Immune cells prevent and cause brain degeneration. Weizmann Institute’s Professor Michal Schwartz and her team have discovered that immune cells at the edge of the brain travel an extraordinary route to repair brain trauma. In the elderly, the cells no longer do their function, which could open up new treatments for dementia.
Immune cells fight or cause liver disease. Sounds familiar? Professor Rifaat Safadi’s team from Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem has identified that the normal function of Neuroliglin 4 in the immune system is to fight cirrhosis of the liver. But in patients with Hepatitis or alcoholics, the cell changes and attacks the liver.
Sweetner could treat Parkinson’s. Researchers from Tel Aviv University have found that the sugar substitute mannitol protects the brain against the effects of Parkinson’s disease. Laboratory trials are to be completed before human clinical trials can commence.
Pediatrician delivers baby in elevator. On her way to give a lecture at Kaplan Medical Center Dr. Hanni Olivestone found a woman in labor in a public bathroom. She took the woman in a wheelchair to the delivery room but as they entered the elevator, the baby’s head emerged.
Top US award for Israeli cancer specialist. The American Association for Cancer Research has awarded Professor Alexander Levitzki of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem its 2013 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research. It recognizes Prof Levitzki’s work on signal transduction therapy and the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors as effective agents against cancer.
Repairing the damage from acne. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) Israel’s Syneron Medical is launching its unique bi-polar fractional radio-frequency (RF) energy device to remove acne scars. 22% of adults 18 years and older are adversely affected by acne scars and 77% of them want a low-cost, quick and painless way to remove them.