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America Joins the Jihad by Clare M. Lopez

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3850/america-joins-jihad Instead of presenting a firm defense of American principles based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the entire U.S. national security leadership simply caved in to this attempt to suborn the government. The FBI submissively complied with these jihadist demands, purging its anti-terrorist curriculum of hundreds of pages that an undisclosed group […]

Individual Rights vs. the Barrel of a Gun by Ali Salim

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3848/individual-rights-vs-gun When, as Arabs, we see how Western society agonizes over everything concerning the legal system and the rights of the individual, we can only conclude that democracy is a recipe for self-destruction, and that the last thing we should do is adopt it. It seems obvious that we should use the West’s lack of […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/steven-plaut/giving-up-the-temple-mount/ The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the holiest place on earth according to Judaism.  It is where both Biblical Temples stood, whose destruction is commemorated this week with fasting and mourning on the Ninth day of the month of Av according to the religious calendar.  The Western Wall is considered holy only because of […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/07/15/leaking-distrust Jed Babbin is a senior fellow of the London Center for Policy Research. He served as a Deputy Undersecretary of Defense under George H.W. Bush and is the author of several bestselling books including Inside the Asylum and In the Words of Our Enemies. There are two institutions we are asked to trust to supervise the National Security Agency […]



The Obama Justice Department is reviving its bogus civil-rights investigation of George Zimmerman, despite a Florida jury’s acquittal of Zimmerman yesterday on all charges. The trial demonstrated a dearth of evidence that he intended to kill Trayvon Martin, much less that he killed him with an intent to deny his civil rights. The New York Daily News reports on DOJ’s announcement:

“Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate in accordance with the Department’s policy governing successive federal prosecution following a state trial,” the Department of Justice said.

The announcement came as welcome news to civil rights leaders, who began calling for the federal charges almost immediately after the verdict was read in Seminole County court in Sanford, Fla.

“We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict,” NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said in a statement.

Holder’s minions, it is worth remembering, consulted with the NAACP before the Justice Department dropped the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case that the government had already won.

With due respect to Peggy Noonan, the Justice Department is already deeply involved in, and couldn’t have more disgracefully politicized, the George Zimmerman case. There would have been no Florida prosecution of Zimmerman absent the extortionate pressure brought to bear by Attorney General Eric Holder.

We knew that even before learning last week that Justice’s “Community Relations Division” (Alinsky-style rabble-rousing under the guise of “peacemaker”) colluded at taxpayer expense with the NAACP and other agitators to demand that charges be brought against Zimmerman — managing, in the process, to get Sanford police chief Bill Lee cashiered for daring to do his job faithfully, tune out the politics, and decline to arrest Zimmerman because the evidence didn’t support it.

Recall that contemporaneous with the spring-2012 demonstrations against Zimmerman that the Justice Department abetted — and with President Obama’s nod-and-wink incitement that, if he had a son, the son would “look like Trayvon” — Holder sped down to Florida. There, he sang the praises of race huckster extraordinaire Al Sharpton, joining Rev. No Justice, No Peace in calling for Zimmerman’s scalp. Holder’s M-O was to threaten a federal civil rights prosecution if Florida failed to act. I wrote a column about the Holder-Sharpton spectacle, the already patent deficiency of the murder case against Zimmerman, and the absurdity of a companion civil rights prosecution. I think it holds up pretty well:


Muslim Prisoners in English Jail Vow to Stab Anyone who Eats Pork Muslim Prisoners in English Jail Vow to Stab Anyone who Eats Pork: Muslim Prisoners have issued threats – to stab anyone that eats pork at maximum security Long Lartin prison, which has held fundamentalists including Abu Qatada and Abu Hamza. A prisoner at […]



On Monday, July 8, before catching a 5:45 am shuttle bus to Dulles to take American Betrayal to LA, I managed to scan a new, perfectly wonderful review by Mark Tapson posted at Frontpagemag.com. The timing was perfect. Along with the group Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Freedom Center was co-sponsoring one of my LA book events, which the piece duly noted, including a link to register for the Wednesday event.

Both Frontpage and the Freedom Center are David Horowitz enterprises.

Here is the review at Frontpage. Or, rather, here was the review at Frontpage.

What happened?

Later, when I couldn’t pull up the Frontpage review to send a link to someone, I thought it odd but didn’t worry much about it as I was very busy. Fortunately, Ruth King had already posted the review at Ruthfully Yours so I sent out the link to her site.

When I finally got around to asking about the disappeared review, I heard back that there was a “glitch.” OK. But when the piece never went back up I knew there was more than a “glitch.”

I was right.

The piece was purposefully removed from view — purged, censored as unfit for publication at Frontpage.


Managing editor Jamie Glazov replied: “Removing the review was an editorial decision. … We will be posting another review soon.”

Glazov also wrote: “… As I wrote to you, we have commissioned another review. If you are not happy with it and wish to reply we will of course open our pages so that you can respond. …”

Must be a lulu.

There is nothing unusual about a publication running more than one review of a book, particularly one as controversial as American Betrayal. It is unheard of to remove an “offending” review and substitute another in its place — as if the first review never happened.

I will close for now with Frontpage’s own motto: “Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

Takes one to know one.


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/davidhornik/the-arab-worlds-ramadan-hate-fest/print/ Last Wednesday Ramadan began—the month-long Muslim holiday commemorating the first month in which Muhammad received Quranic revelations. Ramadan is, of course, a holiday of fasting—during the day. In the evenings, after the fast-breaking Iftar meal, families typically gather together around the TV. That sounds nice—family fun and togetherness for the holiday. The problem is with […]


One of the most common of the many plaintive cries from those who want an excuse to delegitimise Israel is that she is still “occupying” Gaza (even though there isn’t a single Israeli soldier or civilian there). Another emotive complaint is that Israel is still carrying out an “illegal blockade” on Gaza and that she […]



A new law in Russia will allow the government to arrest and detain gay or “pro-gay” tourists, leading to concerns over tourism and the 2014 Winter Olympics

Canadian travel magazine ‘Travel and Escape’ is reporting that an anti-gay law recently passed in Russia may result in the arrest of ‘openly gay’ tourists to the country. It says, “It is now outlawed to be ‘out and proud'” in the former Soviet power.

The report calls the move “a throwback to the country’s authoritarian ruling”, with Russian president Vladimir Putin signing a controversial law that punishes people for “homosexual propaganda.” The law fines people—including tourists—up to 200,000 rubles (£4,040 GBP) for “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.”

Apparently, anything from gay-affirmative speech to hand-holding; even displaying a rainbow flag on your backpack is reportedly illegal. Recently in southern Russia, there were complaints that Elton John’s stage outfits fell under “gay propaganda.”

According to Voice of Russia, any display of affection between same-sex couples could cause a “distorted understanding” that gay relations and heterosexual relations are socially equivalent, and risk spreading Western liberalism. Putin claims the law doesn’t discriminate against LGBT people, but rather—in an argument riddled with faulty logic—is there to “protect children from pedophilia.”

The new laws will undoubtedly impact tourism and the upcoming 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. LGBT visitors—or anyone who embraces the gay community—may no longer want to visit the games.

Travel site Skift reports that the new law contains a provision that allows the Russian government to arrest and detain gay (or “pro-gay”) foreigners for up to 14 days before they would then be expelled from Russia.

A number of celebrities, The Huffington Post reports, including Madonna and Lady Gaga, have sparked controversy by speaking out on behalf of Russia’s beleaguered LGBT community over the past year.