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http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/07/texas_rises.html The gift of fracking has created vast new oil supplies, capable of making America energy independent in a few years, creating millions of jobs, powering economic growth, and crippling the power of OPEC and the Islamic oil producers. Such attention as has been paid to the fracking boom has focused on North Dakota, where […]



Revolutions are not unique. Before the fireworks begin bursting in showers of life over American skies, they fall sparkling over the crowds of Tahrir Square to commemorate another revolution.

Some countries have revolutions all the time. After a while revolution becomes a national sport. In banana republics, the overthrow of one dictator to make way for another gives everyone a day off from work. But these revolutions, no matter how they are cloaked in the familiar rhetoric of liberty, are nothing more than tyranny by other means.

What made the American Revolution unique was that its cause was not the mere transfer of power from one ruler to another, or one system to another, but a fundamental transformation of the nature of rule. Every revolution claims to be carried out in the name of the people, but it’s never the people who end up running things.

The Declaration of Independence did more than talk about the rights of the people. It placed the people at the center of the nation and its government, not as an undifferentiated mass to be harnessed for whatever propaganda purposes they might be good for, but as individuals with hopes and dreams.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”



I doubt there are any people who are not aware of the fact that Rachel Corrie committed suicide as part of her campaign for the “right” of Palestinian terrorists to murder Jewish civilians in Israel. Corrie was part of a team sent to Gaza by the openly pro-terror International Solidarity Movement (ISM). There they assisted terrorists, stored weapons for them, hosted and hid them, and attempted to interfere with Israeli military terrorist operations. In one such incident Corrie herself decided to play “chicken” with a massive military earth mover. The driver of the bulldozer could not see her and struck her as she was trying to stop his destruction of hidden terrorist smuggling tunnels. She was taken by a Palestinian ambulance to a Gaza Hamas medical facility, where she died of her injuries, possibly as a result of medical incompetence.

Rachel herself was an America-hating, flag-burning, anti-Jewish extremist. Her death was clearly an ideologically-motivated suicide, a bit like someone running in the center lanes of the 405 freeway in Los Angeles as a protest against global warming who gets struck down by an 18-wheeler. Corrie and her ISM comrades want to protect the right of Hamas terrorists to infiltrate Israel and blow up school buses and cafes. As a result Corrie became the matron saint of the pro-terror Left. She is celebrated by David Duke and the neo-Nazis, as well as neo-Stalinists. Corrie’s own parents went on a jihad against Israel, publishing bash-Israel materials on the worst jihadist anti-Semitic web sites on earth. They also tried to file a civil suit for damages against the Israeli government, but their suit was tossed out as frivolous.



ONE SUMMER MORNING in Albany in 1831, two young French noblemen traveling through the United States were awakened by a din of gunfire, artillery explosions, and pealing church bells. It was the Fourth of July in New York’s state capital, and the visitors — Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont — were about to see an American community celebrate the nation’s birthday.

In their journals and letters, they wrote of the Independence Day parade, a procession that included political dignitaries, nine companies of firefighters, and a profusion of floats and delegations from all the local trade and professional associations. At the head of the parade rode a few aged Revolutionary War veterans — “whom the city preserves like precious relics,” Beaumont observed — and with great pomp was displayed “an old American flag, bullet torn, which has come down from the War of Independence.”

The parade ended at the Methodist Church, where the minister offered a prayer and the Declaration of Independence was read aloud. Tocqueville was struck by the “electric” intensity of feeling Jefferson’s 55-year-old phrases still evoked.

“This was not, I assure you, a theatrical performance,” he wrote to his sister. “There was in the reading of these promises of independence so well kept, in this return of an entire people toward the memories of its birth … something deeply felt and truly great.”


http://www.newmediajournal.us/ As we approach Independence Day 2013, this might be a good time to take stock on the American experience: where we are, where we came from, what we are supposed to be and what we have become, collectively, as a country. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the United States of America […]

MORE BY PILAR RAHOLA: “Democracy’s Canaries”Jews and Judeophobia in Contemporary Europe (2005) ****


“I feel Jewish because I am a European, and that is the only moral condition that can redeem a European from his or her own shameful past.”

Europe has chosen to ignore the tightening grip of Judeophopbia. Across the continent, but most notably among leftist intellectuals, there is a blind adherence to the Palestinian-Arab cause – and a chilling demonization of the Jew and the Jewish State reminiscent of the horrors of the not too distant past. According to the author, behind this phenomenon lie two kinds of betrayal – that of memory and that of truth. Where the Holocaust is concerned European society displays a convenient amnesia and an obstinate forgetfulness.

Corroded by leftist dogma, European intellectuals, the Trojan horse of Europe’s erudite antisemitism, also display a shocking disregard for the crimes of the dictators and “freedom fighters” with whom they are captivated. Thus José Saramago and other like him are able to embrace and extol, Pol Pot, Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Castro and even Stalin, while inveighing against the “genocidal policies” of Israel and its leaders. Every day the European media trumpets lies and falsehoods about Israel and “American imperialism.” Age-old European stereotypes of the Jews as a sinister force have been revived. Naturally, terror in the service of the Arab cause, whether against Israelis or Americans, can be ignored. No sympathy for its victims is warranted, because, after all, it is the Israelis and the Americans who are the real terrorists, and even Nazis. Today, Europe faces an epic struggle between the very best and the very worst of its traditions.

Confronted with this struggle, Pilar Rahola declares: “I feel Jewish because I am a European, and that is the only moral condition that can redeem a European from his or her own shameful past.” The Author In 1997, Pilar Rahola, member of the Spanish Parliament with the Catalan Republican Left Party (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya – ERC), quit both the Parliament and politics in general, stating that the Left had lost its way. One of the main reasons for her decision was the increasingly obvious antisemitic flavor of leftist doctrine hiding under the guise of anti-Zionism and of severe criticism of Israel’s policies. Born and raised in Barcelona in a traditional Catholic and staunchly Republican family, Rahola had no reason to feel Spain’s Judeophobia breathing down her neck. However, as an activist against injustice – especially in the areas of women’s equality, animal rights and media bias – she became outraged by the manner in which blatant antisemitism had made its way into leftist ideology and polite society unchecked.

Rahola holds a doctorate in Spanish and Catalan literature from the University of Barcelona and has served as the director both of Pòrtic Publishing and the Acta Foundation, as well as vice-mayor of Barcelona from 1994-2000. She has written several best-selling books and currently hosts a television talk show. She writes regularly for El País, El Periódico and Avui. WJC INSTITUTE Introduction Europe has never confronted its responsibility with regards to antisemitism – neither in the past, nor present. Nowhere, however, is this omission more glaring than in Spain. In a report of March 2004, Pat Cox, former president of the European Parliament, declared that Spain is currently a main source of incitement against Jews in Europe. The report of the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, referring to media coverage of the Middle East conflict, reveals that: “the stereotypes found in that coverage are the same as those waived against the Jews during the 1930s (killing children, controlling the world). It would be impossible to prove that the tremendous wave of anti-Israel sentiment in Spain is in no way connected to antisemitic content in the news.” These findings are supported by the results of a recent survey by the Gallup Organization: 72% of Spanish people would deport the Jews from Israel; only 12% would accept having Jewish neighbors; 69% believe Jews are too powerful and 55% attribute “dark intentions” to them that cannot be summarized. To my sadness, the survey demonstrates that my native Catalonia and the Basque Country both show the highest levels of Judeophobia. Alas, this situation is true to a greater or lesser extent across the length and breadth of Europe. This distressing conclusion and the findings behind them have been published by wellrespected institutions. Yet, have they worried anyone in Europe? More to the point, have they been been read, believed? No, they have become yesterday’s back page. Convinced of the truth of this data, the accusation I make is the following:

Today, Europe, and especially Spain, is “antisemitic” once again. But we are mainly nations that are antisemitic in the style of Communist Poland in 1968, or in Paul Lendvai’s words, we are “antisemites without Jews.” Because these days in much of Europe, including the Iberian Peninsular, there is only a negligible number of Jews. And I say “antisemite” knowing that most of my colleagues (especially in the Left) not only do not accept the term, but find it offensive, as if antisemitism was the exclusive patrimony of the extreme Right and fundamental Catholicism. Many are the camouflages of antisemitism. Anti-Zionism and anti-Israel sentiment are much more bearable for thin skins. But they are fed by the same source of intolerance. It is essentially alright to be a critic of Israel and of course it is true that not every critic can be accused of antisemitism. However, with so many signs of warning, we must analyze them if we do not want to risk the destruction of our society.


Questions for the European Left by Pilar Rahola
Why don’t we see demonstrations against Islamic dictatorships in London, Paris , Barcelona ?

Or demonstrations against the Burmese dictatorship?

Why aren’t there demonstrations against the enslavement of millions of women who live without any legal protection?

Why aren’t there demonstrations against the use of children as human bombs where there is conflict with Islam?

Why has there been no leadership in support of the victims of Islamic dictatorship in Sudan ?

Why is there never any outrage against the acts of terrorism committed against Israel ?

Why is there no outcry by the European left against Islamic fanaticism?

Why don’t they defend Israel’s right to exist?


Mia is a pre-op transsexual contract killer whose life is changed when she hears from her ex, who reveals that she’s dying and that Mia has a son. Now, Mia must care for the boy and his half-siblings.Thrust suddenly into parenthood, Mia must now balance her killer instincts with her budding maternal instincts.

Hit & Miss 2012
Chloë Sevigny
Peter Wight
Jonas Armstrong
Vincent Regan
Ben Crompton
Karla Crome


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/greens-dont-like-fracking-because-they-dont-like-prosperity?f=puball You’d think Greens would be delighted by the shale gas bounty under our feet. Here is a plentiful energy supply which does not emit soot (as coal does), nor jam estuaries (as tidal turbines do), nor starve Africans (as biofuels do), nor slaughter rare birds (as wind farms do). It does not require public subsidies […]



Syrian rebels are now implementing Sharia over many areas in Syria. When it comes to Christians, those who refuse to accept Islam are made to pay the jizya, a tax for non-Muslims. Those who refuse to pay are threatened with being sacrificed to Allah in an Islamic ritual. One account tells of how, when rebels took a certain village, they gave the choice to Christians to convert or leave. Those who didn’t were told they could stay on the condition that they had to pay the jizya, but, as the account read:

For Christians who refused there remained two choices: they could leave behind all their property or they would be slain. The word that was used for the latter in Arabic (dhabaha) refers to the ritual slaughter of sacrificial animals.

This confirms what we’ve been trying to tell America: true Islam is now gradually revealing itself, and that means not just human sacrifice but also cannibalism.

Now the insanity of Islam is showing its ugly face in Egypt; just take a look at this recent video of major rioting occurring:

The mob rule in Syria is getting more and more open and severe everyday, just look at this video released from Syria:

The true nature of Islam is mob violence, ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism — the end results of heresy.

Theodore Shoebat is the author of the book, For God or For Tyranny.