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Hypocrisy is endemic in Hollywood. That is one reason Barack Obama and other Democrats feel so welcome there. Hypocrisy is a wide spectrum disorder in Hollywood. Similar to a virus, it has many types and mutates as time goes by. There are the obvious displays.

However, one form of hypocrisy mostly escapes notice, and it cuts to the heart of the Democrats’ phony posturing. President Obama slammed Mitt Romney for the same thing during the campaign but, of course, is silent when it comes to celebrities. Its practice may also be responsible for the sheer mediocrity of movies.

Hollywood stars routinely tout the virtues of the little guy battling the rich and powerful. They are legendary in their support for the income-leveling agenda of Barack Obama-while enjoying a sybaritic lifestyle (multiple houses, servants, nannies to act as proxy parents, chauffeurs) that make them the 1% of the 1%. They have access to private planes (John Travolta has a veritable air fleet) to avoid long lines and exposure to the hoi polloi at airports. These are the same planes that Barack Obama condemned while vilifying the rich. Of course, Barack Obama and his family hypocritically revel in the same luxe lifestyle.Fat cats abound in Hollywood-anyone think Obama would scathingly attack them as he has other wealthy figures?

Of course, this lifestyle sucks up as much energy as Al Gore does calories. The carbon used up by giant and multiple houses, the limos, and other accoutrements of great wealth cannot possibly be paid back to Mother Earth by showy driving around of donated Teslas. Meanwhile, Matt Damon uses Arab oil wealth to campaign against the miracle of fracking that has saved Americans many billions of dollars through cheap and relatively green natural gas and oil, while enriching communities and the “little people” across America.

Exposing the UN’s Dirty Little Secrets; Daniel Schwammenthal

A gathering of the tortured in Geneva shames the UN Human Rights Council by giving victims not perpetrators a platform to tell their story

The speakers were never meant to live and tell their stories. Their torturers expected them to either submit or die. But somehow these men and women managed to escape from their dungeons and concentration camps to gather at the seat of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

They came to bear witness to the crimes committed by some of the very members of this esteemed UN body. Naturally, at the Palace of the Nations, where over 80 international officials, including Foreign Secretary William Hague, will over the coming days address the Council, there will be no space for these brave freedom fighters.

This is why UN Watch, together with over 20 other NGOs, organized the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy last week. Now in its fifth year, the annual summit does the sort of work the UN shies away from. It gives the victims, not the perpetrators, of state terror a podium.

While the international dignitaries will speak under the auspices of Council Vice President Mauritania, the Geneva Summit participants heard from a former subject of the North African country—Abidine Merzough, a man born as a slave to slave parents.

MAGNUS NORELL: Hezbollah: Calling a Spade a Spade

Hezbollah remains confident that the influence of Germany and France will see to it that the EU will not proscribe the group
Following seven months of investigation, the Bulgarian government finally announced at the beginning of the month that Hezbollah was responsible for the bus bombing in the coastal town of Burgas in July 2012. This attack, which left five Israeli tourists and the Bulgarian bus driver dead, demonstrated yet again Hezbollah’s willingness to conduct its terror operations to Europe; a graphic reminder that it has no hesitation about endangering EU citizens in pursuit of its goals.
What’s more, the investigation has revealed the extent of Hezbollah’s activities on European territory in planning further attacks. Last July, a Lebanese-born Swedish citizen was arrested in Cyprus, for allegedly conducting surveillance work for Hezbollah. He has since admitted to being a member of the organisation and his trial is currently on-going in Limassol.
Previously, Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors were linked to attacks in the early 90s against the Jewish community in Argentina and more recently, there was the attempted killing of Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the US in Washington DC in 2011, as well as a botched attack in Thailand.
Nonetheless, following the Burgas bombing, the EU still refuses to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, though Europe’s own police force, EUROPOL, stores Hezbollah on its database as a “terrorist entity”.


http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/feb/23/depardieu-officially-bids-taxing-france-adieu-gets/ MOSCOW — French actor Gerard Depardieu got a new permanent address in Russia — 1 Democracy Street — on Saturday, adding a final touch to his quest to get Russian citizenship. After receiving his Russian passport from President Vladimir Putin last month, Depardieu had it stamped with the new address in Saransk, a city […]


The Left’s Chris Dorner Romance — on The Glazov Gang
by Frontpagemag.com
PJTV’s AlfonZo Rachel joins Dwight Schultz, Ann-Marie Murrell and Reagan Murrell to discuss why progressives love cop killers.

REZA KAHLILI: Iranian Regime Concerned about Radiation Leak from Fordow Blast

http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/47737 The Iranian regime persists in a cover up of the Fordow blast, while panicked about radiation leaks that may spread to major cities. New details have emerged identifying the names of Iranian and North Korean scientists among the more than 76 killed of the 219 trapped underground when the blast allegedly occurred at enrichment […]

Hagel 2009: Send U.S. Troops to Impose Peace on Israel, Palestinians Joel Pollak

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/02/24/Hagel-2009-U-S-Troops-to-Impose-Peace-on-Israel-Palestinians Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, co-authored a 2009 report that called for U.S. troops to lead a peacekeeping force that would patrol the future borders between Israel and a Palestinian state. The report, referenced Saturday by Israel National News, also suggested that peace could be imposed […]


Today I got really choked up when I read a letter forwarded to me by my friend David Krakow….The letter, written on January 4, 1940, was by a Jewish resident of Vilna named Yehuda….Here is an excerpt.

“I do not know whether my letter will be permitted to reach you…..At the outbreak of the war I was in Byalistock. It is impossible to communicate the tension of those last few days. The country felt the impending tragedy and while hatred of the Nazis was strong, the sense of impotence and unpreparedness was even stronger. When President Mosciki broadcast the words “Tonight our eternal enemy initiated his attacks against Poland” the general impression was that he had pronounced our doom.

The letter which describes the terrors of Hitler and Stalin ends: “We live here, poorly clad, half starving, waiting for the day when we shall be able to migrate to Palestine.”

Millions of Polish men, women and children did not live. One in every three Jews in the world were killed in the Holocaust. They were trapped in Europe by the British who clamped shut the gates to Palestine, by the shameless Western nations that would not admit them, and by the tsunami of anti-Semitism that flooded Europe.

So, what does this have to do with Fiamma Nirenstein. She is not an ordinary citizen of Italy. She is a member of Parliament who is leaving because of the mounting anti-Semitism. Thousands of Europeans feel trapped and afraid and are planning their exit.

Yes dear Yehuda, rest easy. That dream of Zionism is a reality. You did not have that choice. Jews all over the world can now find a haven…..no Evian Conferences, no White Papers, no immigration restrictions, no Kindertransports, no endless lines for trains and ships that leave without them.

Now, if that doesn’t explain the miracle of Israel, what does? Jabotinski and Herzl must be smiling…..Ciao Fiamma….Shalom Fiamma


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2425/About-that-SOTU-Did-Anyone-Realize-Obama-Was-Working-Off-a-New-Constitution.aspx= From Dispatch International: “Checks and balances” to be replaced by “the greater good” WASHINGTON, D.C. President Barack Obama opened his 2013 State of the Union (SOTU) address to Congress by quoting John F. Kennedy. Fifty-one years ago, JFK told assembled government leaders in the same ornate House chamber – the president’s cabinet, members of […]

Lars Hedegaard Speaks to the Danish Free Press Society: Andrew Bostom *****

Open link and scroll to bottom of post to watch embedded video


Lars Hedegaard Speaks to the Danish Free Press Society

Lars Hedegaard, a portrait of courage, tenacity, and wit, under even the most trying circumstances, delivered a remarkable address to the Danish Free Press Society on Friday 2/22/13, just over two-weeks after surviving an assassination attempt. The video [1] with English subtitles is embedded below, and a transcript provided thanks to Gates of Vienna [2].

Here are two extracts which capture Hedegaard’s sense of humor, and truth-telling, both unvanquished:

So I was both pleased and proud to hear that one police officer said that the assassination attempt could possibly be motivated by jealousy. One could perhaps imagine that the approximately 25-year-old gunman’s wife or one of his wives has a soft spot for me, which then prompted the desperate husband to shoot his rival…

In this country one is able to without the slightest risk stand up and pronounce that of course Sharia will be introduced with everything that it implies in terms of barbaric punishment and repression. One can also, without anyone touching a single hair on one’s head, state that immoral women must have stones thrown at their heads until they die, and that Muslims who turn their back on Islam of course must be killed. But if you say or write that this is what Islam is all about then you are guaranteed to be accused of racism, risk criminal prosecution, and — as we have just witnessed — attempted murder.

Watch [1], and/or read it all.

Thank you. I have written down my speech and it will be published at Trykkefrihedsselskabet [Danish Free Press Society ] website, sappho.dk.

I’ve done this because there are journalists present here today. and they don’t always fully understand what I’m saying.

I would also like to add that I have listened with great interest to those politicians and opinion-makers who are here today and I thank you sincerely for supporting freedom of expression. Your efforts help to keep the lights shining in a dark time. Having said that, I would like to point out that if you have read what I‘ve written — I have written several books and many articles — then you will see that I have never expressed hatred towards any specific ethnic groups.

I do not hate Muslims, I differentiate between Muslims and the ideology of Islam. I will not go into further detail, but this can be verified by buying my books, or alternatively borrowing them from the library, and by reading my articles.

When I was informed that Trykkefrihedsselskabet had decided to organize this event, there were a few from that organization who advised me to show my softer side and exhibit more human emotions, which they apparently believe that I possess. Please don’t be as hard as you usually are, they said. And I’ll be the first to admit that in the past three weeks I have experienced the entire spectrum of emotions.

First, of course, the shock of discovering that the man I thought was a postman turned out to be an armed man who wanted to put bullet in my head. Then the joy of learning that so many political leaders unequivocally condemned the assassination. And that so many newspapers did the same. The day after the assassination attempt, I was visibly touched when I read the editorials in Politiken and Ekstra Bladet — at least the first few paragraphs where emotional words described the inalienable right to freedom of expression and how wrong it was to try and kill me.

But I did not need very many Kleenexes to wipe my eyes. It turned out that the newspaper editors used the assassination attempt to reiterate to their readers what a miserable and racist creep I am. And when I was done reading about my case, I almost came to the conclusion that it would probably have been for the best of the country and for the future of humanity if the gunman had had better aim.

So I was both pleased and proud to hear that one police officer said that the assassination attempt could possibly be motivated by jealousy. One could perhaps imagine that the approximately 25-year-old gunman’s wife or one of his wives has a soft spot for me, which then prompted the desperate husband to shoot his rival.

Almost everyone — friends and enemies alike — however, believe that the attack was a result of something I’ve said or written, and thus an attempt to silence me. It is also a theory that I’m inclined to support.

Since the inception of Trykkefrihedsselskabet in late 2004, we have year in and year out been accused of being xenophobic, racist, right-wing extremist and certainly not interested in preserving freedom of expression. The funny thing is that if one looks at the many guests that we have invited to Copenhagen over the years at least half of them have what we usually refer to as ‘different ethnic backgrounds’. Individuals from Arab countries, Pakistan, India, China Russia, etc. — we’ve even also invited Swedes… But the media have with very few exceptions not been particularly interested in what has been said and discussed at these meetings, which anyone can attend and where anyone can speak. No one from Denmark Radio or the fine newspapers have bothered to come and report on what our many interesting guests have had to say. If someone from TFS on the other hand utters just a single thoughtless remark then they descend upon us like hawks. Can’t you see what monsters we are and that our true intention is to establish a fascist tyranny with lynching and gas chambers and whatever else comes with it.

In the newspaper Politiken, I have been referred to as a habitual offender, and the newspaper’s current cultural editor demanded a couple of years ago on Dutch television that erroneous opinions, i.e. opinions that are not shared by Politiken – should be banned and that she would like to see me prosecuted, something which the Danish state prosecutors have attempted with great zeal.

In this country one is able to without the slightest risk stand up and pronounce that of course Sharia will be introduced with everything that it implies in terms of barbaric punishment and repression. One can also, without anyone touching a single hair on one’s head, state that immoral women must have stones thrown at their heads until they die, and that Muslims who turn their back on Islam of course must be killed. But if you say or write that this is what Islam is all about then you are guaranteed to be accused of racism, risk criminal prosecution, and — as we have just witnessed — attempted murder.

Those who hurl racism accusations against other people and demands that they must be deprived of their freedom of expression and have their opinions banned must surely feel very safe and secure. They simply cannot imagine that one day it may be their opinions that are banned, that they are the ones who will be hauled to the court — and God forbid that they are the ones who will one day open the door to a postman who turns out to be a murderer. They have nothing to fear from Trykkefrihedsselskabet, because we will at all times defend our opponents’ right to freedom of expression.

But when we are already faced with a scenario where murder and death threats have become part of the political struggle — as is the case with Pia Kjærsgaard, Naser Khader, Kurt Westergaard and now me — how can one then be so sure that the violence will always go in one particular direction? How can we tell for sure that the bells, which today are tolling for the wicked, won’t one day toll for those who perceive themselves as the good ones?

That’s why I’m saying: is it not better to start listening to what people are actually trying to say, rather than stigmatizing them as outlaws who can be treated accordingly? Could it not be the case that those who in recent years have warned against the mass immigration of people who cannot and will not integrate into our society actually are deeply concerned about what is going to happen to Denmark and to our children? Could it not be the case that those who warn against the threat of Islamization are actually afraid of Islamization because they have seen what has happened in places wherever Islam has become prominent? That they are afraid of losing our most precious freedom, namely the freedom of expression? If it is lost, it will probably never be regained.

So therefore I ask questions, and I will continue to ask questions. And so therefore I speak, and I will continue to speak. Thank you.