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http://frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-thornton/margaret-thatcher-and-the-death-of-feminism/ The death of Margaret Thatcher will no doubt generate much deserved recognition and discussion of her historical significance. She was, after all, the most consequential British Prime Minister in the post-war period, eclipsed only by Winston Churchill as the greatest British leader of the 20th century. She reversed England’s economic and cultural decline hastened […]

An Administration’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror: Lainie Sloane


This article first appeared in politichicks.tv.

Dr. Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s Editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His other books include High Noon for America: The Coming Showdown and Showdown with Evil: Our Struggle With Tyranny and Terror.

Jamie was born into a family of Russian dissidents—to Yuri and Marina Glazov. In his powerful article, Remembering a Dissident, in which he pays tribute to his father, Jamie recalls his parents putting their clenched fists up and going toe-to-toe with the Evil Empire. His story reads like a KGB thriller, but his story is not a fictional novel. It is real and could soon become a reality in America.

Jamie has a very light-hearted persona on camera with his show, The Glazov Gang. He and his guests are always well informed and spirited; however, don’t let his fun-loving attitude fool you. He is extremely serious, and rightfully so, about the tyrannical direction in which America is headed.

You will observe a somber tone as you read and watch him discuss in this two part video series with Josh Brewster about his grandparents’ mysterious deaths, possibly involving the KGB, his father and mother being Russian dissidents, his concern for America, Muslim women suffering under Islamic gender apartheid, and why and how freedom of speech in America is under attack, not just from destructive forces here and there, but also from the White House. Find out how Jamie’s father could not stay quiet about tyranny in Russia and the dangerous position he put himself in by standing up for freedom and the truth. Jamie’s mother was also a courageous dissenter, translating underground literature (Samizdat), which could land a citizen in the Gulag for many years.

In this third video, Jamie joins GBTV’s host, Erik Stakelbeck and David Brog to discuss the Left’s romance with tyranny and terror

Jamie challenges himself and us to not remain quiet. He is motivated by the shadows of the past that haunt him regarding how his parents, and other heroes like them, committed themselves to bravely fighting against a totalitarian regime—and he is frightened and saddened to see that same nightmare now creeping into the America he loves.

I was emotionally shaken when I learned about Jamie’s father’s enormously gripping saga. I decided to sit down with Jamie and to interview him about his background, life and work. Please allow the experience of Jamie’s parents and his own personal passion for the United States of America and for telling the truth to give you a determination that you have never know before—an awareness of this unspeakable foreboding that should stir up inside of you a fervor of motivation, causing you to do something before it’s too late to save you and America.

America is shifting toward Communism at lightning speed and, at the same time, we are being seduced by the lies of Islam and Sharia Law, an insidious and totalitarian ideology that threatens to destroy everything that we hold dear and sacred in our free nation.

Order United in Hate here.


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/newsletter?utm_source=P&P%20Auto%201&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=6841 Fat and obnoxious though he may be, Kim Jong-un, like his father and grandfather, is no slouch at blinksmanship. The point of the high-stakes game is to see who blinks first. Did America just blink? Chuck Hagel, the new secretary of defense, postponed tests of a new intercontinental missile, scheduled for this week, because […]

Abdullah and Abbas Playing the Jerusalem Card by Mudar Zahran ****

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3659/king-abdullah-abbas-jerusalem The “Judaization” of the British Mandate for Palestine was the very thing the Hashemites were committed to support, in exchange for establishing an Arab state under Hashemite rule. The terms of the agreement were clear: Jews were to settle in the British Mandate for Palestine with no exclusion of Jerusalem. Nonetheless, the Hashemites have […]


The American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC), the world’s largest organization of political and public affairs specialists, recently announced its Hall of Fame inductees for 2013. The award that the industry has dubbed the ‘Pollies’ is the highest honor that members of the political consultant profession can bestow on its colleagues.

This year’s honorees include Arthur J. Finkelstein, David Axelrod, David Plouff and Lance Tarrance. The Ledger has written about Arthur Finkelstein a number of times and has followed his career closely.

Throughout his 50-plus year career, Arthur Finkelstein has dedicated his efforts – with great success — to getting Conservative candidates elected to office. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and raised in Levittown and Queens, he attended Columbia University, where he worked on radio programs for Ayn Rand and began his distinguished career by volunteering on the Draft Goldwater committee. His first big win as a pollster/strategist came in 1970 when James Buckley ran on the newly minted New York Conservative Party line and unexpectedly won a Senate seat in a three-way race. Finkelstein, who was 25 at the time, engineered that effort. In 1972, he worked in the Nixon White House where he developed the successful strategy to seek out White Urban Ethnics as a swing group – helping to lead the incumbent president to a landslide victory. At the same time, he was instrumental in identifying and electing to the United States Senate a North Carolina TV broadcaster by the name of Jesse Helms.

From there Arthur went on to help elect more candidates to the Senate and House than any other consultant in the business at that time or since. The list includes many recognizable names, like Strom Thurmond, Alfonse D’Amato, Connie Mack III, Don Nickles and Orrin Hatch. He also at different times in his career worked with others who helped shape the Republican majority of the early 1980s, such as Gordon Humphrey, John East, Roger Jepson and Bob Smith. He also worked with other notable candidates like Jack Kemp and Rudy Boschwitz and was critical to the career of George Pataki. Finkelstein was also a instrumental in the Reagan campaigns of 1976 and 1980. All of the candidates Finkelstein worked with were not only conservatives, but were also strong proponents of the close relationship between the United States and Israel.


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2463/Hedegaard-Stand-Up-Absolutely-for-Free-Speech.aspx My fine friend and colleague Lars Hedegaard, editor of Dispatch International, sat down with The Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas last month in Washington, DC, for an interview, posted here. Ginni’s first question came down to why — why have there been so many assassinations and attempted assassinations of Europeans, including against Lars in February, […]


http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/Film-exposes-new-anti-Semitism-in-action-308967 Film exposes ‘new anti-Semitism in action’ By TAMARA ZIEVE04/07/2013 12:26 Documentary director tells ‘Post’ that anti-Semitism is “the elephant in the room,” must be acknowledged and discussed. Cartoon shown in ‘The New Anti-Semitism’ film Photo: Screenshot ‘The New Anti-Semitism’ An investigative documentary called The New Anti-Semitism was aired on Sunday night, the eve of […]



A man walks into a Jewish restaurant and asks the boss, “How do you prepare your chickens?” “We tell them up front they’re not going to make it,” he replies. To those Italians who voted for Beppo Grillo’s Five Star Alliance, or Greeks who support the Golden Dawn movement, or Jobbik Party voters in Hungary, among others: Permit me to tell you up front that you are not going to make it, either. Your countries are dying because you no longer wish to live. One can “foresee a time when your land with its rivers and mountains still lies under heaven as it does today, but other people dwell there; when your language is entombed in books, and your laws and customs have lost their living power,” to paraphrase Franz Rosenzweig.

These political parties have returned old-fashioned Jew hatred to the political mainstream. Southern Europe’s economic crisis and social dissolution, the new anti-Semites imagine, is the work of a global conspiracy of Jewish bankers run by the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, and the Freemasons. Beppe Grillo, the recipient of a fifth of the Italian vote in Italy’s February elections, says that “Hitler may have been sick, but the idea of eliminating the Jews was to eliminate their financial dictatorship.” A Jobbik candidate for the European Parliament wrote “anti-Semitism is not just our right, but it is the duty of every Hungarian homeland lover, and we must prepare for armed battle against the Jews.” A member of the Greek Parliament for the Golden Dawn read into the read extracts from the anti-Semitic forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

May I ask you to consider—just for the sake of argument—an alternative explanation? Hypothetically speaking, is it possible that the Jews have nothing at all to do with your misery, but that you are destroying yourselves?

Consider the facts: By 2040, you will have about 60% more elderly dependents than you have now, and about half as many young workers. Your economies will collapse along with your social safety net. The trajectories in the chart below well may understate the problem. In the United Nations’ low variant, Hungary’s total fertility rate stays above one child per female. Excluding the Roma (Gypsies), though, Hungary’s fertility rate has already fallen to a chillingly low 0.85.



Recent congressional actions — ObamaCare, TARP, economic stimulus, the GM bailout, among others — have surely taught us that we suffer when we do not know the facts that should be the foundation of good and productive legislation.

The recent Senate Gang of Eight immigration plan has highlighted that even “border security” is not properly understood, much less coherently defined. However, another leg of immigration reform — the nature and treatment of the illegal/undocumented immigrant population in the U.S. — is even less-known. While sweeping proposals concerning this shadow population have been jawboned for decades, tautologically, we are in the dark.
The number 11 million (down from a previously fantasized 12 million) is often bandied about without any credible basis. Instead, a number is insinuated by one or more “authorities” and taken as fact and repeated without question.

Studies that attempt to estimate our homeless population are notoriously disputed and arrive at grossly varying conclusions. Methodologies for estimating the shadow population of illegal/undocumented are, by definition, even more dubious. Results can only be more questionable as innumerable unfounded assumptions about the group’s makeup are added.

Instead of guesswork, Congress should consider an interim approach to get the facts before it crafts comprehensive legislation. It should qualify a new class of immigrants — let’s call them “Q-1s”— who, within six months of the law’s enactment, come out of the shadows and truthfully file information that will enable us to understand them.

This would include facts about their entry into the country, job history, race, religion, likelihood of assimilation, taxes paid and unpaid, health data, family members here or looking to enter, and so forth. In exchange for truthfully coming forth, these Q-1s will be immune from prosecution for their illegal entry pending a comprehensive reform. This may be considered a temporary, conditional amnesty by some, a start down the road to resolution by others.

Proactively creating this group would accomplish much. First, it would allow lawmakers to more fully understand the population they seek to address. Presumably, a different treatment would, and should, be afforded a group of 4 million than one of 11 million or even 25 million. Similarly, specific age dispersion, health status and education levels should command more cost-efficient and better targeted features in any final legislation.

The Q-1 filing would give the illegal/undocumented greater responsibility for deciding his future by requiring him to make a critical choice: whether to cooperate with Congress or to again evade laws and stay in the shadows. The population afforded any benefits is self-determined; those who receive benefits are those who helped. While their coming forward won’t assuage the anger of all citizens who wish to see existing laws fully enforced, it would give the Q-1 deserved recognition for courageously acting first.


http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2013/04/08/violence-and-mainstream-islam/ Against the backdrop of 20,651 jihadist attacks since 9/11/2001, and the hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Dhaka, Bengladesh (hat tip Jihad Watch) on the march this past week, demanding the execution of “atheist bloggers” for “blaspheming” Islam, I was re-reading V.S. Naipaul’s second brilliant travelogue account of Asian Islamdom, circa 1995,  Beyond Belief. […]