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‘Thank God, There Are Almost No Jews in Syria Now’ And the Christians are Next . . . By Lela Gilbert

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/358506/thank-god-there-are-almost-no-jews-syria-now-lela-gilbert A Times of Israel story on August 17, 2012 — just over a year ago — was headlined with words of relief: “‘Thank God, there are almost no Jews in Syria now’ says the woman who rescued most of them.” The article, by Rafael Ahren, had as its backdrop the horrific civil war in […]

What Conservative Foreign Policy Looks Like Neither John McCain nor Rand Paul Get it Right. By Andrew C. McCarthy

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/358508/what-conservative-foreign-policy-looks-andrew-c-mccarthy In the Syrian rubble of Barack Obama’s foreign policy lies a moment of opportunity for conservatives. It is a moment for building a muscular foreign policy based on a recognition of good and evil; on an unapologetic conviction that the United States stands firmly on the right side of that ledger because it stands […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/article/358480/american-ineffectualism-mark-steyn Every American ally is cringing with embarrassment at the amateurishness of the last month. For generations, eminent New York Times wordsmiths have swooned over foreign strongmen, from Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer-winning paeans to the Stalinist utopia to Thomas L. Friedman’s more recent effusions to the “enlightened” Chinese Politburo. So it was inevitable that the cash-strapped […]

Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record’

By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotSeptember 14, 2013 Via Real Science 67% Increase In Arctic Ice Extent Since Last Year Arctic Ice Area Highest In Seven Years – Blows Away The Record For Ice Growth Flashback 2009: Obama’s Science Adviser Forecasts Arctic Ice Free — Winters 42nd Daily Record of Year for Antarctic Sea Ice […]

The Saudis are Trembling – Quietly by Mordechai Kedar

http://mordechaikedarinenglish.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-saudis-are-trembling-quietly.html These days, the Arab media are full of reports about diplomatic activities regarding the Syrian issue, and commentators’ articles dealing with this matter fill whole pages in the newspapers of the Arab world. They all try to ascertain if there will be an American military action, what its scope will be, how powerful it […]

Syria-related Misconceptions, Inconsistencies and Ambiguity: Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Irrespective of Israel, Free World inaction in the face of non-conventional military systems in the hands of rogue regimes – such as Assad, or worse yet the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda – aggravates the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and beyond; transforms tactical threats to strategic threats; adrenalizes Iran’s […]

U.N. Pretzel & Media Twist by Nidra Poller

http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/142199/sec_id/142199 [N.B.: the latest episode in the Syrian Soap Opera intervened as I embarked on the final version of this text that has been modified, amplified, elaborated, extended and abridged over the past two weeks. The imminent military response to the alleged use of nerve gas by Basher al Assad, delayed by the refusal of […]

Axis of the Chemical Weapons Convention By Claudia Rosett

http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/09/13/israel-on-yom-kippur-renewing-life-amid-traumas-of-the-past/ With the backing of his Russian patron and arms supplier, New York Times columnist [1]Vladimir Putin, Syria’s President Assad has agreed to sign on to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the treaty that President Obama has described as representing the will of 98% of the people on the planet to rid us all of […]

Israel on Yom Kippur: Renewing Life Amid Traumas of the Past Posted By P. David Hornik

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/09/13/israel-on-yom-kippur-renewing-life-amid-traumas-of-the-past/ Saturday marks Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the solemnest day of the Jewish Year and, at least in Israel, the most widely observed. Israel shuts down totally on Yom Kippur. No transportation; no TV, radio, or activity on websites; no stores, cinemas, or restaurants open. Kids exploit the utter stillness […]


http://cnsnews.com/commentary/m-stanton-evans/defense-diana-west#sthash.WX2cqtbK.dpuf Out of the public eye and far from the daily headlines, a fierce verbal battle is currently being waged about the course of American policy in the long death struggle with Moscow that we call the Cold War. At ground zero of this new dispute is author Diana West, whose recent book, American Betrayal (St. […]