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N.B.: Text differs slightly from the Washington Times

What will be the long-term impact of the Apr. 15-19 Boston Marathon attack and the ensuing action-movie-style chase, killing a total of four and wounding 265?

Let’s start with what its impact will not be. It will not bring American opinion together; if the “United We Stand” slogan lasted brief months after 9/11, consensus after Boston will be even more elusive. The violence will not lead to Israeli-like security measures in the United States. Nor will it lead to a greater preparedness to handle deadly sudden jihad syndrome violence. It will not end the dispute over the motives behind indiscriminate Muslim violence against non-Muslims. And it certainly will not help resolve current debates over immigration or guns.

What it will do is very important: it will prompt some Westerners to conclude that Islamism is a threat to their way of life. Indeed, every act of Muslim aggression against non-Muslims, be it violent or cultural, recruits more activists to the anti-jihad cause, more voters to insurgent parties, more demonstrators to anti-immigrant street efforts, and more donors to anti-Islamist causes.

Education by murder is the name I gave this process in 2002; we who live in democracies learn best about Islamism when blood flows in the streets. Muslims began with an enormous stock of good will because the Western DNA includes sympathy for foreigners, minorities, the poor, and people of color. Islamists then dissipate this good will by engaging in atrocities or displaying supremacist attitudes. High profile terrorism in the West – 9/11, Bali, Madrid, Beslan, London – moves opinion more than anything else.


Op-ed: In light of its dark past, Britain’s involvement in building of PA’s army very problematic

British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould is doing all he can for the Palestinian army, which he claims plays a crucial role in the establishment of a Palestinian state. He is urging Israel to transfer authority to the Palestinian army in areas B and C and reveals that the UK “invests in training the Palestinian security forces…We have senior and experienced officers embedded in Palestinian training academies.” But this reminds the Jews of other “experienced” British officers, such as Glubb Pasha and the other British commanders who built the Jordanian army and commanded over it during its invasion of the Land of Israel with the goal of thwarting the UN’s partition plan. These forces destroyed Gush Etzion and the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem and killed thousands of soldiers and civilians.

The Jews also remember the words of anti-Semitic general Evelyn Barker, commander of the British forces in the Land of Israel: “(We) will be punishing the Jews in a way the race dislikes as much as any, by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt of them.” Before Barker, during the pogrom of 1920, Col. Waters Taylor, financial adviser to the Military Administration in Palestine, explained to Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini that if disturbances of sufficient violence occurred in Jerusalem during Easter, both General Bols (chief administrator in Palestine, 1919-20) and General Allenby (commander of the Egyptian force, 1917-19, then High Commissioner of Egypt) would advocate the abandonment of the Jewish Home. Waters-Taylor explained that freedom could only be attained through violence.


http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2013/04/viscount-samuel-meet-secretary-hagel   Emerging from intense controversy, the British politician Herbert Samuel (1870-1963) was appointed the first High Commissioner of Palestine, where he served 1920-25. A Jew and an influential Zionist, Samuel bent over backwards not to favor the Yishuv, to the point that he forwarded the interests of the Palestinians most hostile to the Jewish […]

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Vowed to Die For Islam in 2011

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/25/tamerlan-tsarnaev-vowed-to-die-for-islam-judge-prematurely-stopped-brother/#ixzz2RT0QLsq0

EXCLUSIVE: Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev sent text messages to his mother as early as 2011 suggesting he was willing to die for Islam, the FBI told lawmakers this week according to two officials with knowledge of the Capitol Hill briefing.

Tsarnaev, who was killed days after the April 15 bombing in a shootout with police, is said to have embraced radical Islam in recent years and recruited his younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, to carry out the attack that killed three and wounded more than 180 near the finish line of the world’s most prestigious road race.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was caught alive but wounded on Friday and charged with use of a weapon of mass destruction, for which he could get the death penalty.

The FBI filed a federal criminal complaint against the 19-year-old on Sunday, and federal District Court Judge Marianne Bowler arrived at the hospital where he is being treated to preside over his initial hearing Monday, when she read him his Miranda rights.

But Fox News’ sources say there was confusion about Bowler’s timing, with some voicing concerns that investigators were not given enough time to question Dzhokhar under the “public safety exception” invoked by the Justice Department.




N. Richard Greenfield

Michael Sullivan for US Senate

In 2010 Scott Brown won a stunning victory in a state that is not supposed to elect Republican candidates and finally we had a Senator representing us.

We don’t know each other, but it’s likely that you and I voted for Scott then and also voted for many of the same candidates for office over the years. We do that in spite of the conventional wisdom that in Massachusetts we have little hope of electing the people we vote for. The fact is though, that we turn out and comprise and consistent statewide 30-35% of the electorate in any given election.

When we vote, we may be voting for the Republican or against the Democrat, but in no small part, we are motivated by the awareness that the smothering one-party nature of this state, a reality that creates a level of corruption that produces a mind numbing apathy for our politicians and the process itself, dominate us. [With three felons as former Speakers of our House of Representative, it is hard to avoid this conclusion]. The legislative dominance of our Congressional Delegation by the Democrat party is symptomatic of the disenfranchisement you and I and about a third of the electorate feel all the time in this state.

The 2010 Scott Brown election might have been an aberration or possibly the sign of a new beginning in the Commonwealth. That he was subsequently turned out of office in 2012 doesn’t diminish the fact that in order to do that, the Democrat had to spend 22 million dollars, a state record by a wide margin, and rely on hordes of well-funded union and special interest groups to swamp our Commonwealth with additional millions of dollars to get it done.

In a few weeks we are being presented with another opportunity to try and elect someone who can genuinely represent us. There are three candidates who want the Republican nomination notwithstanding the fact that the winner is likely to be faced with the same onslaught of outside money, orchestrated union attacks and strongly incented uninformed voters that we fight against in every election. No matter what the punditry tells us; no matter how much is spent to push us one way or another; the first task we have is to vote for and elect the most viable candidate in the field. It is up to us to nominate a candidate who can fight this fight and win it. Someone who can go up against the overwhelming odds and overcome them.

In my opinion, only one of the three candidates in the Republican field fits that description: Mike Sullivan. READ IT ALL

U.N. Leader: U.S. ‘Israel First Ethos’ to Blame for Boston Bombing: Joseph Klein


While our nation continues to deal with the aftermath of the Boston Marathon terrorist bombings, which killed three people and wounded more than 260, jihadists and their sympathizers gloat, rationalize or turn the blame for the bombings back onto the United States and Israel. Leftists, who were so quick to accuse Tea Party members or right wingers for the bombings, have remained mostly silent as the truth of the Islamist roots of the bombing suspects became known.

The suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now dead, and his younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, now in custody, were described by one U.S. government official as “aspiring jihadists.” They were led to their alleged evil act by their understanding of their Muslim faith. Tellingly, on the Russian social networking site Vkontakte, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev described his world view as “Islam.”

They reportedly turned to Inspire magazine, an English-language online magazine published by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, for bomb-building instructions.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is said to have told investigators that he and his brother were motivated to commit their alleged heinous act by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also reportedly told investigators that he and his brother were not connected to any foreign terrorist groups. Whether true or not, they are certainly heroes in jihadist circles.

Members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were “dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys,” according to the Israeli News Agency. Mohammad al-Chalabi, the head of the Muslim Salafi group, which is a jihadist group headquartered in Jordan, proclaimed that he was “happy to see the horror in America.”

Amidst the outpouring of concern for the victims who lost lives and limbs at the hands of the jihadist bombers, a deluded caller to a PBS radio program, just hours after the bombings, said the bombings were a response to “our drone attacks,” while another caller explained it as “a kind of retribution for torture inflicted by American security forces acting under the authority of the government.”

Richard Falk – a top official of the United Nations Human Rights Council, who quoted these callers in his Foreign Policy Journal article, entitled “A Commentary on the Marathon Murders” – looked at the Boston terrorist attacks as an understandable reaction to the “American global domination project.”

Falk brought Israel into his discussion. “As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy,” Falk wrote. And he took verbal shots at Israel’s “belligerent leader, Bibi Netanyahu” and at President Obama for “succumbing to the Beltway ethos of Israel First.”

Falk went on to write that “America’s military prowess and the abiding confidence of its leaders in hard power diplomacy makes the United States a menace to the world and to itself… We should be asking ourselves at this moment, ‘How many canaries will have to die before we awaken from our geopolitical fantasy of global domination?’”



This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by actor Basil Hoffman, (The Artist), actor Dwight Schultz (DwightSchultzFansite.nl) and
Ann-Marie-Murrell, the National Director of PolitiChicks.tv.

The Gang members gathered to discuss Will Obama Try To Disarm Americans? The discussion occurred in Part II (beginning at the 11:00 mark) and focused on what will happen if the administration launches a full-out war on the Second Amendment. The segment began with a focus on Rachel Maddow’s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz, which analyzed why MSNBC’s terminally sophomoric host scoffs at an author’s books without reading them. The dialogue shed light on how and why progressives oppress blacks and Hispanics while pretending to be their saviors. (See Frontpage’s article on it here). The segment also touched on: Will Americans Soon Live Like Israelis?

Part I focused on How the Left Yearned for a White American Bomber. The discussion centered on the Boston Massacre and David Sirota’s article in Salon which expressed his wish that the Boston Marathon bomber would be a white American terrorist. (See Daniel Greenfield’s analysis of it here.)

See both parts of the two-part series below:

Part I:

Part II:

Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here.


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/david-solway/allah-made-me-do-it/ Writing in Islamist Watch for April 17, 2013, David Rusin draws our attention to a recent case in an Australian court which would beggar belief if we had not grown inured to such outrages through repetition and cultural submission. As Rusin writes, “Esmatullah Sharifi, an Afghan refugee who came to Australia in 2001 and […]

John Kerry’s Pro-Terror Swiftboating Posted By Steven Plaut

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/steven-plaut/john-kerrys-sympathy-for-terrorism/ Leave it to Secretary of State John Kerry to exploit his state visit to Turkey for some pro-terror swiftboating. As reported on the conservative Israel National News web site: Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror […]


The murderer is the new celebrity. He emerges out of nowhere with a rags to mass murder story, and is swiftly accorded all the trappings of fame. Reporters track down anyone who knew him to learn about his childhood and his main influences. Relatives and friends both contribute fuzzy anecdotes, mostly indistinguishable from the ones they would present if he were competing on American Idol or running for president.

The disaffected form fan clubs around him. The experts discuss what his rise to fame means. Books are written about him and then perhaps a movie. And then it ends and begins all over again.

The Tsernaev brothers, the living one and the dead one, are already receiving that treatment. Like most murderers they have already become more famous than their victims. More famous than the rescuers. The original Tamerlane is better known than any of his countless victims. The new one is already eclipsing his victims. Before long one of those Chechen bards whose videos he tagged into his playlist on YouTube will write a ballad about the Boston massacre and the circle will be complete.

That ballad, murderous and vile, will still be more honest than most of the media coverage about the two Chechen Muslims has been. The media’s coverage is weighed down by its old fetish of murder as celebrity. The media covers murderers and celebrities in the same way. It writes exhaustively about them, but rarely meaningfully. The murderer, like the celebrity, is famous for being famous. And fame clips context and suppresses meaning. It becomes its own reference. A thing is famous for being known. It is known for being famous. It enters the common language as a reference. A metaphor.

In the case of the Tsernaevs, the surface coverage, the endless rounds of interviews with friends and relatives, with anyone who ever met them or retweed them, is mandatory because it avoids the more difficult question of why they killed.

The better news outlets answer with convenient terms like “radicalization” or “self-radicalization” and much of the public, primed to react to meaningless political jargon as if it had meaning, will think that they understand. A radical, they know, is a bad person, except for a brief period when surfers and ninja turtles could use it and still be good people. They don’t quite know why that is, but they also don’t know why high debt is good for the economy or why Islam is a religion of peace.

Radical and extremist are convenient terms for dismissing people and subjects without discussing them. Mental shortcuts like that can be convenient. No one really wants to spend every waking moment debating the people who think that the moon landing was faked or that we are ruled over by miniature T-Rex’s who somehow look just like people. But when the body count gets high enough, dismissing it as extremism or radicalism doesn’t hold up. The question must be discussed.