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Outrage in Jordan The very fact that 110 members of Jordan’s parliament (out of a total of 150) signed a petition for the release of the murderer from Naharayim speaks volumes about what parades as morality and coexistence next door to us. Jordan, it needs to be stressed, is formally at peace with Israel. Hence […]


http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2013/04/22/connecting-the-dots-101/ The dramatic events in Boston last week have given rise to what President Obama would call a “teachable moment.”  The question is, will we “connect the dots”?  And, more to the point, will our leaders, the media and the rest of us have the intellectual integrity and courage to learn the evident lessons? The […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/04/22/why-has-no-one-taken-credit Could the Tsarnaev brothers have had no ties to any terrorist group? Since the Boston Marathon bombings a week ago, the FBI, the Boston Police, and the media have spent most of their time digging into what happened. We know a lot more than we did a week ago, and some facts stand out. […]

Will Americans Soon Live Like Israelis? — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by actor Basil Hoffman, (The Artist), actor Dwight Schultz (DwightSchultzFansite.nl) and
Ann-Marie-Murrell, the National Director of PolitiChicks.tv.

The Gang members gathered to discuss the Boston Marathon Massacre and many of the controversies surrounding it. One theme the Gang focused on was: Will Americans Soon Live Like Israelis? The analysis started at the 9:23 mark of Part II, a segment that began with the Gang shedding light on Rachel Maddow’s Brain Numbing Attack on David Horowitz. The discussion on Maddow explored how progressives oppress blacks and Hispanics while pretending to be their saviors. (See Frontpage’s article on it here). The segment ended with a reflection on whether Obama will really come for Americans’ guns — and if he will succeed if he tries.

Part I focused on How the Left Yearned for a White American Bomber. The discussion centered on the Boston Massacre and David Sirota’s article in Salon which expressed his wish that the Boston Marathon bomber would be a white American terrorist. (See Daniel Greenfield’s analysis of it here.)

See both parts of the two-part series below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/islams-world-war-came-to-boston/print/ After the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Obama asked, “Why did young men who grew up and studied here, as part of our communities and our country, resort to such violence?” Despite the scholarships and the positive press, the money and the good times that came their way, the Tsarnaevs were never truly part of […]




Miraculously the border between Mexico and Arizona has suddenly been declared substantially free of illegal crossers. Having announced last year that more illegal entrants had been caught and deported, the Department of Homeland Security recently has noted that the illegal immigration that previously had been such a problem for Arizona was now far reduced. Without questioning the actual statistics — which certainly could be done — the real issue is the political implication of these claims for the currently contemplated immigrant legalization programs.

Supporters of the several proposals under consideration tend to agree that serious indications that border security has improved are essential if any new immigration bill is to have any chance to win legislative approval. Voilà, Arizona is now said to have substantially reduced illegal immigration. How convenient for those parties eager to show that eased requirements for immigration would not necessarily be accompanied by a sharp rise of illegal border crossing. This new successful border security in Arizona is credited to the vastly increased surveillance and reaction capability now existing in the southern areas of that state.

Numbers are of questionable utility in evaluating the impact of decreased illegal immigration flow. While extolling the effectiveness of the now 18,000 patrol agents operating along the U.S.-Mexico border, the fact is that 126,500 “illegals” were apprehended in Arizona in 2012. One can only imagine what these numbers mean in respect to those “undocumented aliens” who have slipped through. In the past Border Patrol authorities have claimed they only captured a fraction of the border crossers. Even if that fraction has grown larger in this past year, the final sum remains striking.

Arizona now is heralded as a success in reducing illegal infiltration. As evidence it is pointed out Arizona once accounted for 50% of all the border apprehensions and in 2012 that was reduced to about 30%. Of course, the Customs and Border Protection Agency admits that Texas has picked up the difference. Happy Arizona Field Command — unhappy Texas counterparts! Homeland Security in Washington, D.C. has scheduled new high profile visits to Arizona to snip off whatever credit it can from the new local statistics. Secretary Janet Napolitano was once the state’s governor and this is her old political stomping ground.

The hard working Border Patrol are the first, however, to admit that the U.S. economic downturn in recent times had to be an important factor in the diminished efforts of immigrants to sneak across the border via Arizona. At the same time, there appears to have been a temporary agreement among the leading drug smuggling groups to divide the patterns of human trafficking in this sector in order to avoid conflict in this profitable but ancillary aspect of their principal business.



The two brothers who set off the bombs at the Boston Marathon Monday were assets of a bigger network out of South Asia and were set up to be burned so there would be no link back to their handlers – and Iran.

As reported exclusively April 16, a source within the Iranian intelligence services told WND that the Islamic regime had links to Monday’s bombings and that Hezbollah terrorists and Quds Forces were involved in the shadows. The information was shared with U.S. officials.

A YouTube video posted apparently by one of the bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, though not yet confirmed, shows a belief in the coming of the Shiites’ 12th Imam, Mahdi, and the rise of an Islamic army with black flags out of Khorasan, a province in Iran.

The mullahs ruling Iran have promoted that same ideology, revealed in their secret documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us.” The documentary says Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is the one who, according to a centuries-old hadith, will raise the flag of Islam in creating the circumstance for the coming of the last Islamic messiah, Mahdi. Khamenei was born in Khorasan.

It is believed that the Mahdi will only reappear when Armageddon is upon the world, and Iran is seeking nuclear weapons to bring it on.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two brothers, was killed by police early today after a chase through Boston suburbs.

WND’s source said the Chechen brothers were likely recruited and trained by other assets connected with Hezbollah operators with centers in South Asia to carry out their terror attack and then abandoned so there would be no link to Iran.

See “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception,” which reveals the threat that is hidden in plain sight for Americans.



National Review has asked me to comment upon the current state of affairs in Afghanistan. I don’t know what the current state is; I do know it doesn’t much matter. Let me explain.

Our reason for invading that remote, medieval country in 2001 was to destroy the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, which had murdered 3,000 civilians at the World Trade Center. Our military failed to destroy AQ but did drive it into Pakistan. To keep AQ from reestablishing a base inside Afghanistan, modest U.S. assets (say, 10,000 troops) are needed.

However, the UN, NATO, and the U.S. decided in 2002 to broaden the Afghan mission to infinite dimensions. The triumvirate determined that 30 million illiterate, fractious tribesmen deserved to be reformed into an economically viable democracy defined by Western values and laws. The West would accomplish this Herculean task while handing total sovereignty over to its hand-picked, “elected” ruler, Hamid Karzai. Unlike the British, who had ruled a century ago via colonialism and reprisals, the West in the 21st century scrupulously abjured direct interference in Afghan affairs, while nonetheless guaranteeing countrywide security, propping up government officials, building an infrastructure, and paying for a viable economy. Once the U.S. established that mission, it could never be ended. Like Detroit or Jersey City, Afghanistan would always need more money.
Throughout the past decade, Pakistan has given sanctuary and aid to the Taliban because Pakistan is determined to keep Afghanistan in a subservient geopolitical position that does not benefit India (or any other power). So by 2006, the American troops in Afghanistan were waging war against the resurgent Taliban. This was not the original mission. And, like the task of ensuring democracy, it guaranteed the U.S. could not leave. Our forces fell under the political control of Karzai, and gradually our generals tightened proscriptions against air strikes to the extent that today, U.S. forces neither patrol nor go out as advisers, while Afghan forces are forbidden to call in air. Fighting rifle against rifle guarantees the Taliban can continue attacking year after year.



After winning election to the U.S. Senate last year, I expected to be teaming up often with my fellow conservative Marco Rubio (R., Fla.). What I never expected was that Senator Rubio and I would be working on immigration-reform legislation with liberals like Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Dick Durbin (D., Ill.).

While conservatives are justified in their skepticism of any legislation that Senators Schumer and Durbin sign off on, I hope we don’t let their association with the bill that is now before the Senate overshadow the conservative elements that Republicans have included.

The first section of the bill addresses border security. It requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop a “Comprehensive Southern Border Security Strategy” and appropriates $3 billion to implement the plan with resources such as military-developed surveillance systems, additional Border Patrol and customs agents, and unmanned and fixed-wing aircraft. DHS is also required to develop the “Southern Border Fencing Strategy,” with $1.5 billion to ensure that all parts of the border that need a fence have a fence (some parts of the border are so mountainous that a fence would be impractical and redundant).

Because DHS hasn’t always addressed the situation at the border realistically, the bill requires that if they do not achieve a 90 percent effectiveness rate within five years (meaning that 9 of every 10 illegal border crossers is apprehended), another $2 billion will be spent to implement recommendations from a commission of border stakeholders, who, for the first time, will have meaningful authority to increase border security. This funding can be directed toward more manpower, technology, and infrastructure strategies.


http://www.nationalreview.com/article/346228/putting-lipstick-obamacare-pig The Department of Health and Human Services has just handed out a $3.1 million PR contract to improve the public image of Obamacare. Advertising Age reports that the firm Weber Shandwick will help “roll out a campaign to convince skeptical — or simply confused — Americans the Affordable Care Act is good for them […]