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Gang of Eight Bill Rewards Lawbreakers and Undermines Law Enforcement : 9/11 Hijackers Could Qualify for Legalization

http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=11002b90be7384b380b467605&id=c06ce0a483&e=50abfffa13 A thorough analysis of the Gang of Eight bill’s enforcement and compliance provisions by the Center for Immigration Studies finds serious flaws which will have public safety, national security, and enforcement implications. The extent of the problem is often hidden by S.744’s deceptive language; it contains misleading subtitles which mask the rewards and protection […]

The Fourth Great War No Good Options, No Good Allies by Shoshana Bryen

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3703/fourth-great-war The clear implication is that regardless of what members of the Syrian opposition say to the U.S. to win our support, their long-term aims may be incompatible with ours. The announcement by Secretary of Defense Hagel that the United States will “rethink all options” including arming Syrian rebel groups, was carefully hedged. “It doesn’t […]



A former Democratic national security official who admitted to stealing and destroying sensitive federal documents is supporting Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s bid for Virginia governor.

According to the Virginia Public Access Project, former White House national security adviser Samuel “Sandy” Berger donated $500 to McAuliffe’s campaign on March 12.

Berger pleaded guilty in 2005 to a misdemeanor after admitting to intentionally removing and destroying classified documents about the Clinton administration’s national security policies from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

He was given a $50,000 fine and sentenced to 100 hours of community service, according to CNN. The Washington Post called the controversy “an embarrassing episode during which [Berger] repeatedly misled people about what happened.”

Berger was also forced to resign as a top foreign policy adviser to then-Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004 when the allegations came to light.

McAuliffe, who was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee at the time, suggested political motivations were behind the release of the information.



In this year’s Virginia governor’s race, both party nominees are airing warm ads about family right now. GOP Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has been accused of lacking warmth. But that’s nothing next to what Buzzfeed dug up in former DNC chair Terry McAuliffe’s 2007 memoir “What A Party!”

Andrew Kaczynski offered a story where McAuliffe went to a Washington Post party while his wife was in the hospital preparing to have a baby. Somehow, this slipped past the Post itself when it reviewed the book in 2007:

I made the rounds at the party and ran into Marjorie Williams, who was writing a story on me for Vanity Fair, magazine. She was shocked to see me at the party. ‘Isn’t Dorothy having a baby today?’ she asked. ‘That’s right,’ I said, ‘but she threw me out the room.’ Marjorie just couldn’t understand how I left Dorothy alone.

In the book, McAuliffe also confessed to going briefly into a fundraiser on the way home from the birth of his son Peter, with his wife starting to cry in the car. But here’s how the Washington Post book review by Peter Baker went in 2007:

At the very least, there is one totally true statement in Terence R. McAuliffe’s new memoir: “This is my book,” he writes, “and obviously I’ve done my best to make myself look good.”

Maybe not! The Post book review found time to end on with a McAuliffe anecdote where Barbra Streisand hates dogs and wanted no dogs to sniff for explosives or trouble on her estate before Bill Clinton arrived. She was told no dogs, no Bill. She relented, but then screamed at McAuliffe when she stepped in doggy poo. This anecdote made the paper, but not the WashPost party story.

It drew some notice now — at least on a Washington Post blog. At “She the People,” the headline was “Terry McAuliffe partied (and argued about health care) while his wife gave birth.” Diana Reese argued, “Maybe Virginia’s voters will find Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s dedication to work admirable, but I’m glad he’s not my husband.”

She added a third story that when his son Jack was being born, he got thrown out of the room after having a political argument:

“[W]hile poor Dorothy was in labor with their son Jack, McAuliffe got into “a heated argument” with the anesthesiologist and the obstetrician.

The anesthesiologist asked McAuliffe if he wanted socialized medicine. (I guess we can blame the doctor for starting this discussion.) In his book, McAuliffe writes, “‘Of course not,’ I said. ‘However, there are thirty-seven million uninsured people in this country with no access to health care. Is that fair?’” He admits that he was “almost shouting” at this point.

Then the nurse kicked him out.



Fighting pneumonia and rotavirus. Israel marked “International Week for Encouraging Vaccinations” by announcing that the Prevnar vaccination introduced in 2009 had reduced annual cases of pneumonia by 70%. The rotavirus vaccine, added in 2010, has reduced gastrointestinal illness in children by 60%.

The reason for infection. A group of researchers from the Hadassah Medical Organization has located a gene that explains the reason for recurrent life threatening infections and the bone marrow failure in children.

Stopping the super bug. Israeli hospitals have imposed a strict set of procedures to prevent the spread of the super-bug MRSA. Isolation wards, dedicated staff, mandatory hand-washing and daily reports have cut the incidence of the bacteria by over 70 per cent.

Hadassah opens new center for pediatric vascular defects. Ten percent of babies are born with vascular defects, of which most are incorrectly diagnosed and can be life threatening. With the opening of a new unit in Jerusalem at Hadassah Medical Center, these children no longer need to be sent abroad for this type of surgery.

The doctor will always be with you. Israel’s Elad Systems has developed a smart-phone app to enable doctors at Tel Hashomer’s Sheba Medical Center to view the medical files of patients in real time. It will show data on hospitalization, operations, clinic visits, medical tests, prescriptions and sensitivities to help speed diagnosis.

Israel hosts Biogerontology congress. Three Israelis invented the science of Biogerontology (the study of longevity and the aging process) some 40 years ago. Recently, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev hosted the eighth European Congress of Biogerontology — the first time this event was held in Israel.

First Israeli operation to separate conjoined twins. Doctors at Haifa’s Rambam hospital performed one of the most difficult surgical procedures possible. Although one twin was not viable and was stillborn, the other is now fighting for its life. There have been only 150 cases of similarly conjoined twins in the last 126 years.

Will Amnestied Illegal Aliens Bankrupt New Jersey and California? Daniel Greenfield


Amnesty for illegal aliens will hit five states hardest: California, Texas, New Jersey, Florida and Nevada. Those are the states with some of the highest percentages of illegal aliens. Amnesty, as noted by Senator Jeff Sessions, may not immediately put illegal aliens on the Federal dole, but it will immediately put them on the state and city dole.

(And since states and cities get Federal funding for their social welfare spending, in practice the Federal government will be providing billions in social welfare spending for illegal aliens very quickly.)

Texas has the financial reserves to survive amnesty, for now. (An oil industry doesn’t provide that much of a hedge. Mexico has oil too.) But California does not.

California is already circling the drain. Its real hole is already somewhere between 150 billion and 300 billion (despite the glowing media stories on how Jerry Brown balanced the budget and turned the state around.)

California has 12 percent of the nation’s population but 34 percent of its welfare population. It is third in per capita welfare spending. And while a lot of illegal aliens are already cashing in, those numbers will jump in a big way after amnesty.

New Jersey is surprisingly second on the list. It has high unemployment and a 71 billion dollar hole. It also has a 6.2 percent illegal alien population and its welfare spending is close behind California. Like California, New Jersey is sharply divided between overburdened homeowners and a welfare population of miniature Detroits. And illegal amnesty will leave it in bad shape.

The news isn’t good in Florida either. Few states are prepared to absorb a large surplus population that will take more than it contributes and cost more than it earns.

And while the Amnesty Gang claim that illegal aliens won’t go on welfare after amnesty, they will. It will just be more indirect.

Hacker Breached U.S. Army Database Containing Sensitive Information on Dams By Kim Zetter


A hacker compromised a U.S. Army database that holds sensitive information about vulnerabilities in U.S. dams, according to a news report.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ National Inventory of Dams contains information about 79,000 dams throughout the country and tracks such information as the number of estimated deaths that could occur if a specific dam failed. It’s accessible to government employees who have accounts. Non-government users can query the database but cannot download data from it.

The breach occurred in January, according to the Free Beacon, a nonprofit online publication, which first published the news.

Pete Pierce, a spokesman for the Army Corps of Engineers, did not return a call from Wired but confirmed to the Free Beacon that the breach occurred.

“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is aware that access to the National Inventory of Dams (NID), to include sensitive fields of information not generally available to the public, was given to an unauthorized individual in January 2013 who was subsequently determined to not to have proper level of access for the information,” Pierce said in a statement to the publication. “[U.S. Army Corps of Engineers] immediately revoked this user’s access to the database upon learning that the individual was not, in fact, authorized full access to the NID.”

The Corps of Engineers announced on its website that account usernames and passwords had since changed “to be compliant with recent security policy changes.”

All users had been sent an e-mail notification to this effect, which apparently told them that their account username had been changed to their e-mail address and included the new password in plaintext that the Corps did not ask users to change.

“When logging into the site with your new password for the first time, it is highly recommended that you copy/paste your password from the email you received rather than manually typing the password,” the notice on the website reads.

Although the website provides links to reset the password if a user forgets it, the links were not working when Wired visited the site.



. . . comes from the New York Times. “Professors at San Jose State Criticize Online Courses.” Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Someone told me the story that Larry Ellison, genius loci of Oracle Corporation, was slumming recently. He was, the story goes, giving a talk at a big meeting of the American Association of University Professors, the guild organization that invigilates the protectionist rules that keep the professoriate in their tenured luxury. Ellison began with a little flattery. Teachers, he said, are one of the most important assets of our society. Applause and appreciative murmurs. Not only are teachers important, he said they are also drastically underpaid. Even more appreciative applause and scattered “Here, heres.” In fact, quoth this business giant, I think teachers are so important that they ought to be paid at least a $1 million a year. A standing ovation: who knew that someone from corporate America could be so insightful? Unfortunately, Ellison concluded, I’m only going to need about 100 of you. A shocked silence greeted that announcement. Whatever could he mean, wondered the assembled multitude as they looked about at the teeming mass of pseudo-independent thinkers that filled the room. Whatever could could he mean?

We all know what he meant. The technological tsunami that is online education is poised to rip through the educational status quo, performing for that fetid redoubt a service similar to that performed by Hercules for Augeas, he of the largest and untidy stables.

But what’s funny about the Times’s story is not


http://pjmedia.com/blog/will-scandals-drown-democracy-in-france/?print=1 Nothing can be more toxic for a government than scandals combined with economic and financial depression. That was the recipe for the French Revolution of 1789: the Queen’s Necklace scandal (a silly archbishop attempting to have a stupendously expensive piece of jewelry purchased on state funds for Queen Marie Antoinette, unbeknownst to her) made […]



President Obama’s Mexico trip has just taken a turn for the bizarre.This is what President Obama told Mexicans:

“…I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do,….” (RCP)

First, the Obama administration put 2,000 high powered weapons in the hands of Mexican cartels. Did President Obama forget about that little tragic episode from his first term? We hear that 200-plus Mexicans were killed by these weapons. Why didn’t President Obama apologize to the soldiers’ families? Or the widows? Or the orphans?

Second, cartel leaders, or criminals in the US, will continue to have guns because outlaws always do. Can someone remind President Obama of what is happening in Chicago? President Obama’s hometown has very strict gun laws but Juarez is Disneyland compared to the killings in Chicago!

Third, all of these guns are already outlawed in Mexico and in the US.