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Christopher F. Rufo The Anti-Semitic Influencer Problem Narratives against Jews have taken a different turn.


In 1991, a motorcade carrying a Jewish rabbi cruised through Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood. After getting separated from the group, one of the cars ran a red light and collided with another vehicle, which swerved onto the curb and hit two black children, leaving one injured and another dead. Within hours, the neighborhood had broken out in riots, with mobs of black residents targeting Jewish institutions. Early the next morning, a group of young black men stabbed and beat a Jewish graduate student to death.

As the tensions escalated, the race hustler Al Sharpton organized protests at the scene, portraying Jews as nefarious “diamond dealers” responsible for the global exploitation of blacks. Another round of looting, vandalism, and violence followed.

Flash forward to the present. Hamas launched the October 7, 2023, terror campaign against Israel and created fertile ground for another propaganda war. In the United States, left-wing academics seized the moment to rally support for the “decolonization” of Israel, and in the digital realm, a new anti-Semitism has reared its head. Several influential online commentators—most notably, Kanye West, Candace Owens, and Andrew Tate—have used the attention around October 7 to push conspiracy theories and, especially in West’s case, outright anti-Semitism, on podcasts and social media platforms, ostensibly from a “right-wing” perspective.

The two episodes provide a fascinating point of comparison. Anti-Semitism is an ancient affliction, but it takes a different shape throughout history, depending on the culture, language, and technology of the moment. In today’s case, we see a resurgent anti-Semitism that has scrambled politics and perpetuated itself in cyberspace. In short, the Crown Heights riots have been digitized.

The first thing to understand is that Sharpton’s activism was a form of flesh-and-blood ethnic politics adapted to the televisual era. His narrative in Crown Heights was built on a particular grievance, against particular people, in a particular neighborhood. It generated its power on a left-wing trope: that Jews were oppressing poor blacks, and that the government was favoring “white interloper[s]” over native minorities. Sharpton’s desired outcome was tangible: he sought the imprisonment of the driver and, more broadly, cash for his organization, which operated like a mafia protection racket.

The new anti-Semitism has taken a different turn. The leaders of this movement are not political activists but social media “influencers” who have constructed a narrative based not on a left-wing, oppressor/oppressed framework, but on a diffused, right-coded conspiracy theory. Jews, in these influencers’ telling, have taken control of American media, flooded society with pornography, and organized sex-related blackmail rings to secure support for Israel.

The memory-holing of a pogrom The Jew hunt in Amsterdam last November was even worse than we thought. Brendan O’Neill


They called their rampage a ‘Jew hunt’. They incited each other to violence, saying ‘[we] may never get this chance [again] to beat up some fucking Jews’. They called for a city-wide ‘rage’ against ‘cancer Jews’ and ‘cancer Zionists’. They damned the Jews as a ‘cowardly’ people. They shared information about the arrival of a ‘train full of Jews’ and said everyone should be there to greet it, because ‘we have to make those cancer Jews feel what they did to our brothers’. The train could be late, one of them joked, because it might be a ‘special train’ laid on by Hitler, ‘with gas for [the Jews]’.

Where were these racist obscenities uttered? Where was this violent hunt for Jews carried out? Germany in 1938, perhaps? No, it was in Amsterdam, last year. This was the jodenjacht of November 2024 when visiting Israeli fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv were ‘hunted’ by mobs of mostly Arab men in the streets of Amsterdam. More details about this pogrom emerged during the latest court cases last week, and they heap yet further shame on the pogrom deniers of the Western left who insisted these were just street clashes, not a Jew hunt.

Five more of Amsterdam’s alleged Jew hunters found themselves in the dock last week. One – Mounir M, aged 32 – is charged with being an administrator of the WhatsApp group in which the violence was incited and organised. Originally called ‘Free Palstine’ (sic), the group later changed its name to ‘Buurthuis 2’ (Dutch for ‘Community Centre 2’). Racial animus and open calls for violence swirled through this ominous chat. Drive your car ‘into those people’, one participant said. ‘Hit them hard’, said another. There must be ‘at least one death’, dreamed one messenger. There were also tips for how to incite the Maccabi fans. Shout ‘Free Palestine’ at them, the mob was advised.

Mounir M is said to have helped oversee this group that seethed with Jew hate. As the Dutch daily paper Het Parool reported, last week’s court proceedings ‘left little to the imagination: participants in the group… incited each other to hunt down Jews’. The court heard that the group was full of ‘insulting words about Jews’, alongside calls for action. There were ‘quips’ too, like the one about Hitler’s special train, with gas in it. Mounir M is accused of responding in the most chilling way to a message about the hotel in which Maccabi fans had taken refuge from the blows of the Jew hunters. ‘Get rid of it’, he allegedly wrote.

Another suspect in the current trial – Mahmoud A, a Palestinian asylum seeker – faces a more serious charge: attempted manslaughter. A video clip allegedly shows him kicking a Maccabi supporter in the head four times as he was lying on the ground. The three other suspects face charges of ‘providing information to commit violence’, trivialising and condoning the Holocaust, and using a belt to whip an elderly visiting Israeli. The Dutch paper De Telegraaf said at the end of last week that this latest ‘Trial of the Jew hunters’ has ‘severely shocked’ the people of the Netherlands. It is horrifying, it said, that an event of such a ‘clearly anti-Semitic character’ could take place in modern-day Amsterdam.

Betrayal: Lipstadt’s silence about the Biden administration’s failure on antisemitism Jonathan Tobin


It turns out that what the country needed most was an antisemitism envoy to the United States and not to the rest of the world. And when the plague of Jew-hatred surged in the streets of American cities and on college campuses, what was also needed was for that envoy not to stand by in silence while the administration she served chose to be neutral about the issue for partisan reasons.

Sadly, that failure will constitute a major part of the legacy of Deborah Lipstadt.

Lipstadt is an eminent Jewish historian whose groundbreaking work on Holocaust denial earned her acclaim in her field. It also led to an important court case in Great Britain where Holocaust denier David Irving unsuccessfully sued her for libel, an ordeal that not only inspired her own book on the subject but also the 2015 movie “Denial” (she was portrayed by Jewish actress Rachel Weisz).

She deserves to be remembered for her scholarship and for writing some excellent books like her 1985 Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933–1945 and the 1993 Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, as well as the 2005 History on Trial: My Day in Court With a Holocaust Denier.

Her recent acknowledgment of the failure of the Biden administration to adequately respond to the explosion of antisemitism under her watch, however, should not be overlooked.

Denouncing Columbia

It was just one sentence in an article she recently wrote in The Free Press that was devoted to explaining why she refused to consider an offer to teach at Columbia University. But in so doing, she buried what should have been the lead.

‘My house was attacked by anti-Semites’ Alex Ryvchin on the wave of Jew hatred engulfing Australia.



Anti-Semitism has exploded in Australia since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October 2023. Synagogues have been set alight. The offices of pro-Israel politicians have been ransacked. Even a Jewish childcare centre was set on fire and covered in racist graffiti. Perhaps most infamously, two Australian nurses openly boasted on camera about wanting to kill Israeli patients.

Alex Ryvchin, CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, was caught up in this wave of hate. In January, the house where he and his family used to live was attacked by anti-Semitic thugs. Alex joined the latest episode of The Brendan O’Neill Show to discuss what has gone wrong in Australia. What follows is an edited extract from that conversation. Listen to the full thing here.

Brendan O’Neill: What happened when your old family home was attacked?

Alex Ryvchin: My wife woke me up at about five in the morning and told me that our old house was hit. She showed me this footage, which was taken by our old neighbours across the street, showing an inferno right in front of our old house.

We lived there for five years and it was a really beloved family home. We bought that house because of my grandfather. He had been an engineer in Kyiv, but couldn’t find work when we first migrated to Australia, because he had health issues and couldn’t speak English. The only useful thing he could do was drive a bus for a Jewish social club of Holocaust survivors. The club would give him $5 a day, and that’s all he was able to earn at that time. I would go with him before and after school, and we would drive up and down this beautiful winding road in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. On one side, you can see views of Sydney Harbor, and on the other side you’ve got the Pacific Ocean. I remember how my grandfather would look at the houses on that road. To him, it was like a utopia. It was everything that he knew he personally would never have, but that he thought he could create for his family in Australia. So when I saw a house on that street for sale, we had to buy it. That house represented a great deal to me.

When more CCTV footage of the attack came out, you could see two guys get out of a car. They had a can of petrol, which they poured like a fuse across the width of the street, leading up to cars parked in the driveway. They lit it and these cars just ignited. They targeted one car in the driveway of the adjoining property, which was still owned by a Jewish couple in their 80s. They daubed it with ‘Fuck Jews’ on one side and ‘Fuck Israel’ on the other. I thought that was very poetic. It’s like two sides of the same coin.

Archbishop Reveals Celebrity Priest Calvin Robinson Was Fired For Serial Antisemitism “You are no longer considered a priest in good standing, your license is withdrawn.” March 5, 2025 by Jules Gomes


In late January, Archbishop Mark Haverland fired the British priest Calvin Robinson, who has become something of a celebrity in conservative political circles over the last few years, for mimicking a “Nazi salute” at a pro-life rally in Washington, D.C. Though Robinson maintains his innocence, the archbishop recently released a statement documenting a series of warnings issued to the celebrity priest concerning his antisemitism and political activism.

The Anglican Ink website published Archbishop Mark Haverland’s correspondence with the priest after Robinson maintained on X that he had “not received a single letter, phone call, zoom meeting or anything else” from his archbishop since he joined the Anglican Catholic Church.

“In December of 2024, Robinson began posting about Judaism, starting with a post on X about the Talmud,” Haverland noted, highlighting the celebrity cleric’s escalating antisemitic attacks, in a six-page statement released last Wednesday.

The initial offending post from Robinson read: “The Talmud is uniquely hostile toward Jesus Christ. Islam may play off Christianity — it is a Christian heresy — but Talmudic Judaism is explicitly anti-Christian.” He was citing a quote from Joel Webbon, pastor of Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas.

Evil Judaism?

Robinson invited Webbon onto his show, “Bros with Fros,” even though Webbon is “a public figure whose antisemitic priors are well established,” Haverland wrote. “During the interview Robinson sat nodding while Webbon stated, ‘religiously, spiritually, Judaism, I believe, is a pernicious evil.’”

Haverland said that he had “received expressions of concern” from clergy within and outstide his denomination that “Robinson was courting anti-Semites online” and “communicated his displeasure” about the priest to Bishop Patrick Fodor of the Diocese of the Missouri Valley, “telling him very clearly that such incendiary activity had to stop.”

Fodor warned Robinson that he was in trouble with his archbishop. On December 13, Robinson wrote to Haverland insisting he was “not antisemitic or a holocaust denier.”

American Psychological Association Slammed for ‘Virulent’ Jew Hate Thousands of mental health professionals have signed a complaint accusing the world’s largest psychological organization of growing antisemitism.Sally Satel


More than 3,500 mental health professionals have sent a letter to the leaders of the world’s largest psychological association, rebuking them for allowing “virulent antisemitism” to fester in their ranks.

The letter, sent last night, calls upon the president and the board of the American Psychological Association (APA) to “address the serious and systemic problem of antisemitism/anti-Jewish hate.” The APA, which was established in 1892, has 173,000 members.

The 3,556 signers, who submitted the letter to APA president Debra Kawahara and the 15 additional members of the board of directors, claim that “Jewish APA members have been harassed, marginalized, and silenced on APA community forums even for attempting to challenge antisemitic rhetoric or correct misinformation.”

The signers, who comprise thousands of APA members and other psychological professionals, write that they “have documented extensive evidence of antisemitic discourse and concerning behavior across APA divisions.”

Their examples include:

APA-hosted listservs that “contain antisemitic discourse, often masked as anti-Zionism, including statements like ‘Kudos to Hamas’ and calls for ‘Intifada, Intifada,’ which are synonymous with calls for violence and murder against Jewish and Israeli civilians.”

Numerous calls for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel—“an initiative to demonize, delegitimize, and isolate the state of Israel including Israeli academics.”

APA conferences where speakers “notorious for antisemitic rhetoric” have been invited and made official statements that rationalize “violence against Jews and Israelis; antisemitic tropes; Holocaust distortion; minimization of Jewish victimization, fear, and grief; and pathologizing of Jewish people’s connection to their indigenous homeland.”

The Forever Holocaust In a hard-hitting new book, Robert Spencer recounts the bleak history of antisemitism. by Bruce Bawer


I’ve read more than my share of books about antisemitism. I even reviewed one of them here at FrontPage twelve years ago. Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives was a collection of nineteen essays edited by Alvin H. Rosenfeld, a professor of Jewish Studies at Indiana University. “Most of the essays,” I wrote, “illuminate the current situation for Jews in a specific corner of the world.”

Much of the book was impressive. But several of the contributors defended Muslims from the charge that their religion preaches antisemitism, or argued, lamely, that Muslim antisemitism has nothing to do with Islam, or professed, absurdly, that Muslim antisemitism dates back only as far as the early twentieth century, when Islamic leaders became enamored of Hitler. There’s something perverse about experts on antisemitism who consider it part of their professional obligation to whitewash Islam.

On my bookshelves I find other works on the subject. The subtitle of Jødehat (Jew-Hatred) by Trond Berg Eriksen, Håkon Harket, and Einhart Lorenz translates into English as The History of Antisemitism from Ancient Times to the Present, but only the first twenty or so pages cover the ancient world. (The book, originally written in Norwegian, has also been published in other languages.) And Clemens Heni’s Antisemitism: A Specific Phenomenon focuses mostly on twentieth-century Germany.

Qatar’s grip on education is causing an explosion of campus antisemitism By Amine Ayoub


Universities that claim to uphold academic freedom must be held accountable for their financial ties to foreign regimes that openly undermine the very values they profess to teach.

For months, I have followed the disturbing rise of antisemitism in US universities, especially after Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7. But nothing prepared me for the jaw-dropping moment I experienced while watching a recent Al Jazeera podcast.

Khaled Al-Hroub, a professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, spoke not as an academic but as a mouthpiece for Hamas, painting the terrorist group as a symbol of resilience. His rhetoric was not just disturbing – it was dangerous.

This wasn’t an isolated case of radical bias. It was a symptom of a larger, well-funded infiltration by Qatar, which has spent billions to manipulate American academia, indoctrinate students, and turn campuses into breeding grounds for hate.

When I tuned in to the Al Jazeera podcast, I expected an analysis of the war in Gaza. Instead, I found outright propaganda. Hroub, supposedly an academic, openly glorified Hamas.

He wasn’t alone – professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and other prestigious universities have been caught pushing similar narratives.

How can American universities allow their faculty to justify terrorism? Because many of them are funded – bought – by Qatar, a country with a vested interest in spreading extremist ideology.

The more research I did, the clearer the pattern became: Qatar is using America’s elite schools as vehicles for propaganda, erasing the line between education and indoctrination.

Qatar has poured over $6 billion into US universities in the past decade, making it the single largest foreign donor in American academia.

Prestigious institutions like Harvard, Georgetown, and Northwestern have eagerly accepted these funds, establishing satellite campuses in Doha and injecting Qatari influence directly into their programs.

What does Qatar get in return? Influence, power, and the ability to manipulate curricula, reward pro-Qatar faculty, and silence dissenting voices.

Hannah E. Meyers Why Won’t Cities Like New York Punish Anti-Semitic Rioters? Spineless institutions must fight back against criminals who target Jews.


Seared into the minds of Jewish Americans are the innocent faces and bright red hair of the youngest Hamas hostages, Ariel and Kfir Bibas. The brothers, four and nine-months old, respectively, were kidnapped along with their mother, Shiri, by masked gunmen on October 7, 2023. Their father, Yarden, was also taken hostage but was released last week. Imagining Yarden’s anguish as he awaited news of his family’s fate only deepened the anxiety of millions who, like me, prayed for their safe return.

This week, the Israeli government confirmed that the boys were murdered while in captivity. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, a group of “protesters,” their faces wrapped in keffiyeh scarves to mimic Hamas militants, descended on New York’s predominantly Jewish Borough Park neighborhood to scream at Jews. “How many kids did you kill today?,” they chanted—with no sense of irony.


This outrage—culminating in a brawl that police had to break up—reflects the growing normalization of masked rioters invading predominantly Jewish spaces to intimidate residents. Like Biblical villains, these agitators thirst for power. Like Hamas, they don’t care if they hurt the innocent, so long as they hurt Jews. The pro-Hamas mob pushed past police barricades and officers and approached nearby Jews, where fighting ensued.

It’s time for American cities and institutions to stand up to this targeted misbehavior. Simply complaining about “hate” won’t solve the problem. New York and other cities need to show some spine.

The Bibas family and the antisemitic moral corruption of the world’s institutions By Andrea Widburg


Hamas has announced what many have long suspected: Shiri Bibas and her two red-haired children, Ariel (5) and Kfir (2), all three of whom Hamas militants and their civilian allies kidnapped on October 7, 2023, are dead. Well, more than dead. Murdered.

Given the symbolic significance those once-smiling redheads have had in Israel, their deaths serve as an important touchpoint to understanding the world’s complete moral collapse. That collapse is evidenced in how the world’s institutions (governments, academia, and the media) have responded since October 7. And while societies can survive for quite some time despite institutional financial corruption, moral corruption is a different story—and, the Bible would say, moral corruption against the Jews will destroy societies. Even Israel is not free from this stricture.

On October 7, thousands of men from Gaza, whether official members of Hamas or the usual sadistic hangers-on that are rife in Muslim-Arab society, flooded into Israel. They targeted civilian enclaves—a music festival and kibbutzim where ordinary people lived—and killed over 1,200 people.

The invaders went out of their way to make the killings as sadistic as possible, torturing people to death, including mass rape of women and, it seems, men. Children were slaughtered in their cradles. In addition, Hamas & Co. seized 251 people, almost all civilians and many of whom were children, including those Bibas babies, and dragged them into Gaza.

Israel has since recovered 141 living hostages and 77 dead ones. The testimony of the living and the condition of the dead speak to terrible, Nazi-like torture. Hamas is set to return more hostages this weekend, including the bodies of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.