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Military Crippled By Budget Showdown, Pentagon Officials Say ….Grim Picture

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/19/budget-uncertainty-crippl_n_3957489.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl6%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D378317 * Army chief says cuts jeopardize ability to fight a major war * Warnings come as Congress squares off over 2014 spending * Effective planning requires budget stability- Air Force nominee By David Alexander WASHINGTON, Sept 19 (Reuters) – With U.S. lawmakers spoiling for another fight over federal spending ahead of the new fiscal […]



STOCKHOLM — Scientists working on a landmark U.N. report on climate change are struggling over how to address a wrinkle in the meteorological data that has given ammunition to global-warming skeptics: The heating of Earth’s surface appears to have slowed in the past 15 years even though greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.

For years, skeptics have touted what looks like a slowdown in surface warming since 1998 to cast doubt on the scientific consensus that humans are cooking the planet by burning coal, oil and natural gas.

Scientists and statisticians have dismissed the purported slowdown as a statistical mirage, arguing among other things that it reflects random climate fluctuations and an unusually hot year picked as the starting point for charting temperatures. They also say the data suggests the “missing” heat is simply settling – temporarily – in the ocean.

But as scientists study the issue, the notion of a slowdown has gained more mainstream attention, putting pressure on the authors of the new U.N. report to deal with it.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is expected to assert that global warming is continuing. It is also expected to affirm with greater certainty than ever before the link between global warming and human activity.

Leaked documents obtained by The Associated Press show there are deep concerns among governments over how to address the purported slowdown ahead of next week’s meeting of the IPCC.

“I think to not address it would be a problem because then you basically have the denialists saying, `Look, the IPCC is silent on this issue,'” said Alden Meyer of the Washington-based advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists.

In a leaked June draft of the report’s summary for policymakers, the IPCC said that while the rate of warming between 1998 and 2012 was about half the average rate since 1951, the globe is still heating up. As for the apparent slowdown, it cited natural variability in the climate system, as well as cooling effects from volcanic eruptions and a downward phase in solar activity.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/winning-the-war-of-ideas-for-islamic-hearts-and-minds?f=puball The “war of ideas is the primary arena of conflict,” stated Jamestown Foundation Senior Fellow Stephen Ulph at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center on September 6, 2013.  Ulph spoke as part of an all-star expert lineup discussing the international struggle against militant Islam during a daylong briefing by the Westminster Institute (WI) entitled “al-Qaeda […]



I spent the better part of my life during the Cold War that began at the end of World War Two in 1945 and did not end until the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991. It was replaced by the Russian Federation and the competition continues.

On February 22, 1946, George F. Kennan, a junior Foreign Service officer serving in the American embassy in Moscow sent the first of a long series of dispatches to the State Department regarding Soviet intransigence, recommending a policy of “containment” of its expansive tendencies. It became the U.S. policy throughout the whole of the Cold War. Nine Presidents maintained it.

The war wasn’t always “cold.” The U.S. and Russia had fought proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam, faced off over the installation of missiles in Cuba, and then carefully avoided Mutually Assured Destruction by nuclear weapons.

The historian, John Lewis Gaddis, author of “The Cold War”, noted that “By the end of the Cold War, there was little left to hope for from communism, and nothing left to fear.” Now it’s America’s turn to be governed by a president other nations do not fear and who is increasingly mocked by bad actors throughout the world.

Barack Obama has sought to “fundamentally transform” America by way of the communist ideology of a strong central government, a people stripped of their weapons to defend against it, extensive surveillance of their communications with each other, control of their healthcare system, and the dependency on government welfare programs that widespread unemployment produces. When you add in a huge national debt, the prospect of collapse is great.

Mentored in his youth in Hawaii by Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out why Barack Obama has brought this to pass. When that is combined with his raging narcissism, pathological lying, and incompetence, you can begin to understand the events surrounding the Syrian crisis.



The President of the United States, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, is sworn to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Yet, it seems that President Obama has time and time again, through both word and deed, done everything in his power to do the exact opposite – to undermine the Constitution.

This President – more than any other in our lifetime – has weakened America, opening us to attacks from enemies both foreign and domestic.

From growing the nanny-state, creating more and more citizens dependent directly on the government, to increasingly relying on foreign powers such as China to finance our staggering debt… from pushing through job-killing legislation such as ObamaCare, to ongoing, blatant attacks on both the family and religion… this administration has intentionally and systematically “sold our nation’s soul” to further their own radical agenda.

The result? A weakened America prone to attack and the future of our children and grandchildren at risk.

Don’t be fooled. Our enemies around the world are emboldened because of this administration. From Iran and Russia, to North Korea and China, they all increasingly see America as vulnerable, and the risks for us as a people are very real and very dire. Just consider the following:



Who’s to blame for the Navy Yard massacre? Aaron Alexis. Alexis followed the religion of Buddhism but he wasn’t yelling ‘Buddha is Greatest’ as he murdered our servicemen and women.

Aaron Alexis was outspoken about his mental condition long before his Navy Yard massacre. Alexis sought treatment for insomnia, hearing voices, and feeling vibrations from microwave antennas before his murderous rampage.

It is near impossible to defend oneself against the violent acts of a lone psychotic when mental health professionals can no longer easily institutionalize violent patients. That is where the story of Aaron Alexis ends and Military Base security begins.

America Is Desensitized to Mass Shootings

America is officially desensitized to mass shootings like at the Navy Yard, Ft. Hood, Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the Aurora Theatre, etc…. and there are many more you never heard about as listed in this article.

Military Base Safety Solution

The easy solution is you allow military men and women with concealed weapons permits to carry on base. An armed man or woman inside the target facility can kill the shooter long before the police can analyze the situation and send in tactical teams to kill or capture the shooter. An armed victim is never a victim.

Under President George W. Bush Sr., Feb 25, 1992, Defense Directive 5210.56 limited the control and carrying of firearms by Department of Defense Military and civilian personnel.

President Bill Clinton, March 12, 1993, doubled down on Defense Directive 5210.56 by prohibiting the carrying of non-government owned or issued weapons or ammunition.


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/davidhornik/rouhani-launches-charm-offensive/ It doesn’t take a genius to game the West. The West—and particularly its elite people who make or influence policy—wants to be gamed, to be convinced that there is never a need for military operations and one’s easy, luxurious life can continue undisturbed. So the Rouhani charm offensive has begun. Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s president […]

MUST READ:What Cochlear Implants Did for My Son : Lydia Denworth


Researchers who were just awarded the ‘American Nobel’ have opened up the world of sound to the deaf.

There was a time when almost no respectable scientist would have anything to do with cochlear implants. In the 1970s, pioneering researchers who thought they could create a device that would allow the deaf to hear and speak were shouted down at professional conferences. The National Institutes of Health refused funding on “moral grounds”: The idea was so improbable it was deemed a “cruel incentive” for parents and possibly harmful for children.

Soon after the scientific community began to acknowledge the possibilities of implants in the 1980s, members of the deaf community rose up to protest this medical approach to deafness. They argued the prosthesis was deeply offensive because it was designed to “fix” something they didn’t believe was broken.

Things have changed dramatically. Last week, three pioneering researchers—Graeme Clark, Ingeborg Hochmair and Blake Wilson—shared the prestigious Lasker-DeBakey Award for Clinical Medical Research for their work in developing the implant. They will accept the award often called the American Nobel on Friday afternoon in New York City. The award citation says the devices have “for the first time, substantially restored a human sense with medical intervention” and directly transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands.

I’ve seen this up close. My 10-year-old son, Alex, is one of the 320,000 people with a cochlear implant.

A few days before the Lasker announcement, Alex, who got his implant when he was two, started fifth grade in his mainstream school and was nearly indistinguishable from the other children. He moves “fluently” in the hearing world, as researchers put it. The only obvious difference is the piece of brown plastic he wears on his ear and the magnet that attaches it to his head. The work of the Lasker honorees and their many colleagues enabled my child to learn to talk and read. This year he’ll even be studying Spanish.




An appeals court all but says he never should have been prosecuted.

After Tom DeLay was convicted of money laundering in 2010, these columns said prosecutors had abused state campaign finance law to exact political retribution against the former GOP leader, and on Thursday a Texas appeals court agreed.

Setting aside the verdict for the 2-1 majority, Justice Melissa Goodwin writes that the evidence was “legally insufficient,” which is a mild way of saying the case never should have been brought. Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle ginned up charges by stretching beyond recognition a money-laundering statute meant for drug dealers.

Mr. Earle homed in on Mr. DeLay’s political action committee, which was allowed to accept corporate donations. The outside fund donated to the Republican National Committee, which then independently cut checks to seven Republicans running for the Texas legislature in 2002. Candidates are only supposed to accept money from parties and individuals under the state election code.

The RNC kept segregated accounts for business and individual donations, and such transactions were routine at the time, but Mr. Earle alleged that Mr. DeLay structured the transfers to “launder” the dirty proceeds of a conspiracy. But Justice Goodwin notes that since all the donations were legal, “The fundamental problem with the state’s case was its failure to prove proceeds of criminal activity.”

Shocking: Belgian Holocaust education teaches children to hate Israel By Guido Joris, Joods

http://tundratabloids.com/2013/09/belgian-holocaust-education-teaching-hatred-of-the-jewish-state-publishes-antisemitic-cartoon-on-its-website.html   This picture was seen on the website of ‘Klascement’ as part of education about the holocaust and was removed after Joods Actueel published this article. (This cartoon first appeared during the holocaust denial conference in Teheran in 2009). A visit to the site of remembrance education shows that the commemoration of the Holocaust […]