The Gang of Eight – four Democratic and four Republican U.S. senators – has been meeting behind closed doors since January to produce “comprehensive immigration reform.” That will mean a multi-thousand-page bill that no one reads. You know the saying “fool me twice.” Americans got bamboozled in 2010 when the 2,572-page Obama health law […] The Presbyterian Church (USA) is updating its 2010 study, ““Toward an Understanding of Christian-Muslim Relations,” which was prompted by “alarming anti-Muslim statements and actions.” The 2-million member church partnered with Islamist groups for the project and its website promotes U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities as interfaith partners. The listed advisors for the study include Naeem […] April 7 marks Yom Ha’shoah, a day marked by solemn remembrances for those who perished in the Holocaust. It is also the 46th anniversary of a more obscure incident that many analysts view as the precursor to one of the most astonishing victories of modern military history. On April 7, 1967 Israeli Mirages and […]
Geller’s Talk Cancelled, L.I. Shul, Sun. School Kids Threatened Pamela Geller’s Speech at the Great Neck Synagogue was cancelled due to an intense campaign of pressure directed at the shul and member families. The freedom to speak freely amongst Jews about their enemies was just dealt another blow. The talk Pamela Geller was to give […] he Washington Post reports that the mental-health plan proposed by the Obama administration includes spending $130 million to “train teachers and other adults to help recognize early signs of mental illness,” $50 million to train mental-health specialists who work in schools, and $25 million “to address the trauma experienced by children” in schools “where […] Moving right along from soiled place setting (Libya…) to setting (Syria), the Western powers continue to muck up the Islamic world royally, powering the engine of Sunni jihad in a Grand Effort to isolate Iran and its ally Syria, or so it might appear. It’s easy to imagine NATO leaders patting themselves on the […] Almost from the moment he walked into the Oval Office, Barack Obama has had a serious lying problem when it comes to firearms. The 44th president has a near pathological predilection for using defective, invalid, and flat-out dishonest statistics in his quest to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens, a fact first pointed […] Left-wing magazine Mother Jones made news this week [1] with a report based on a secret recording of a Feb. 2 meeting of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell with campaign strategists. Federal and state law prohibits publication of information acquired through secret recording, but a 2001 Supreme Court ruling gives publishers like Mother Jones […]
“Axis of Evil” is a phrase rarely heard in today’s political debates. But however you characterize the two remaining charter regimes of that trio (“evil” seems to me quite accurate)– North Korea and Iran — there is definitely an axis there. The more you look, the more you find, from conventional weapons traffic to a long-running partnership in proliferation, including interlinked procurement networks, and the Scientific Cooperation Agreement these two governments signed last September in Tehran.
But here’s an aspect of that axis that few in the West now seem to recall. It didn’t begin with President George W. Bush linking the two countries in a post-Sept. 11 speech. It goes back much earlier than that. It’s an axis that specifically received a joint and personal stamp of approval more than two decades ago from North Korea’s founding tyrant, the late Great Leader Kim Il Sung, and Iran’s current Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Great Leader and Supreme Leader met in person in 1989, when Khamenei traveled to Pyongyang, to lavish praise on Kim Il Sung for daring to confront the Great Satan, the country that Khamenei described as their mutual enemy, the United States of America. Khamenei told Kim, Sr., that anti-Americanism could be “the most important factor” in Iran’s cooperation with North Korea.
To this day, the Kim family totalitarian regime continues to explore the limits of just how much regimes profoundly hostile to America can get away with, and Iran avails itself of the findings. This grows ever more dangerous, as North Korea discovers it can carry out long-range missile and nuclear tests, threaten to incinerate Washington and Seoul, advertise its intentions to conduct additional tests, and the U.S. superpower will do … nothing that actually stops this trajectory. More about this in my column on “The Pyongyang-Tehran Proliferation Playbook.”
Here they are, up close, hand-in-hand, the Axis of Supreme Leader and Great Leader, Dateline: Pyongyang, May, 1989. (Khamenei was then president of Iran; he became Supreme Leader following the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, less than a month after this meeting in Pyongyang took place.)
The president proposes more debt and bigger government, despite ample evidence that the approach doesn’t work.
Presidents use their budgets to set priorities, make choices and provide leadership. Budgets are one of the most important tools for guiding and managing a large, complex organization.
The White House budget released Wednesday was a disappointment not just because it doesn’t balance and is too late to matter, but also because the budget doesn’t lead or inspire private-sector confidence. The message is that the government wants to grow (spending would rise 60% from 2012 to 2023) and wants the private sector to pay for it (revenues would more than double, up 113%, yet still not enough to stop the deficits).
The U.S. government is already the biggest spending and borrowing machine the world has ever seen. America can’t do well without restraint—an aging nation yearns for better choices in government spending, not more taxes.
To prepare the country’s finances for slower growth in the labor force and the retirement of millions of baby boomers, what is needed is an administration that makes more spending choices and shows that there is a process of restraint. Waiting for a grand compromise on taxes or entitlements will take too long. The best federal programs should be augmented, and the less necessary ones wound down, with the net result that the massive buildup in federal debt can be reversed relative to GDP.