The Left and its satellites in the media found a horrid case of “Israeli apartheid” in recent days. It is in “Superland.” Superland is Israel’s closest thing to Knott’s Berry Farm or similar amusement parks with digestion-challenging roller coasters to be found on other continents. You can read about it here. The park suddenly […]
Manipulating International Law as Part of Anti-Israeli “Lawfare” Vol. 13, No. 16 2 June 2013 Israel’s record of compliance with international law is remarkably strong. In a long series of decisions, the Israeli High Court has ordered the Israeli government, army, and security services to change policies that, in the court’s view, were in violation […] Media in Denial: Anjem Choudary Shocks the Brits, Again Media in Denial: Anjem Choudary Shocks the Brits, Again: Murdered soldier Lee Rigby will ‘burn in hellfire’ and those who killed him should be considered martyrs, hate preacher Anjem Choudary has said in another poisonous rant on film. The extremist maintains that despite being […] The Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at Georgetown University hosted on April 24, 2013, a conference on “The Boundaries of Religious Pluralism & Freedom: The Devil is in the Detail” (conference video here). Conducted within the framework of the six-year old “A Common Word” initiative of international Christian-Muslim dialogue, this […] At this moment of sequestration and belt-tightening, the U.S. government has delivered a reading list on Islam. The National Endowment for the Humanities has joined with two private foundations, Carnegie and Duke, to fund “Muslim Journeys,” a project that aims to present “new and diverse perspectives on the people, places, histories, beliefs, practices and […] On January 8, 1959 as Fidel Castro was entering Havana after the dictator, Fulgencio Batista, fled the revolution that Castro had led there was much joy among the Cuban people except for those closely allied with the Batista regime and those who saw Fidel as a communist. Many of them fled and Miami would […] I’ve been criticized by some readers as having “Islam on the brain.” It’s not a very kind criticism considering the seriousness of the Islamic jihad against them and me and everyone else in the West. Why, my critics ask, don’t I devote myself to more important topics such as President Barack Obama’s assault on […] HAVE WE, AS GREENFIELD SAYS, GONE FROM A WAR AGAINST ISLAMIC TERRORISM TO ARMING TERRORISTS?….RSK Back from his trip to Syria, Senator John McCain is insisting that the United States should implement a no-fly zone and provide heavy weaponry to the Syrian Sunni rebels. “They just can’t fight tanks with AK-47s,” Senator McCain said. […] The last Israeli election was bizarre. In a country facing existential threats to its existence from across its borders and massive jihadi genocidal terrorism, the largest election issue was the conscription of religious yeshiva students into the army. This became the main issue of the election thanks to the success of Yair Lapid’s Yesh […] Longtime readers of mine will recall that one of my bugaboos is the liberal obsession with the “moral equivalent of war.” Ever since William James coined the phrase, liberalism has essentially become a cargo cult to the idea. The core idea, expressed in myriad different ways, is that normal democratic capitalism is insufficient. Society […]