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The Mosque: Center of Religion, Politics and Dominance by Clare M. Lopez

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3912/mosque-religion-politics-dominance Islamic-style authoritarianism is the dominant characteristic shared by both the military and the Muslim Brotherhood, theocrats and non-theocrats: one or the other must be dominant. The cannot share power. One side or the other must come out on top. Both of these conflicts, in Syria and Egypt, are, at their base, about the inseparability […]


In-Depth: Fort Hood Terrorist ‘Left Free’ to Kill
Christians Denied Their Promised Freedom in South Sudan
Helmut Kohl’s 1982 Warning: ‘Not Possible to Assimilate Turks in Their Current Numbers’
Scores Charged in Malaysia for ‘Disrespecting Ramadan’
Islamic Student Numbers Soar Down-Under
UK Govt Urged to Stop Supporting Al-Qaeda-Linked Groups
Authorities Struggle to find Construction Companies Willing to Build Athens Mosque
38 Israelis Wounded in Terrorist Attacks in July
Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Rally in Las Vegas

Islamist Group in America: We’ll Impose Sharia on Christians Posted By Ryan Mauro

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ryan-mauro/islamist-group-in-america-well-impose-sharia-on-christians/print/ Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group so radical that the Muslim Brotherhood won’t even touch it, lives and breathes in America. Part of the reason it’s a fringe group in the U.S. is because it is mostly honest about its objectives. For example, one of its websites answers a question about the status of Christians in […]

Electing the Enemy – Anti-American Philosophies Underlying Obama’s Policies by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD ****

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/electing-the-enemy-anti-american-philosophies-underlying-obamas-policies “It is clearly not in the interest of the United States to be a proxy in a war where both sides are radical Islamists and where either outcome is a losing proposition for us.Is there now any doubt why Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia?” The anti-American political philosophies underlying the policies […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ben-shapiro/the-collaboration-hollywoods-pact-with-hitler/print/ In his blockbuster new book, The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler, Ben Urwand documents how the film industry went out of its way in the lead-up to World War II to help Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Scripts dealing with the German military, including All Quiet on the Western Front, were run by the German […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/jamie-glazov/iran-israel-alliance-of-nations/ Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Elham Yaghoubian, an Iranian democracy activist, writer, co-founder of Marze Por Gohar (Iranians For a Secular Republic) and founder of Iran-Israel Alliance of Nations (IRISAN). IRISAN is  a team of Iranian and Israeli activists and academics of varying religious beliefs and ethnic backgrounds who work to raise awareness of the […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/the-face-of-the-brotherhood-enemy/print/ For over a hundred years, European and American cities were dotted with cells of left-wing radicals, Socialist and Communist groups who infiltrated more mainstream organizations, assassinated public officials, organized violent protests and detonated bombs in public places. It was the fear of this churning red enemy that Karl Marx described in the opening of […]

IT’S JERUSALEM, ISRAEL: TAD TAUBE The Obama State Department allows “Jerusalem” but not “Jerusalem, Israel.”

http://www.nationalreview.com/node/355108/print Suppose, for a moment, that you’re an American citizen on a pilgrimage to Israel, your spiritual homeland. You’re also an expectant parent and, surprise, your child decides to come into the world in, of all places, Jerusalem — delivered perhaps at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, directly opposite Mount Herzl and Israel’s national cemetery. […]



“Barack Obama’s administration is unmoored from the institutions that have long kept the imperial tendencies of the American presidency in check. That is partly the fault of Congress, which has punted too many of its legislative responsibilities to the president’s army of faceless regulators, but it is in no small part the result of an intentional strategy on the part of the administration. He has spent the past five years methodically testing the limits of what he can get away with, like one of those crafty velociraptors testing the electric fence in Jurassic Park.”

Conservatives have for years attempted to put our finger upon precisely why Barack Obama strikes us as queer in precisely the way he does. There is an alienness about him, which in the fever swamps is expressed in all that ridiculous Kenyan-Muslim hokum, but his citizen-of-the-world shtick is strictly sophomore year — the great globalist does not even speak a foreign language. Obama has been called many things — radical, socialist — labels that may have him dead to rights at the phylum level but not down at his genus or species. His social circle includes an alarming number of authentic radicals, but the president’s politics are utterly conventional managerial liberalism. His manner is aloof, but he is too plainly a child of the middle class to succumb to the regal pretensions that the Kennedys suffered from, even if his household entourage does resemble the Ringling Bros. Circus as reimagined by Imelda Marcos when it moves about from Kailua Beach to Blue Heron Farm. Not a dictator under the red flag, not a would-be king, President Obama is nonetheless something new to the American experience, and troubling.

It is not simply the content of his political agenda, which, though wretched, is a good deal less ambitious than was Woodrow Wilson’s or Richard Nixon’s. Barack Obama did not invent managerial liberalism, nor has he contributed any new ideas to it. He is, in fact, a strangely incurious man. Unlike Ronald Reagan, to whom he likes to be compared, President Obama shows no signs of having expended any effort on big thinkers or big ideas. President Reagan’s guiding lights were theorists such as F. A. Hayek and Thomas Paine; Obama’s most important influences have been tacticians such as Abner Mikva, bush-league propagandists like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and his beloved community organizers. Far from being the intellectual hostage of far-left ideologues, President Obama does not appear to have the intellectual energy even to digest their ideas, much less to implement them. This is not to say that he is an unintelligent man. He is a man with a first-class education and a business-class mind, a sort of inverse autodidact whose intellectual pedigree is an order of magnitude more impressive than his intellect.

Denying Israel’s Existence is Worth $100 by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=9482 During the month of Ramadan, official Palestinian Authority TV has been entertaining its viewers with quiz questions. PA TV reporters have been asking Palestinians in the street different questions and rewarding a correct answer with a $100 prize. Some of the questions, which PA TV chose to ask and later broadcast, present a world […]