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Switzerland: Multicultural Paradise? by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3721/switzerland-multicultural In March, the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service announced that a growing number of jihadists are being recruited in Switzerland. The number of robberies and assaults on Swiss trains has skyrocketed to such an extent that the Swiss government recently opted to equip transport police with firearms, and at least 1,400 women in Switzerland have […]


http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/thomas052113.php3   Given last week’s revelation that the IRS targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, it’s worth recalling President Obama’s Ohio State University commencement address. The president decried “voices” warning “that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner.” It’s no longer lurking. It’s here. Testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee by the […]


As Islam Rises in Britain, Police Probe at Least 54 More Evil Child Sex Grooming Gangs

In light of the recent report stating that Islam is on the rise in Britain, it is no surprise that this evil being inflicted upon these innocents, is also on the rise.

At least 54 evil child ­grooming gangs are being investigated by police.

It comes as officers in the North of England are preparing to bust the biggest paedophile network ever seen in the country, with police set to swoop within days.

Our disturbing figures can be revealed after reporters contacted every force across England and Wales, but the true number is likely to be much higher as many failed, or ­refused, …

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Inside Israel: Rachel’s Tomb attacked 290 Times in 6 Months

The Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee discussed the security situation at Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem in Monday. It appears that a roof may be built over the compound, to protect the worshipers inside from incessant Muslim attacks.

The IDF told Knesset Members that about 200 firebombs and 90 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have been thrown at the compound since November’s Pillar of Defense military operation in Gaza. That means an average of almost two bombs a day.

The military said that the very tall walls that have been constructed around the compound – nine meters high, or almost 30 feet – have not sufficed to provide security.

Committee …

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Egypt Under Pressure to End Alcohol Sales

Egypt’s liquor stores are under growing pressure to stop selling alcohol, they say, not from the country’s Islamist government, but from society itself.

The shelves of Amir Aziz’s central Cairo premises are stacked with beer, wine and spirits, but they are invisible from the street.

Aziz has covered the window with metal sheets to avoid angering conservative Cairo residents.

Like many liquor store owners in Egypt, Aziz says the mood has changed drastically since the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak and brought Islamists to power.

“There are no restrictions from the government on the sale of alcohol,” Aziz said. “It’s the people who …

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Military Escalates Offensive against Boko Haram

A key city in northeast Nigeria was on lock-down Sunday as the military enforced a 24-hour curfew and blocked supply routes in its sweeping campaign against Islamist insurgents.

The operation against Boko Haram, the group that wants an Islamic state in northern Nigeria, is aimed at retaking territory seized by the militants and ridding the country of “terrorist activities,” the military has said.

The offensive has included air strikes on Boko Haram strongholds in remote parts of northeastern Borno state, and has spread to the state capital Maiduguri, the insurgents’ traditional home base — which residents said Sunday was under a blockade.

The defense ministry in a …

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Nazi Flag Flies over ‘Palestinian’ Village

Israel’s Tazpit News Agency has reported that hundreds of residents of the Gush Etzion area were “astounded” to find a Nazi flag flying next to a mosque in the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were notified immediately.

The flag, as can be seen from the image provided, was found by residents who were driving to Jerusalem on Monday morning. Reports suggest the flag had been up on the pole since “early morning hours”. As of two hours ago, the flag remained.

Local resident Uri Arnon told Tazpit: “I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold …

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http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MID-02-200513.html SPENGLERSyria’s madness and oursBy Spengler “Syria’s Descent into Madness” is the cover story of the May 27 Time magazine, recounting the act of ritual cannibalism by a Syrian rebel commander that transfixed the West last week. The sort of atrocities viewable on YouTube – the slaughter by government troops of entire families including infants in Tartus province […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/05/20/how-long-is-this-war If the war on terror is to go on with no end in sight, we’re not going to win it. How much longer will we have to fight the war on terrorism? Last week the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations, Michael Sheehan, told a Senate hearing that “I think it’s at least […]



Errors by the party in power can get America into trouble; real catastrophes require consensus.

Rarely have both parties been as unanimous about a development overseas as they have in their shared enthusiasm for the so-called Arab Spring during the first months of 2011. Republicans vied with the Obama Administration in their zeal for the ouster of Egypt’s dictator Hosni Mubarak and in championing the subsequent NATO intervention against Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. Both parties saw themselves as having been vindicated by events. The Obama Administration saw its actions as proof that soft power in pursuit of humanitarian goals offered a new paradigm for foreign-policy success. And the Republican establishment saw a vindication of the Bush freedom agenda.

“Revolutions are sweeping the Middle East and everyone is a convert to George W. Bush’s freedom agenda,” Charles Krauthammer observed in February 2011. “Now that revolution has spread from Tunisia to Oman,” Krauthammer added, “the [Obama] administration is rushing to keep up with the new dispensation, repeating the fundamental tenet of the Bush Doctrine that Arabs are no exception to the universal thirst for dignity and freedom.” And William Kristol exulted, “Helping the Arab Spring through to fruition might contribute to an American Spring, one of renewed pride in our country and confidence in the cause of liberty.”

They were all wrong. Just two years later, the foreign-policy establishment has fractured in the face of a Syrian civil war that threatens to metastasize into neighboring Iraq and Lebanon and an economic collapse in Egypt that has brought the largest Arab country to the brink of state failure. Some Republican leaders, including Sen. John McCain and Weekly Standard editor Kristol, demand American military intervention to support Syria’s Sunni rebels. But Daniel Pipes, the dean of conservative Middle East analysts, wrote on April 11 that “Western governments should support the malign dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad,” because “Western powers should guide enemies to stalemate by helping whichever side is losing, so as to prolong their conflict.” If Assad appears to be winning, he added later, we should support the rebels. The respected strategist Edward Luttwak contends that America should “leave bad enough alone” in Syria and turn its attention away from the Middle East—to Asia. The Obama Administration meanwhile is waffling about what might constitute a “red line” for intervention and what form such intervention might take.


http://daily.swarthmore.edu/2013/05/19/op-ed-religion-faculty-call-for-divestment/ Op-Ed: Religion Faculty Call for Divestment Op-Ed: Religion Faculty Call for Divestment We, the undersigned members of the Religion Department faculty, are writing in solidarity with our students in the department who recently called for Swarthmore College to divest its endowment holdings from the fossil fuels extraction industries. We believe that continued investment in […]


Let us not forget that Paterson is where Arab residents, some
presumably Palestinians, passed out sweets to celebrate the
deaths of Americans on 9/11…..B.T.

PATERSON, N.J— (MCT) The raising of a flag Sunday at Paterson’s City Hall was like any of the dozen or so similar events held in the city each year in a nod to its diversity.

Except it wasn’t.

That’s because the flag raised — for the first time in Paterson, and possibly at any city hall in the United States — was Palestinian. Symbols or assertions of Palestinian statehood are fraught with political sensitivities, and Khader Abuassab, the event’s organizer, said he received harassing phone calls and a text reading “Drop dead” before Sunday’s event.

But no problems were on display Sunday when the flag was raised in the rain before elected officials and about 150 people. People cheered, danced, shared sweets and shouted, “Long Live Palestine.”

“Palestine is our country and we are proud of that,” said Clifton, N.J., resident Salwa Ramadan. “We’re happy (to be) recognized finally.”

Paterson had never held the event because no one had asked, Mayor Jeffery Jones said. The mayor read a proclamation proclaiming May 19 as Palestinian American Day in the city and honoring the group’s heritage and contributions.

He said he wasn’t concerned with potential political backlash.

“If they’re citizens of the city of Paterson, they have every right to raise the flag,” Jones said. “There’s nothing that precludes them as long as they follow the process.” Turks, Haitians, Peruvians and other groups have had had their flags raised at City Hall.

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J., and Democratic state Assemblyman Thomas Giblin showed up — with Pascrell presenting a letter of Special Congressional Recognition and Giblin presenting an Assembly resolution marking the event.


In 2007, then President George W. Bush appointed Gerald Walpin to be inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that oversees such subsidized volunteer programs as AmeriCorps. In 2009, in what came to be the first of the Obama administration scandals, when Mr. Walpin’s investigation revealed that an agency run by Kevin Johnson, an Obama ally and supporter, was using an AmeriCorps grant for personal and questionable expenses he was fired and asked to “move on.” In true Obamination form, the administration deliberately leaked the false information that Mr. Walpin had been acting in a “confused” manner.

Confused? Hardly. Abused is more like it. Mr. Walpin, who is my friend has written a book for those of us who really are confused about the Supreme Court and the Constitution. This is not a ” Supreme Court for dummies.” On the contrary it is a scholarly and essential book which makes the debate about original intent and practice intelligible for non lawyers.

In his own words: “You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand how Supreme court Justices have substituted their own elitist vision for constitutional guarantees that protect the average American’s security and values.”

I have started to read this book and I am already hooked on it…..stay tuned for more, but order it now.

Product Details

The Supreme Court vs. The Constitution: by Gerald Walpin (Apr 29, 2013)

Stephen Hawking’s Moral Black Hole Posted By David Solway


There has been considerable fallout of late regarding world-renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking’s refusal to attend Israel’s Fifth Presidential Conference this coming June, on the grounds of Israeli malfeasance toward the Palestinians. Whatever one’s view of the Jewish state, there should be little doubt that the physicist’s decision to boycott the event is both intellectually indefensible and morally suspect, and raises the question of how mental agility and moral folly can co-exist in the same person.

As several commentators have indicated, his position is intellectually indefensible since Hawking evinces no knowledge of the history of the Middle East, ludicrously compares Israel to apartheid South Africa, and seems wholly unaware of the provably fraudulent nature of the Palestinian narrative. Palestinian revisionism has falsified the historical record in practically every conceivable respect. The data are readily accessible and no genuine scholar or thinking person can deny them and still retain a modicum of integrity. At the same time, his attitude is morally suspect owing to the fact that Hawking, who suffers from motor neuron disease, would have been rendered mute without the advances and advantages of Israeli medical breakthroughs. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin–Israel Law Center, called Hawking’s boycott hypocritical. “His whole computer-based communication system runs on a chip designed by Israel’s Intel team. I suggest that if he truly wants to pull out of Israel, he should also pull out his Intel Core i7 from his tablet.”

In a stinging article for FrontPage Magazine, Ari Lieberman points to the sharp distinction between the benefits and gifts that Israel has lavished upon mankind in science, technology and medicine and the deficits and depravities that are the legacy of the Arab world: barbarism, cultural regression, ignorance, religiously sanctioned violence and terroristic savagery. It is a distinction, we should have thought, that a world-class scientist like Hawking—who, incidentally, has visited Iran without uttering a single criticism of that rogue state—should be equipped to make but is clearly unable to do. One recalls his most celebrated theory, namely, that black holes leak radiation, but he cannot, it appears, register the lies, obsessions and hatreds that routinely leak from the black hole of the Islamic world—perhaps “gush” would be the more accurate word. (Of course, we need to make an adjustment here in the interest of precision: what are emitted from the Islamic world are not photons but, say, crepusculars, not particles of light, as in the original theory, but particles of darkness.)