Shame on Peres and Prosor This week’s prize for political chutzpah goes to two prominent Israelis — President Shimon Peres and Ambassador to the U.N. Ron Prosor — whose salaries are paid for by our tax shekels. On Sunday, Peres reiterated his position that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “is a true partner for […]
Don’t miss this special episode in which, Mike Finch, Chief Operating Officer at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, fills in for Jamie Glazov and hosts a fascinating discussion with three titans:
The Shattered Republican Spine — on The Glazov Gang
Bill Whittle, Dwight Schultz and Paul Croshaw shed light on the Stockholm Syndrome that has crippled GOP. Al Gore’s Payday From Oil-Rich Qatar ‘Reeking With Irony’ By Jeff Green & Christopher Palmeri Al Gore, who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his fight against global warming, may gross about $70 million from the sale of his Current TV network to Al Jazeera, the cable channel funded in part by oil-rich […] The European Commission in recent years has been funding rabidly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic campaign groups. Parading under the banner-term of “NGOs,” they have one concerted aim, which is to manipulate international opinion against Israel: Foreign government-funded subversion of a democracy. Few people would ever label the hydra-like institutions of the European Union as transparent… […] Al-Jazeera, which bought Current TV from Al Gore, is not a communications medium in the Western sense. It is a psychological warfare medium, a fundamentalist terrorist communications base operating under Qatari cover. It sets its sights on changing regimes. Al-Jazeera TV, located in and financed by Qatar, which just bought Current TV from former […] Robert D. Kaplan has long been among America’s most insightful analysts of global trends. I’d rather argue with him than agree with most others. Right now, I’m going to do a bit of both. In “Toxic Nationalism,” an essay published in The Wall Street Journal last week, Kaplan observes that “Western elites” regard their […] These days I have trouble even getting to the sort of books — on Israeli and Middle Eastern politics and history — I see as a necessary nurturer for what I’m writing. Not long ago the top shelf of the pine hutch in my bedroom collapsed under the weight of its books. I stared […]
The Climateers who would blame the flu on global warming if they could, never mention this one….a major disaster in November 1913….because climate catastrophes happen from time immemorial…and are not caused by man made climate change….
The Great Lakes Storm of 1913, historically referred to as the “Big Blow”, the “Freshwater Fury”, or the “White Hurricane”, was a blizzard with hurricane force winds of 90 miles an hour from November 7-November 1913. It battered the Great Lakes and Ontario, overturned 19 ships and left many others stranded. The waves were 35 feet high and killed more than 250 people.
November gales plagued the Great Lakes region with 25 major storms since 1847 which destroyed homes and cargo ships. The last big one was in 1996.
Immigration rules eased for 1 million illegals
Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Immigration rules eased for 1 million illegals
Illegal immigrants who are immediate relatives of American citizens will have an easier path to permanent residency under a new Obama administration rule that could affect as many as 1 million of the estimated 11 million people unlawfully in the United States. Read more…
Mutant malaria threatens global ‘nightmare’
Dr. Francois Nosten has seen further evidence of an alarming rise in resistance to artemisinin, currently the front-line drug in the treatment of malaria. He fears it could be the start of a global “nightmare” in which millions of people could lose their lives. Read more…
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Wasserman Schultz: No dealing over debt ceiling
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., joined Luke Russert on MSNBC on Wednesday where she insisted that Democrats will not negotiate with Republicans on raising the debt ceiling limit and said that any future spending cuts will be balanced with more revenues to the government. Read more…
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Extremism unchecked in schools, secret briefing reveals
More than 100 independent faith schools may be radicalising students, the Department of Education has warned in a secret memo which admits that officials are struggling to tackle extremism in state and private schools.
Michael Gove, the education secretary, was one of the key voices calling for a ban on support for non-violent extremism when it published its Prevent strategy to fight radicalisation last year.
But behind closed doors there are concerns about 118 “socially conservative” independent faith schools – the vast majority of them Muslim – where pupils may be encouraged to cut themselves off from mainstream society.
Ministers have been told they do not have “detailed information” about the religious orientation of the groups and movements behind all independent faith schools.
And officials have privately admitted that they also have no system in place to identify institutional extremism in state schools, the Daily Telegraph has learned.
They say there is also “a gap between what we think we know and what we can prove” because they cannot use undercover methods open to journalists.
From January, the Independent School Standards will require a respect for “fundamental British values” including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Ofsted has not yet trained its inspectors in how to enforce such standards but it is introducing a “specialist cadre” of inspectors to look at faith schools as part of a planned “prioritised inspection programme.”
However, the education department has admitted in briefings that it can only look at the “ethos” of independent schools, rather than how they are actually run.