“Robert F. Kennedy, martyred liberal icon, was a reporter for the Boston Globe in 1948 and was dispatched to Mandatory Palestine to cover the lead up to the British withdrawal. He wrote this of the Arabs living in Mandatory Palestine in 1948, days before israel’s independence:
“The Jews point with pride to the fact that over 500,000 Arabs in the 12 years between 1932 and 1944, came into Palestine to take advantage of living conditions existing in no other Arab state. This is the only country in the Near and Middle East where an Arab middle class is in existence.” (Emphasis throughout is mine).
RFK also points out that “many Palestinian Jews fought as volunteers with Allied troops throughout the world and still others were dropped by parachute into German-held territory as espionage agents. They were perhaps doing no more than their duty, but they did their duty well.”
This tidbit about the 1948 war proves that Jews faced murderous hostility from ordinary Palestinian Arabs, not just militants or Arab leadership:
Crucial: Fascinating First Hand Accounts from 48-61 Show Israelis Right; Roots of Palestinian Propaganda
There is a narrative war raging, where Zionists claim that the Arabs — largely recent immigrants drawn to Zionist industry and prosperity — after rejecting partition in 1947, embarked on an openly genocidal war against hugely outnumbered and outgunned Jewish forces in order to erase the Jewish presence in the Holy Land. In the ensuing melee, according to Israel, hundreds of thousands of local Arabs fled, encouraged to do so by their leaders. The Arabs on the other hand claim that young Israel was heavily supported by the British, was the aggressor in 1947, and expelled countless peaceable Arab peasants from their ancient communities.
While doing research for some new memes, I stumbled across a number of extremely interesting primary historical sources, i.e., reports on the ground from 1948 and subsequent years. Why go to history books written decades later when interviews and records from the period in question are readily available? Indeed, proximity to events necessarily means greater accuracy in their reporting. And what the sources find is a unanimous confirmation of Israel’s version of events. Propaganda can destroy many things, but it cannot change the documented past.
I urge you to read this extended piece, and to share it.