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Diana West’s splendid new book, “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character,” is an expose of a practice that she persuasively argues has cost us dearly in the past and endangers our future. Former federal prosecutor-turned-pundit Andrew C. McCarthy calls it “willful blindness,” and we indulge in it at our extreme peril.

Ms. West painstakingly documents how America’s government, media, academia, political and policy elites actively helped obscure the true nature of the Soviet Union. She persuasively argues that such blinding began literally from the moment in November 1933 when Franklin Roosevelt normalized relations with the USSR in exchange for the Kremlin’s fraudulent promise to forgo subversion against this country.

Ms. West came to this exhaustive research project by dint of her curiosity about the failure of such elites in our own time to recognize and counter today’s present danger: the Islamists and their Shariah doctrine, which some have described as “communism with a god.” Several examples illustrate willful blindness in our time:

Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, whose trial for the Fort Hood massacre finally begins this week, repeatedly signaled his intention to engage in such an act of jihad prior to gunning down his comrades. Testimony is expected to show that officers in his chain of command refused to entertain such a possibility – and actually threatened the careers of those who had the temerity to warn of the violent mayhem this Islamist believed he must inflict, pursuant to Shariah.


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/what-terrorists-want/ Freud famously said that what women want was the one question that he was never able to answer. The modern liberal, having abolished gender and the family, no longer worries about what women want. Instead he worries what the terrorists, who despite his best efforts to appease them, to respect their culture and religion […]

Al-Qaeda Leaders Vow to Release all AQ Prisoners, Including at Gitmo : Lori Lowenthal Marcus

The leaders of al Qaeda and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula have assured al Qaeda prisoners they will be set free – including those at Gitmo http://www.jewishpress.com/news/al-qaeda-leaders-vow-to-release-all-aq-prisoners-including-at-gitmo/2013/08/12/ | The Jewish Press   Nasser al-Wuhayshi, head of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula assures AQ prisoners they will be set free One of the most wanted […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ In our modern age, things no longer exist to perform their function. Washing machines aren’t designed to clean clothes, but to save water and energy. Food isn’t there to be eaten, but not eaten. And armies aren’t there to win wars, but to be moral. And the truly moral army never fights a war. […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/08/12/put-on-a-smiley-face Contentless “reform” won’t restore public confidence in NSA and American intelligence gathering. Nidal Hasan — the Fort Hood mass murderer now on trial — began his court martial defense with the statement that the evidence will show he is guilty. What the evidence will also show, by omission, is how our government institutions ignored […]

Israel Names Palestinian Prisoners To Be Freed By IAN DEITCH and IBRAHIM BARZAK

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/12/israel-names-palestinian-prisoners_n_3743128.html JERUSALEM — Israel on Monday published the names of 26 Palestinian prisoners, most of them held for deadly attacks, who are to be released this week as part of a U.S.-brokered deal that led to a resumption of Mideast negotiations. Israelis and Palestinians are to launch talks in Jerusalem on Wednesday, following a preparatory […]



There is a firestorm occurring on FrontPage over a purported review of Diana West’s American Betrayal: The Assault on Our Nation’s Character, written by Ronald Radosh. Radosh penned a “review” which questioned the reasoning and scholarship of West’s contention that Franklin D. Roosevelt consciously, or by subtle policy, boosted the fortunes of Stalin’s Soviet régime to profit from the course of WWII, aided in large part by Soviet agents working within and without the U.S. government, and by Harry Hopkins, FDR’s chief advisor and aide for so many years.

The title of Radosh’s review telegraphs his hostility towards West and her book, “McCarthy on Steroids,” and what he plans to say about the book. It is interesting to note that some time has passed since the first reviews of West’s book appeared, one on FrontPage itself, written by Mark Tapson in July, whom Radosh does not consider an authority on the subject of Soviet espionage and FDR’s complicity in furthering the interests of Stalin and the Soviet Union.

Significantly, FrontPage’s editors purged, or removed, Tapson’s objective, short, and informative review of the West book. It’s too late for that, because, speaking for myself, I already have a hard copy of the review, together with its now defunct URL. The text of it can be found here, on West’s own blog site. Printed out, it comes to two and a fraction pages. How many reader comments it generated is now unknown.

Printed out, Radosh’s comes to nearly ten pages. Radosh may as well have written a book. It has generated, to date, 182 reader comments, a good many of them criticizing Radosh for conducting a smear campaign against West or otherwise advising him that he is talking through his former “Red Diaper Baby” hat. Radosh continually accuses West of weaving a “conspiracy theory,” when she painstakingly documents every claim, assertion, and conclusion in American Betrayal.

The IRS Caresses the Left, Hammers the Right: Deroy Murdock…..see the charts

http://www.nationalreview.com/node/355429/print According to Team Obama’s “phony scandal” narrative, when the IRS processed 501(c)(3) tax-exemption applications, it equally tormented liberals and conservatives. No big deal, the argument goes. The IRS suffers from even-handed inefficiency rather than an un-American habit of slamming critics of the president of the United States. Unfortunately for the Obamites, actual facts annihilate […]


“I haven’t read West (I do intend to), but from the scuttlebutt and reviews circulating the internet, it is fairly apparent that she is a reckless historian of the McCarthy school of history. This, Ron Radosh is not. Unlike the conspiratorial school, populated on the left by Oliver Stone, and onthe right by West, Radosh dares to take a complex view of history. He is grown up enough to realize that both Hiss was guilty and McCarthy was a reckless demagogue; that the blacklist was wrong and that the Hollywood Ten were selective civil libertarians.”


When I was a naive graduate student at CUNY, I was surprised to learn that Camelot merchant Arthur Schlesinger Jr. was conservative. When I dared to question this, the professor would respond with a dismissive, “Oh, he’s a Reaganite.” They would then overtly let me know that was the end of the debate if I wanted a passing grade (never mind that Schlesinger hated Reagan and begged the equally liberal John Patrick Diggins who was writing a surprisingly laudatory book about the late president to “not make him look too good”).

That moment was the beginning of my becoming wised up about what passes for liberalism on the East Coast. The political spectrum there has moved so far left that the vital center — that collection of New Deal and Great Society enthusiasts — is considered “on the right.” My mind still reels over the claim that the likes of Bill Moyers and Chris Matthews are in the William F. Buckley/Ronald Reagan camp. But in the minds of the New York Left what qualifies them for entry is their anti-communism. That alone is the deciding factor for their definition of “conservative.”



Yes, Europe routinely turns a blind eye to the revival of anti-Semitism. But the outlook is not so bad—yet. By Daniel Johnson

As an Englishman, I smiled at the title of Michel Gurfinkiel’s brilliant essay. “You Only Live Twice” alludes, of course, to the 1964 James Bond novel by Ian Fleming, whose books (unlike the better-known films made from them) are peppered with stereotypical Jewish villains. It is well to be reminded that Fleming’s unabashed anti-Semitism was still common among right-wing Britons of his class and generation—the same generation that had fought and defeated Nazi Germany.

Gurfinkiel paints a somber, even apocalyptic vision of the long-term future for Jews in Europe. I share his concerns and to some extent also his pessimism. One estimate (by Andre Kaspi of the Sorbonne) is that by 2080 Europe will have only 600,000 Jews. But I believe there are still grounds for hope that Europeans could yet avert the hideous prospect of a posthumous triumph for Hitler and his latter-day avatars.

Gurfinkiel is right to observe that the majority of European Jews, unlike most of their American counterparts, have recent family memories of persecution, demonization, and expulsion. Increasingly often, they may also have personal experience of anti-Semitism, even in countries that were not involved in the Holocaust. One young German-Jewish student of my acquaintance, whose family came from Kiev via Frankfurt, is an enthusiastic Anglophile. “I always wanted to live in England,” she says. But her own first personal encounter with anti-Semitism came not in Germany or Ukraine but at the London School of Economics, where she found herself confronted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators chanting: “Throw the Jews into the sea!”

Nor are such public displays limited to the fringes. David Ward, a member of Parliament for Bradford East, belongs to the Liberal Democrats, now part of Britain’s coalition government. Earlier this year, to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Ward wrote: “I am saddened that the Jews . . . could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new state of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza.” Last month he returned to the subject, tweeting: “At long last the Zionists are losing the battle—how long can the apartheid state of Israel last?” His party responded by suspending him for two months in the summer—when Parliament does not convene. This token rebuke reflects the grim fact that nationally some 37 per cent of Liberal Democrats agree with the views held in Ward’s own, largely Muslim constituency.