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Unhappy Birthday for Obamacare: John Fund


Doctors are fleeing their profession, and patients like the reform less and less.

Obamacare marked its third birthday last Saturday.

It is now even less popular than when it barely passed Congress in March 2010. The Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, which has always shown the highest support for Obamacare of any major poll, found that 46 percent of Americans approved it when it originally passed. Kaiser’s latest survey this month finds that only 37 percent approve. Breaking that down, only 18 percent of Republicans and 31 percent of independents have a favorable opinion of the health-care reform. Among Democrats, only 58 percent like Obamacare overall. By a margin of about 2 to 1, those who responded to the Kaiser poll believe that health-care costs will rise and the quality of health care will decline in coming years, exactly the opposite of what President Obama promised.

One reason is that Obamacare is likely to exacerbate a growing shortage of physicians, and people are starting to notice. More and more anecdotal evidence is piling up that patients can’t get in to see their doctors as quickly as they used to. The Association of American Medical Colleges predicts that the U.S. will be short 62,900 physicians by 2015 — only two years away — and as many as 140,000 by 2025. That latter number would represent a shortfall of 15 percent.

A new survey by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions shows that one of the key reasons for the growing shortage is that unhappy doctors are leaving their careers early. Of the physicians whom Deloitte surveyed, 62 percent said it’s likely that many of their colleagues will abandon their practice in the next one to three years. Another 55 percent predict that their colleagues will cut back on practice hours and have less time to see patients.

It’s not hard to figure out why there’s so much discontent. Four in ten doctors reported to Deloitte that, from 2011 to 2012, their income fell. A full 40 percent of those whose income was cut blamed Obamacare. Nearly half of all doctors (51 percent) believe physicians’ incomes will fall dramatically in the next one to three years. In addition, doctors see little chance for positive reforms passing Congress. Only one in ten expect meaningful medical-liability reform to become law in the next one to three years. Only a quarter think Congress will change its practice of ratcheting down Medicare reimbursements.


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324105204578380540551513754.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop The strategic cost of President Obama’s election-driven total withdrawal from Iraq is now becoming clearer. On Sunday Secretary of State John Kerry was reduced to pleading with Iraqi officials to search Iranian flights that fly over Iraq on their way to arming Bashar Assad’s Syrian government. With private entreaties doing no good, Mr. Kerry […]



“Not counting car repairs and travel costs, the excursion totaled $500 million in unblocked aid to the Palestinians, $200 million to the Jordanians, and a tow truck full of meaningless platitudes to Israel.”

It’s Passover, and although Barack Hussein Obama’s lineage is far removed from that of Abraham, the man should at least put a little of the emergency transfusion blood that they bring along in the president’s motorcade over the lintels of his door.

Mr. Obama’s first trip to Israel as president was similar to his Jakarta jaunt in 2010 and his “Return to Moneygall” tour in 2011. In Indonesia, the trip was cut short when Java’s Mount Merapi began spewing ash in Air Force One’s direction. In Ireland, while revisiting his roots, Obama’s limo got hung up on a bump as it left the U.S. embassy.

In Israel, the trouble started when someone filled the engine of the president’s $1.5-million armored limo with gasoline instead of diesel fuel. Then the vehicle biblically dubbed “The Beast” had to be towed like a busted parade float through the streets of Tel Aviv on a flatbed truck.

It’s unlikely that Obama recognized the parallel, but filling up a diesel-powered car with gasoline is a perfect analogy for what he has done to America. A clueless Obama insists on filling the nation’s tank with the wrong energy, and now America is broken, in need of repair, and praying to God that an alternate vehicle comes along to save us.


http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2013/03/24/terror-flotilla-part-ii-the-mavi-marmara-incident-turkish-terror-and-hypocrisy/ This is the second installment of a two-part series on the terrorist campaign, supported by Turkey’s Islamic-supremacist government, to break Israel’s blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. Part I ran yesterday here on Ordered Liberty and can be accessed here. As further discussed in the introduction to this series (here), Israel, under pressure from the Obama […]


When my oldest grandson was a little boy and he participated in our family Seder, in addition to asking the four questions, he told the story in his way.

“The Pharaoh was really mean to the Jews. Moses the leader of the Jews got sick and tired of it and after the Pharaoh refused to let up Moses said to his people: “Guys, we are out of here. We are going home. When the people followed him and ran away from Egypt, the Egyptians chased them, but a miracle happened. The sea parted for the Jews and “drownded” the Egyptians. ”

Well miracles just never cease. In 1948 another miracle occurred and the seas were parted again by the steel hulls of ships bringing the Jews home. The tattered and humiliated and traumatized remnants of the Shoah came home and created a nation with its restored ancient language, once nearly extinct, a state of the arts army, a powerful navy, and fighter jets that streak across the air- all with the Star of David clearly displayed.

Today, seventy years after the Passover of 1943 when the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto fought valiantly against the Nazis with makeshift guns and explosives and knives and forks, Israel lives and thrives.

That’s a miracle. I don’t know what else one can call it.

Happy Passover!!!


markdurie.com blog Sheikh Al-Bouti dies by the means he promoted On March 21, Sheikh Dr Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti of Syria was killed, along with 40 others, by a suicide bomber at the Iman mosque in Damascus. A 2009 publication edited by John Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin listed the 500 most influential Muslims in the […]


http://bit.ly/X1Qf57 1. A central Passover lesson: Liberty entails responsibility, communal-awareness, blood, sweat and tears; not complacency, wishful-thinking or egotism. Sustaining liberty obligates free people to assume the cost, risks and sacrifice of self-reliance, including forty years in the desert and the defiance of great powers, lest they forfeit liberty and risk oblivion. The Hebrew word […]

Palestine – Obama Utters the Magic Word “Annapolis”: David Singer

http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/54019 President Obama’s use of just one word – “Annapolis” – stands out among the thousands he uttered during his three day visit to Jerusalem, Ramallah and Amman. His highly significant use of this keyword on 21 March at the Jerusalem International Convention Centre constituted a diplomatic milestone in America’s quest to end the long […]



The US Civil War was a watershed that involved 10,000 Jewish soldiers from all over the nation fighting side by side with their gentile comrades.

“When we gaze back at the American Civil War, and the Jews who struggled to preserve their traditions even amid the gunpowder and cannon-fire, it is an example well worth remembering.”

It was April 24, 1864, at the height of the American Civil War, and in between his duties as an infantryman, young Isaac J. Levy sat down in camp on one of the intermediate days of Passover to write a short letter to his sister back home.

Levy, who served in the 46th Virginia infantry unit, was a soldier in the Confederate army which was battling on behalf of the southern states that sought to secede from the United States.

The war had just entered its fourth year, and it would prove to be the bloodiest conflict in American history. New research published last year in the journal Civil War History by demographic historian J. David Hacker of Binghamton University revealed the death toll may have been as high as 750,000 people.

Levy and his regiment, which included his brother Ezekiel, who served as a captain, were posted at Adams Run, South Carolina, and the fog of war had cast a shadow over his observance of the holiday.

“No doubt you were much surprised on receiving a letter from me addressed to our dear parents dated on the 21st which was the first day of Pesach,” he wrote to his sister Leonora, with the word “Pesach” carefully printed in Hebrew letters. “We were all under the impression in camp that the first day of the festival was the 22nd,” and he had therefore unwittingly failed to observe the holiday’s start on the appropriate day.

But Levy went on to assure her that his brother had purchased matza “sufficient to last us for the week” in the city of Charleston at the cost of two dollars per pound, and that they were “observing the festival in a truly Orthodox style.” Sadly, just four months later, Isaac Levy was killed in the trenches during the Siege of Petersburg on August 21, 1864. He was 21 years old.

On the eve of the Civil War, which began in April 1861, American Jewry numbered an estimated 150,000 people, out of a total population of some 31 million. The overwhelming majority of American Jews at the time were recent arrivals: just a decade earlier, there had been 50,000 Jews living in the United States.


This Passover, Free Us From A Failed Jewish Leadership By Stella Paul Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/archived-articles/../2011/04/this_passover_free_us_from_a_f.html This week is Passover, the season of deliverance, and I’m praying for deliverance from America’s failed Jewish leadership. As Jews confront the most dangerous era since World War II, whom are we stuck with for leaders? A clueless bunch […]