks like. I give a vague description—tired from having traveled […]
Ayear ago, when Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic nominee for governor of Virginia, was a cog in the Obama campaign, he insisted that Mitt Romney had to come clean with his financial documents. “By not releasing them,” he said, “the imagination runs wild.”
So what is Terry McAuliffe trying to hide now? When he was asked in Wednesday night’s gubernatorial debate why he hasn’t released more of his tax returns, he lapsed into a tap dance. Fred Astaire he is not. “I’ve gone beyond what the last governors have done, when Gov. Kaine, Gov. Warner and Gov. McDonnell ran,” he said. “I’ve gone up and beyond that.” Then he abruptly changed the subject to an attack on his Republican rival, state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.
Our imagination is running wild. Earlier this year, Mr. McAuliffe released a six-page summary of his tax returns, showing that he earned about $16.5 million in the years 2009 through 2011. The summary lacked the detail he insisted Republicans must provide. Even his “modified limited hangout,” as the Nixon White House once called such summaries, was offered only in response to Mr. Cuccinelli’s providing eight years of complete tax returns. His returns showed his income between 2005 and 2012 ranged from a high of $264,296 in 2005 to a low of $134,078 in 2009.
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/27/pruden-the-bad-boy-at-the-party/ Ted Cruz has been a bad boy, and deserves a good spanking. That’s the message his colleagues in the Senate, particularly his Republican colleagues, have been sending to him. They just couldn’t find anyone big enough to deliver the spanking, and now they never can. His marathon speech — argument persists over whether it […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/node/359692/print Texas senator Ted Cruz’s 21-hour 19-minute soliloquy this week apotheosized Republican dissatisfaction with Obamacare. Likewise, the GOP House recently voted to finance everything in Washington, minus the so-called Affordable Care Act. A real surprise lies behind these headlines: Democrats are falling out of love with Obamacare. Last year, according to a Washington Post/ABC News […]