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“All of us recognize that this great religion (Islam), in the hands of a few extremists, has been distorted.”

Barack Hussein Obama

“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all!”

Ayatollah Khomeini

While we now know that a young Obama rebelled against his mother and attended Koran classes, he clearly didn’t attend nearly enough of them. Or the Harvard genius is back to playing dumb.

According to Obama, and so much of the political establishment, the Koran is being distorted by a “few extremists” somewhere who are trying to convince the billion peaceful Muslims, that it actually promotes violence. But first a few obvious questions.

How many exactly is a “few”? Are we talking about a few dozen, a few thousand, a few million? Naturally Obama and the Islam apologists never really address that question. Because it is a rather inconvenient question. Since Muslims are defined by religious streams and mosque attendance, it should be easy enough to come up with a realistic figure.

We could start with the population of Saudi Arabia, which ranks at some 25 million. That is quite a “few” extremists right there. Then there’s Pakistan with a population of 166 million. That’s a few more, right there. Of course officially both countries are allies of the United States and have nothing to do with terrorism. Even when it’s funded by their own governments.

So let’s move on to a slightly more definitive figure. In 2006, the Palestinian Arabs held an election. 440,000 of them voted for Hamas. A terrorist organization. In the 2009 Lebanon election, a coalition that included Hezbollah and the Baath Party won over 800,000 votes. So certainly we know that there are more than 1 million “misunderstanders” of Islam out there. And that’s out of a tiny portion of the Muslim world.

But as to the next question, is the vast majority of Muslims and their mosques and clergy are peaceful, then how can those who “distort its vision” ever be a real threat? If there is nothing of violence in Islam, then what exactly can they do? Re-edit the Koran? Insert verses that don’t exist there. But when asked about Jihad, even Barack Hussein Obama is forced to backpedal and say, that it has a lot of meanings in Islam. But if Islam is peaceful, then how could there be a non-peaceful meaning at all?

“Well, the phrase jehad has a lot of meanings within Islam. It is subject to lot of different interpretations.”

Barack Hussein Obama



2 out of 3 governments agree that dealing with terrorism is all about having the right attitude. That, “Yes, we’ve been bombed, but we’re ready to pick ourselves up and get on with our lives without drawing any conclusions from what happened” attitude that politicians patriotically advocate as soon as the carnage is over.

“Americans refuse to be terrorized. Ultimately, that’s what we’ll remember from this week,” Obama said in his radio address.

But of course Americans were terrorized. Obama’s message is that in response to the terrorism, Bostonians won’t spend the rest of their lives locked in their homes, at least not until the next time there’s a terrorist on the loose. But then again neither are Rwandans or Sudanese. This isn’t so much an inspirational message as a pat on the back from a government that once again failed in its duty to keep Americans from being terrorized.

If America had refused to be terrorized, the Tsarnaevs would not have been admitted to this country or would have been shown the door once they started adding terrorist videos to their playlist. Instead Tamerlan Tsarnaev was free to slap around his girlfriend while his brother Dzhokhar was adding classic hits to his YouTube playlist like “We Will Dedicate Our Lives to the Jihad.”

That ditty, from the hit-master behind “Hey, Shahid”, “The Holy Jihad (Rise Muslim)” and “Insallah, We are Waiting for Paradise” contains lyrics like “Paradise’s rivers softly chime/The 72 virgins lovingly whisper” and “Infidels rule the earth/for the faithful life is torture”.

But while infidels might still rule the United States, though there are serious questions to be raised about who is ruling Michigan or New Jersey, life was hardly torture for the Tsarnaevs who drove luxury cars, attended good schools and got good media coverage. The good media coverage continued even after their bout of mass murder as the New York Times feature story on them was headlined, “Far From War-Torn Homeland, Trying to Fit In.” And who can blame them for trying to fit by practicing some of their native customs of mass murder.



City of Boston gave ‘subsidy’ to bombing suspects’ radical mosque

Posted By Patrick Howley

Suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev attended a Massachusetts mosque that made a controversial deal with a Boston city agency that allowed it to buy land at a lower-than-market price in exchange for various token services to the Boston community, despite the mosque’s links to some radical anti-American figures

The 19-year-old Tsarnaev attended mosque at the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The Daily Caller reported Friday that the ISB hosted at its satellite cultural center a book signing April 6 featuring British journalist Victoria Brittain, who has criticized the United States and United Kingdom for waging a “war against Islam” in its anti-terrorism efforts.


The Real Question

Following Monday’s horrific Boston Marathon bombing, the one question we have been consistently asking throughout the Blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter, etc. is:

Since 99% of terrorist acts are committed by Muslims/Muslim converts, what is it about ISLAM that causes its followers to do that?

We got lots of chatter from “experts”, commentators, analysts, even President Obama, and others about the bombing, the bombers, Chechnya, etc., i.e., everything but an answer to that question.

Nevertheless, below is an EXCELLENT piece that comes very close. We encourage everyone to read it and keep it in mind, because you’ll be hearing lots of explanations, blatherings, excuses and coulda-woulda-shouldas in the weeks/months to come, about everything except the real threat we face (and have been facing since 9/11, going all the way back to 1979).

We cannot fight, much less win a war without NAMING our enemy.

Who’s Going to Keep More Teenage Muslims from Becoming the Next Boston Marathon Terrorists? Nobody

By Barry Rubin

Photo courtesy: usnews.com

The lesson from the Boston Marathon bombings could not possibly be clearer. Yet few people, due to various complications, will address that real issue.

Part of the problem is this. Most powerful institutions and people say that Islam is a religion of peace. There’s no problem, except for a few mysterious extremists who just seem to pop up either at random or due to American and Western sins.

The next largest segment says that Islam is an inherently violent and extremist religion so since the problem is Islam there’s nothing to do but to combat it directly in some form.

Both of the main Western responses, then, deny the importance of waging a real and serious battle within Islam.

Yet where do the terrorists come from? In the case of these two brothers, they were Muslims all of their lives and yet suddenly they became—without any major direct experience—radical terrorists.

The cause, of course, was revolutionary Islamist propaganda, especially but by no means exclusively, from al-Qaida. There are literally hundreds of Internet sites, videos, preachers, books, and everything else you can think of that promote revolutionary Islamism. They tell Muslims that they should and must be revolutionaries and terrorists; they cite holy works to do so.

What the heck is there on the other side?

Boston 2013: A Time To Speak The Truth… by Gerald A. Honigman

www.geraldahonigman.com Warning: This analysis is not for the fainthearted, politically correct, nor moral relativists. Okay, now let’s begin… The Boston Marathon bombings should be yet another wake-up call close to home here in America, not that this should really be necessary. Of course, with truth being deliberately suppressed these days, the need becomes more understandable. […]


http://www.humanrightsvoices.org/ BAN KI MOON ON BOSTON AND TERRORISM AND ISRAEL….. In a stunning example of double-standards when it comes to everything Israel at the UN, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon held a news conference today and was asked about the terror attack on Boston and a new rocket attack into the Israeli town of Eilat. Here’s the […]

FBI Interviewed Dead Boston Bombing Suspect Years Ago

http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57580534/fbi-interviewed-dead-boston-bombing-suspect-years-ago/ As first reported by CBS News correspondent Bob Orr, the FBI interviewed Tsarnaev, the elder brother of at-large bombing suspect Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, at the request of a foreign government to see if he had any extremist ties, but failed to find any linkage. Both Tsarnaev brothers were legal permanent residents of the U.S. […]

FBI Looking for 12-Strong Islamic Sleeper Cell Linked to Boston Bombers Posted by Jim Hoft

FBI Looking for 12-Strong Islamic Sleeper Cell Linked to Boston Bombers The FBI is looking for a twelve-strong Islamic sleeper cell linked to the Boston Marathon bombers. The Daily Mirror reported: The FBI was last night hunting a 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to the Boston marathon bomb brothers. Police believe Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev […]


SEVENTY years ago today, a group of young men and women fired the shots that began the largest single act of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising is rightly commemorated — through books, memoirs and movies — as an extraordinary act of courage in the face of near-certain death. Those who fought […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ HEY, REMEMBER WHEN WE ENSLAVED AND MURDERED YOU? One of the UK’s leading Islamic organisations has warned that plans to revise the school history curriculum risk ignoring the Muslim contribution to western civilisation – an omission that will only foster alienation. There can be no better example of that contribution than the Muslim slaver […]