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The Problem at the Heart of Egypt’s Revolutions by Nonie Darwish


This is the central problem in most Muslim countries: the difficult choice between a man-made, civilian, military, “infidel” government, and a totalitarian Islamic theocracy.

This latest revolution in Egypt, the second in the last two years, is a symptom of a deep-rooted problem at the heart of Islam itself: Egypt is on the verge of a civil war to bring a resolution to the never-ending tension between what Islam demands versus what the people really want.

This is the central problem in most Muslim countries: the difficult choice between a civilian, military “infidel” government, and a totalitarian Islamic theocracy. The problem is compounded when most Egyptians consider themselves both Muslim and lovers of democracy, but refuse to see that Islam and freedom cannot co-exist. How can Islam anywhere produce a democracy when freedom of speech and religion are outlawed, where there is no free and independent judiciary, and equal rights for women, minorities and non-Muslims are legally suppressed?

Islam also cannot let go of government control: since its inception, Islam has lacked the confidence in its own survival without government enforcement. As Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated this winter on Egyptian television, “without the ‘Death for Apostasy’ laws, apostasy laws, Islam would have failed with the death of Mohamed, as people would never stay in this religion otherwise.” It is no coincidence therefore that Islamic law dictates that all Muslims must be ruled by Sharia, and declares that all secular governments, made by man, not by Allah, are heresy and an abomination.

Italy: “Fighting in the Name of Allah” by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3832/italy-jihadists According to Italian law enforcement officials, some of the Italian jihadists have links with a Belgian Salafist group, “Sharia4Belgium,” and are actively seeking to recruit fellow Muslims to overthrow the democratic order in Italy. Italian counter-terrorism authorities are monitoring several dozen Italian Muslims who have obtained combat experience in Syria and are now promoting […]


http://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-life-in-europe-dying-a-slow-death/ It’s time to get out, urges Prof. Robert Wistrich, a leading authority on anti-Semitism. And he’s one of the scholars who dismisses a claim that 150 million EU citizens have demonic views of Israel When Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay this week accused the “Jewish Diaspora” of orchestrating anti-government protests in his country, […]



A favorite pastime of our “friends” the Saudis is to fund both academic centers (most prominently, at Harvard and Georgetown) and Muslim Brotherhood agitators whose main task is to lecture the United States on tolerance. What we are supposed to tolerate, of course, is sharia encroachment in the West. The generously underwritten mission finds no shortage of useful idiots to help organize sundry “Islamophobia” conferences, “centers for interfaith understanding,” and the like.

Another favorite Saudi pastime is decapitation. Take today’s report from al-Ahram:

Saudi Arabia beheaded one of its citizens on Monday after he was convicted of murdering a fellow Saudi in the southwestern Mecca region, the interior ministry said.

Saleh bin Ali al-Shemmarani was executed for stabbing to death Ali bin Saeed al-Shemmarani after a dispute between the two, the ministry said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency.

A total of 57 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia since the start of the year, according to an AFP count.

In 2012, the Gulf country executed 76 people, according to an AFP tally based on official figures. Human Rights Watch has put the number at 69.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia’s strict version of sharia, or Islamic law.

Notice that last bit: Saudi Arabia’s “strict” version of sharia. Not “false,” “hi-jacked,” or “Islamophobic slander” version of sharia. Strict, as in deeply rooted in scripture. Meaning that the only thing Islam’s apologists can really do to discredit it is to portray it as “quaint” or – that bête noir of progressives, “literal.” By all means, though, let’s get to that next interfaith understanding confab where no one ever quite needs to understand why 21st Century Islam’s remedy for freedom of conscience is to be decapitated by the state.

Iran’s Secret ‘Interfaith’ Outreach in America Posted By Ryan Mauro

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ryan-mauro/irans-secret-interfaith-outreach-in-america/print/ The Clarion Project recently exposed how an Iranian regime front based in New York donated to over 30 colleges and over 60 Islamic centers and organizations in North America. Like Sunni Islamists, the Shiite Iranian regime also finds interfaith engagement to be a worthwhile investment. The data was found by combing the website and […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-bawer/britains-powerful-enemies-of-freedom/ While ignored by all but a handful of major media, the decision to ban Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from Britain received considerable coverage at the relatively small number of websites (this one, it seems, more than any) where it was recognized as an outrage. One detail that has perhaps been given insufficient attention, […]


http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/07/07/israels-embattled-pro-israel-priest/?print=1 There’s a movement afoot to encourage Israeli Christian Arabs to serve in the Israeli army. The movement is led by a group called The Forum for Drafting the Christian Community. It includes Christian army officers, soldiers, and businessmen. At the helm of this forum stands Father Gabriel Nadaf, a Greek Orthodox priest in the […]



Along with Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the Freedom Center is co-sponsoring “An Evening with Diana West” in Los Angeles this Wednesday night. Click here for details.

Seven weeks ago at FrontPage Mag I reviewed Stalin’s Secret Agents, M. Stanton Evans’ and Herbert Romerstein’s book which demonstrated that widespread government infiltration by Soviet spies sabotaged our foreign policy and molded the post-WWII world in favor of the Soviet Union. Now comes a brand new book that serves as a sort of companion piece to that work, while being an even deeper, more detailed exploration of that infiltration and its consequences.

The author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character is the fearless, incisive columnist and blogger Diana West, who also wrote The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization, and who is the co-author of Shariah: The Threat to America. With her characteristic fierce passion, West argues in her new book that the Communist infiltration led to a successful “assault on our nation’s character” during the Cold War that left us the “heirs to a false and hollow history” and “unwitting participants” in “a secretly subverted pageant.” In other words, perhaps we didn’t win the Cold War after all.

For West, one of the clear indications that something in the American consciousness had changed is the fact that, thanks not only to Soviet propaganda but also to domestic peer pressure, many Americans were more outraged by Ronald Reagan’s unapologetic phrase “evil empire” than by the evil empire itself. This is the result of “the hocus-pocus transformation of liberty-loving anti-Communism into a force of repression to be reviled” and its flip side: “the hocus-pocus transformation of totalitarian Communism into a force of liberalism.”



This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Tiffany Gabbay, National Development Director for the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood actor, and Jennifer Serrano, the Newest California PolitiChick.

The Gang members gathered to discuss Zimmerman on Trial. The dialogue started at the 9:30 mark of Part I and the guests dissected the case and the potential violence ahead. The discussion was preceded by an analysis of Bye Bye Morsi, as the gang members shed light on the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood and why Obama is upset about it.

The episode also focused on the ObamaCare setback, the failure of Republicans to fight political war, and much, much more.

To watch both parts of this two part series, see below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/stephenbrown/africas-sorrow-obamas-shame/print/ It was another devastating blow for black Africa’s most powerless from the world’s most powerful black American. Like in his 2009 African visit when he visited a former European slave depot in Ghana, during his recently concluded 2013 African tour U.S. President Barack Obama again deemed that the defunct trans-Atlantic slave trade was the […]