If Obama were truly interested in the downtrodden of the world, he would be publicizing the plight of Egyptian Coptic Christians who are being decimated as a result of ongoing pillaging and murder by Muslim jihadists. In Raymond Ibrahim’s new book, titled Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians there are, according to […] Julian Conway is the Director of Friends of Israel in UK “Neonservatism – whether or not it is called as such – is the route back to the right path by which true liberalism returns, strengthened and defended” Douglas Murray’s book, Neoconservatism and Why We Need It, was a best-seller when it was published […] Among the approximately 20,000 books burned at Berlin’s Opernplatz (Opera Square) in 1933, were works by the 19th9-century German poet, Heinrich Heine, who wrote, “Christianity – and that is its greatest merit – has somewhat mitigated that brutal Germanic love of war, but could not destroy it.” So begins Gisele Perl’s memoir, I Was […] It is unlikely the world will ever encounter a Margaret Thatcher again. Her courage, confidence in her views, power of persuasion are simply sui generis. I knew Margaret Thatcher, not well; yet well enough to form opinions. For several years in the late 1990’s she and I planned conferences with spokesmen on both sides […]
I still recall the long months of the Watergate scandal that began with a botched break-in of the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972. It was directed by a group of presidential operatives dubbed the “plumbers” inside the White House. No one died, but a number of the operatives, including the Attorney General, John Mitchell, went to jail!
As always, it is not the crime, but the cover-up that brought down the Nixon presidency. It was the testimony of John Dean III, a top aide to Nixon, who revealed the extent of the corruption that existed and Nixon’s complicity.
The initial revelations and subsequent congressional investigations did not lead to a swift application of the law. Indeed, it would not be until August 9, 1974 that Nixon would resign, the first and only President to do so.
Two years would pass and, if one applies this to the Obama presidency, that means he has some twenty-four months left in office, a period of time in which he can do a lot of damage, assuming events play out as they did in the 1970s. Obama’s conduct of the presidency is a stain on the office at this point and his personal conduct an insult to Americans struggling to find work, pay their mortgages, put their children through college, and maintain any faith in their government.
At this writing, there is no way to know what revelations will occur during Wednesday’s congressional committee hearing on the events surrounding the Benghazi attack that led to the assassination of a U.S. ambassador and the three security personnel who gave their lives in the effort to save him.
Did Obama lie to the American people on Benghazi? Libya Cover-Up Would Be Impeachable Offense
Lt. Col. Peters said he believes that “President Obama lied to the American people, himself. Secretary [Hillary] Clinton lied to Congress. Susan Rice lied to the UN. Jay Carney lied to the media. […] The mainstream establishment media have protected this administration right down the line.”
SEE THE VIDEO The planning of violent atrocities continues in Britain. The government has still failed to curb the spread of violent agitation, and a necessary, firm and united opposition to radical Islam remains lacking at the official level. If the U.S. authorities are beset by questions about their capacity for the prevention – or lack thereof […]
Shocked audience boos modern interpretation of Wagner’s ‘Tannhauser” that features gas chambers
BERLIN (AP) — A modern production of Richard Wagner’s opera “Tannhauser” has caused a stir in Germany because of Nazi-themed scenes showing people dying in gas chambers and a family having their heads shaved and executed.
A spokeswoman for the Dusseldorf opera house said Tuesday that members of the audience “booed and were shocked” by Saturday’s opening performance.
Monika Doll said the company of Deutsche Oper am Rhein is debating whether to tone down the provocative parts, added to the original by director Burkhard Kosminski.
The head of the city’s Jewish community, Michael Szentei-Heise, criticized the show as “tasteless.”
Adolf Hitler was a fan of Wagner, who died in 1883. Wagner was an ardent anti-Semite and his music is still widely considered taboo in Israel. from an e-pal Nitsana, a lawyer is an orthodox Israeli with 5 kids – she has made a lifetime career out of pursuing terrorists in court throughout the west, often to legal success. She’s an amazing woman….mp For months now, the Palestinian Authority has threatened to file for membership at the International Criminal Court […] With each new revelation, what has always been obvious becomes more pronounced: the State Department’s self-proclaimed final word on the Benghazi Massacre, the risibly named “Accountability Review Board” investigation, is a fraud. Yet, like the rest of the Obama administration’s obstructive wagon-circling, the ARB’s report continues serving its intended purpose: to thwart efforts to […]