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The Memory of Beslan, the Shame of Boston Posted By Michael Walsh


Hide — there’s an armed teenager on the loose

Enough with all the chest-thumping, mingled with manly tears, about the dramatic end of the Marathon bombers’ reign of terror in Boston last week. From the press coverage, you’d think the entire city (which is actually rather small) rose up as one and smote two evil Chechens a stunning blow for truth, justice, liberty and the American Way. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What we saw instead was a city cowering in fear, led by two particularly pusillanimous toads in Gov. Deval Patrick and Mayor Mumbles Menino, who had the services of some 10,000 armed personnel — literally, a small army — to take down… wait for it… a wounded teenager with a gun, and maybe some self-detonating explosives.

Way to go, Boston. You’ve made all of us proud to be Americans.

Now, of course, the liberal East Coast media is getting all mushy about the Brothers Tsarnaev. I’m not even going to bother to cite some of the more egregious examples from the New York Times and elsewhere, part of the MSM’s ongoing bout of Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to dealing with Islam and its discontents. John Hinderaker of Power Line has a nice roundup of the usual-suspect idiocy.

But don’t you wish, just once, an American public official would react like a man? A man, say, like this guy, who said this about the Chechens after they attacked a school back in 2004. WARNING: offensive, ethnically biased stereotyping ahead:

“You find it possible to set some limitations in your dealings with these bastards, so why should we talk to people who are child killers?


http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/04/islamism_in_texas.html Neena Nejad, a Los Angeles-based producer, has been working for almost two years now on a film documentary about Amina and Sarah Said, the two Muslim girls in Texas who were murdered by their father in an Islamic honor killing on New Year’s Eve 2008. Nejad and her team have been working with many […]



Not a single word in the 844-page “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act” introduced by Senator Marco Rubio and the “Gang of Eight” addresses the controversial practice of “birthright citizenship.”

Birthright citizenship is the common description given to the automatic grant of U.S. citizenship to babies born in the U.S. regardless of the citizenship status of the parents. Many experts agree with the verdict of law professor Lino Graglia — that the practice generates “perhaps the greatest possible inducement to illegal entry.”

The failure of Congress to confront the subject is nothing new. The “four pillars” of the reform framework floated by Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham back in 2010 also avoided mention of the gaping “hole in the fence” created by the “magnet” of the birthright practice.

While Rubio touted the newest bipartisan proposal and appeared to “backtrack” on the border fence as illegals continue to climb over it, our government creates even more incentives for illegals to have children here. Besides potential ObamaCare benefits, many provisions in the Gang’s new package increase the allure and impact of the birthright magnet.

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter penned a scathing analysis titled “If Rubio’s Amnesty is So Great, Why is He Lying?” Near the end of her litany of damning facts and figures, Coulter wrote: “The children of illegal aliens become automatic citizens under our current insane interpretation of the 14th Amendment.”


A new report keys in on the space between what the White House knew, and what it chose to publicly say. Eli Lake reports. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/23/republican-benghazi-report-alleges-state-department-coverup.html Internal emails in the week following the 9-11 anniversary assault on the U.S. facility in Benghazi show the White House and State Department removed references to al Qaeda and the […]

Britain’s Sharia Courts: “You Cannot Go Against What Islam Says” by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3682/uk-sharia-courts “There are some who are putting women at risk. And doing so for ridiculous reasons, namely that they are somehow responsible for the abuse they are suffering.” — Nazir Afzal, head of the Crown Prosecution Service, northwest England. A new documentary secretly filmed inside several of the 85 Islamic Sharia Law courts operating in […]

Richard Falk, UN Human Rights Blowhard— Now Calls Boston Deaths Justifiable “Blowback”: Anne Bayefsky

Richard Falk, UN “human rights expert” and terrorism apologist Boston deaths justifiable “blowback” info@humanrightsvoices.org A UN “expert” of the UN Human Rights Council, Richard Falk, has announced that Boston had it coming. America’s “fantasy of global domination” justified what he has labeled “resistance.” Boston’s “canaries” happened to be the ones the resisters decided “have to […]



NEW YORK, April 23, 2013 – I’ll probably get over this fever of suspicion – until at least the next Islamic terror attack – but meanwhile I’ve gotten too skeptical even for my own taste.

Since the capture of those two monsters who committed the atrocity in Boston, we’re being overfed with their names, faces, and their charms. Their schoolmates keep insisting, unanimously, that they were nice kids, just like any regular “Joe College.” Who knew?

Who knew that beneath the surface, these “all-American boys” from Chechnya were smitten with hearts of darkness? Or – as I suggest – maybe their pals did know, but were afraid to say, given the rules of political correctness that govern our college campuses. Would you be the first to blow the whistle?

I did nearly as much and am still hearing about it when I wrote, “Suppose by their own (hateful) words and (malicious) deeds they turn you into a bigot?”

So, with Boston on my mind, along with many Americans I have grown some fresh skin of wariness that includes the following:

We have become suspicious of men who come to America with names that cannot be pronounced without buying a vowel.

We have become suspicious of “students” from Saudi Arabia who, by the increasing thousands, are given special visas to come here to “study.”

(Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.)

We have become suspicious of Palestinian Arabs who, in the pretext of diversity, keep getting invited here with scholarships unavailable to citizens. They come from places like Gaza and Ramallah that celebrate terrorism and cheer even as we weep over our losses.

Boston Bomber Exposes Islamist Secret By Steven Emerson

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | Now he’s in trouble.

It is one thing for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to be seen on security camera videos placing one of the bombs that killed three people at last week’s Boston Marathon.

But now he’s really crossed a line.

Tsarnaev is telling investigators he and his brother were motivated by religion to plot their carnage, media reports citing anonymous federal sources say.

Radical Islam. It’s a label banned by the Obama administration. National Islamist groups say it doesn’t belong in conversations about terrorism. Tsarnaev didn’t get the memo.

Recovering from multiple gunshot wounds, Dzhokhar told investigators from his hospital bed that he and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev were driven by religious fervor and took their instructions from al-Qaida’s Inspire magazine, NBC News reports. Anger at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan fueled their rage, the Washington Post reports.

That motivation echoes justifications offered by Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan for the Fort Hood shooting spree that killed 13 people and Faisal Shahzad’s sentencing rant about his attempt to bomb Times Square in 2010. “The crusading U.S. and NATO forces who have occupied the Muslim lands under the pretext of democracy and freedom for the last nine years and are saying with their mouths that they are fighting terrorism, I say to them, we don’t accept your democracy nor your freedom, because we already have Sharia law and freedom,” Shahzad told the court. “Furthermore, brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun. Consider me only a first droplet of the flood that will follow me.”

Despite this candor from terrorists, the Obama administration and Islamist groups have argued that referring to terrorists’ religious motivations somehow grants them religious legitimacy. “Nor does President Obama see this challenge as a fight against jihadists,” CIA Director John Brennan said in 2009 when he was White House terrorism adviser. “Describing terrorists in this way, using the legitimate term ‘jihad,’ which means to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal, risks giving these murderers the religious legitimacy they desperately seek but in no way deserve.”

Similarly, Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense Paul Stockton squirmed and obfuscated when asked about the role radical Islam played in past terror plots.




On Sunday, when U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel arrived in Israel to seal an arms deal and reiterate Obama administration platitudes about not allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was in Ankara, trying to shift reconciliation between Turkey and Israel into high gear.

Israel is ready and willing. Not only did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issue an apology to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last month, but he sent a delegation to Turkey on Monday to iron out details of the compensation package that Israel will provide for the families of the activists killed by Israeli soldiers during the 2010 “Free Gaza Flotilla” raid.

It is the Turkish officials who are being intransigent, in spite of the fact (or perhaps because of it) that not a single person would have died on the Mavi Marmara ship had Turkish and other activists not brutally attacked Israeli soldiers who had been dispatched to prevent the flotilla from violating the naval blockade on Gaza.

Neither the Turkish authorities nor much of the Turkish public sees it that way. Erdogan is an Islamist through and through, which is why he is planning a trip to Gaza in the near future to pat his Hamas buddies on the back.

This is problematic for Kerry, who doesn’t want it to be so obvious that this American “ally” is growing closer by the minute to a terrorist organization. And it is a source of dismay for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is playing two hands simultaneously: portraying himself as the only legitimate leader of the Palestinian people, and trying to bury the hatchet with Hamas.


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2013/matthew-vadum/saudi-connection-to-boston-bombing/ Questions remain about whether there is a Saudi connection to the Boston Marathon bombing last week and if the Obama administration has been interfering in the investigation of the Islamic terrorist attack. These questions take on greater urgency as Islamic terrorist organizations continue preparing attacks. Canadian authorities yesterday upended an ambitious […]