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“The post below about the Institute for Energy Research Study discusses how expanding the use of biofuels is a misuse of natural resources – it negatively impacts the food supply – that will harm our economy. Where I disagree is the statement that it will harm the environment by increasing CO2. The implication is that higher levels of CO2 are damaging to the environment.
People need to know that CO2 is NOT a pollutant or toxic substance; that it is simply part of the animal-plant life cycle without which life on Earth would NOT exist. Increased CO2 increases plant growth and thereby food production – a good thing.”

Janet LevyLos Angeles


IER Study Critiques Federal Biofuel Mandate Expansion
WASHINGTON D.C. — The Institute for Energy Research released today a new study on the implications of producing ethanol from natural gas (EFNG), entitled “Should Ethanol Made from Natural Gas Be Added to the Federal Biofuel Mandate?” The study, conducted by Mr. Lindsay Leveen, a widely-recognized chemical engineer, analyzes the efficiency, economic, and ecological issues associated with EFNG. Leveen’s findings include:

The production of EFNG offers no ecological, economic, or energy efficiency merits to substantiate expansion of federal biofuel mandates.
Rather than reducing carbon dioxide emissions, as proponents of EFNG suggest, the process required to convert natural gas to ethanol will likely increase carbon emissions significantly.
Fifty percent or more of the energy content of natural gas will be lost in the process of making EFNG, thus unnecessarily wasting a clean-burning hydrocarbon fuel source.
If EFNG is deemed “renewable” and is able to meet the required CO2 reductions, it would only serve to expand and further entrench the Renewable Fuel Standards 2 (RFS2) mandate, a policy that requires consumers to use less efficient, more expensive fuel.
Used in an identical vehicle, EFNG has carbon emissions that are at least 23 percent higher than the baseline for gasoline set in the RFS2, will approximately double the carbon emissions per mile traveled when compared with vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG).
EFNG is not a commercially viable product, as the estimated cost of EFNG is higher than the ethanol futures price has reached yet in 2013, thus requiring natural gas-based ethanol industries to receive long term government support in the form of additional mandates and regulations or monetary incentives and subsidies.

Ali Salim: The Religious War in the Middle East

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3766/religious-war-middle-east The proposal of the United States for a Palestinian state and a joint Palestinian, Jordanian and Israeli policing mechanism in the Jordan Valley seems like a pipe dream. That sort of suggestion, disconnected from reality, clearly indicates a dangerous lack of awareness concerning the increasing militant Islamic aggression toward Israel and the West. Hezbollah […]


http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2013/06/18/diana-west-discusses-the-surveillance-state-and-american-betrayal-with-whjjs-helen-glover/   Diana West Discusses the Surveillance State And “American Betrayal” with WHJJ’s Helen Glover June 18th, 2013 by Andrew Bostom American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character by Diana West (May 28, 2013)


http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2013/06/17/edward-snowden-single-handedly-forces-tech-companies-to-come-forward-with-government-data-request-stats/?utm_campaign=forbestwittersf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social Edward Snowden Single-Handedly Forces Tech Companies To Come Forward With Government Data Request Stats 2 comments, 0 called-out Comment Now Follow Comments Following Comments Unfollow Comments Accusations force tech companies to come forward with data to defend themselves The tech policy community has been begging Facebook for years to reveal the number of times […]



Child marriages are very common in the peaceful ideology of Islam. I say peaceful in jest. The marriage of children as young as 6 years old to old peaceful Muslim men happens everyday in the Islamic world, especially in Saudi Arabia (home of Mecca), Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc… and yes in America.

During my firsthand research all across America it was sadly revealed not only are child marriages advocated by Islamic leaders, it is being conducted. There are young girls under nine being given to much older Muslim men. There is no nice way to put this. The innocent girls are raped and abused by their peaceful and non violent Muslim protectors.

Should any less be expected from Islam? No. The leader and founder of Islam was a self described Prophet who went by the name of Mohammed. Mohammed was a rapist and pedophile. He married Aishah when she was six years old and raped her when she was nine. Many Islamic scholars suggest she was younger. Mohammed also encouraged his fellow pedophile friends to obtain young girls to rape.

Now is there any doubt that Prophet Mohammed is the leader, founder, and example to the one plus billion Muslims worldwide, and to the four plus million living in the U.S. Why are people surprised when innocent Muslim girls are raped daily in the name of Islam? No one should be surprised. Where are all the women’s and child advocate groups?

Who do we blame for allowing Muslim girls to be bought/sold and raped by Muslim men in America? First we blame organizations such as CAIR and ISNA for allowing this, but keep in mind they also worship the rapist Prophet Mohammed. We must blame our political leaders and senior law enforcement officers. They have the authority and obligation to protect all children. They could begin by criminalizing Sharia law and shutting down the 2300 mosques in America that advocate child marriages. They could begin prosecuting Islamic leaders for advocating child marriages. The IRS could immediately begin removing the non profit status of all Islamic organizations, beginning with CAIR.



Leave it to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to pull the wool over the eyes of his people by letting them believe that they have just elected a reformist president. And count on the United States to welcome the hoodwink.

Contrary to the cautious and not-so-cautious optimism expressed by the White House, the outcome of the June 14 Iranian election, in which Shiite cleric Hassan Rohani emerged victorious, is very bad news.

In the first place, Rohani is no moderate. This is evident not only in his past history as a loyalist of the Islamic revolution that ousted the shah in favor of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 or in his many subsequent top-tier positions in Khamenei-led governments. It is also a fact that Rohani would not have been approved by Khamenei as a candidate had his credentials or campaign been too liberal.

Secondly, Rohani is no friend of popular protests. In July 1999, during Rohani’s tenure as secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, students at Tehran University demonstrated against the closing of the reformist newspaper, Salam. Though the demonstration began peacefully, it ended with a clash between students and police at one the university’s dorms. During the clash, a student was killed. This sparked a week of rioting throughout the country, leaving a number of people dead and hundreds injured. After that, more than 1,000 people were detained by authorities. Dozens of students “disappeared,” and their whereabouts are unknown to this day. The violent quelling of the demonstrations and the harsh detentions were spearheaded by Rohani.

These events occurred seven years after the suicide of Rohani’s eldest son, who left a note in which he attacked his father’s ideology and tactics. “I hate your government, your lies, your corruption, your religion, your double-dealing and your hypocrisy,” he wrote in the letter, excerpts of which were published in the Asharq-al-Awsat newspaper and reported Monday in the Israeli website Ynet.

“I am ashamed to live in an environment in which I am forced to lie to my friends every day and tell them that my father is not part of all this — to tell them that my father loves the nation and to know that the reality is far from this. I get nauseated when I see you, father, kissing Khamenei’s hand.”


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-thornton/john-mccains-syria-delusions/print/ Following the president’s announcement that we will provide small arms and ammunition to the rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Senator John McCain has intensified his drumbeat for war and demanded even more extensive U.S. involvement, particularly a no-fly zone. But McCain has not indicated any awareness of the risks and complications of such […]



“Let us not delude ourselves. The international community must not become caught up in wishful thinking and be tempted to relax the pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program,” Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet in response to Hassan Rouhani’s clear-cut victory in Iran’s presidential elections.

Netanyahu’s fears are, unfortunately, well founded. There is nothing the West loves more than another round of appeasement and deluding itself that the wolf has magically turned into a sheep.

Rouhani, on Monday, already spoke what appeared to be conciliatory words. He promised “greater transparency” in Iran’s nuclear program that would “make clear for the whole world that the steps of the Islamic Republic of Iran are completely within international frameworks.” He said Iran would engage in “constructive interaction with the world through moderation.”

The Wall Street Journal had already reported that “the Obama administration and its European allies” were “surprised and encouraged” by Rouhani’s win and “intend to aggressively push to resume negotiations with Tehran on its nuclear program by August to test his new government’s positions….”

These eager plans come just as Israeli intelligence minister Yuval Steinitz has been warning that Iran is now “very close” to the nuclear finish line and that its nuclear industry is already “many times larger than that of either North Korea or Pakistan.”


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/andrew-harrod/german-left-ramps-up-attacks-on-islam-critics/ National parliamentarians from Die Linke, Germany’s post-communist Left Party, recently presented the federal German government with a Minor Inquiry (Kleine Anfrage or KA) concerning the government’s policy towards the conservative German website Politically Incorrect (PI).  This is only the latest effort by left-wing multiculturalists to quash open discussion, and criticism on Islam by designating […]


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3798/have_we_learned_nothing_from_the_boston_bombings A recent article in Investor’s Business Daily makes the claim that mosques are excluded from the wide-ranging surveillance dragnet that is being operated by the United States government. If this report is true, then that begs the obvious question: If surveillance is purposed to stop terrorism, then why would the government exclude mosques from […]