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http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/336426 While virtually the entire nation unites around the reasonable proposition that people with serious mental illnesses should not own assault weapons, one group takes umbrage: mental-health experts. In the wake of incidents such as the one at Newtown, the experts immediately issue press releases claiming that people with mental illness are no more violent […]

Ahem, Eric Holder: Radical Environmentalists Post Assassination Hit List by J. Christian Adams


They post names and addresses of people they would like to see murdered.

The latest newsletter from the environmentalist group Earth First! Journal contains a curious topic — assassinations.

In fact, the newsletter conveniently provides the names, addresses and phone numbers of the assassination targets. Naturally, none of this is to be taken seriously, the environmentalists tell us. From the newsletter:

Let us say clearly, this is not a call to undertake assassinations of the elite scum who are pillaging the planet and enslaving the populace — but not because we think that is a bad idea. And it’s also not because we think killing CEOs and lobbyists is negative PR either. In fact, most everyone hates these creeps, and many would applaud their demise. Some would even be so enthusiastic as to make a bid on the assassin’s old underwear if given the chance in a government auction, as we found out last year, when the State sold off Ted’s personal belongings to further enrich the family of Unabomber victim Thomas J. Mosser, executive of corporate marketing giants Burson Marsteller.

We are not calling for the assassinations of CEOs and lobbyists primarily because those assholes are disposable and replaced with relative ease. Whereas eco-revolutionaries like us are still far and few between, and someone getting popped on that sort of charge it could pull them out of the game for a long time. So instead, until the police state and prison industrial complex is weakened, thus leveling the battlefield a bit more, we propose a campaign of “prank assassinations.”

And who are the suggested targets of the Earth First! Journal assassination campaign? Members of the productive class, of course, fill the “Hit List.” Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy, is listed because his company has developed more efficient methods of developing cheap natural gas.

Aubrey McClendon

Armando Olivera is on the “Hit List” because his company has proposed a new power plant. Russ Girling, the CEO of TransCanada, is “pillaging” tar sands in Alberta and is putting up wind farms in Maine (endangering a couple of lynx). To round out the “Hit List,” Earth First! Journal names conservative blogger Brandon Darby.

DAVID SOLWAY:How the Program Approach Has Failed Big Education

http://pjmedia.com/blog/how-the-program-approach-has-failed-big-education/?singlepage=true It seems that scarcely a semester goes by without the announcement, or is it annunciation, of some new and glorious educational reform which will infallibly redeem a deteriorating academic situation and restore conviction, hope, and effectiveness to those of us who have long ago stopped believing in an educational “system” that must aim up […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324907204578187412604319142.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop ‘We as a nation, we are left with some hard questions,” President Obama said at the memorial service on the Sunday after the Newtown massacre, and he is right about that. Too bad we don’t seem to be asking those questions barely two weeks later, as the debate has already deteriorated into another political […]


http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/12/hunting_bin_laden_zero_dark_thirty.html Ultimately, though it is an inevitable Academy Award nominee, I found ZD30 suspenseful, well-complected — but unsatisfying in parts, and as a whole. Others will probably disagree with my assessment. Even in midweek, at a midnight showing, the queue stretched all the length of the huge AMC in Manhattan’s Upper West Side. This is […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/ben-shapiro/the-best-and-worst-political-movies-of-2012/print/ I WOULD ADD ARGO TO THE BEST….NO EVIL AND MANIPULATIVE CIA, SCENES OF RAMPAGING MOSLEMS REMIND ONE OF BEGHAZI, SUSPENSE, AND RESCUE….RSK Can you imagine Hollywood making a full-length feature film project with huge stars and a giant budget … about the evils of Planned Parenthood? Of course not. But ask for a budget […]


Hi Gang:
Crime does not take a holiday nor do the men and women of law enforcement who are duty-bound to protect the lives and property of those who live within their jurisdiction. For federal agents the “jurisdiction” is the entire United States of America!Old habits die hard! Although retired law enforcement officers no longer report for duty, as a group we remain concerned and committed to the mission that occupied our waking hours for the duration of our careers.
Yesterday, December 24, 2012 I received a brief e-mail from a former colleague at the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) who is also a retired Senior Special Agent. In addition to conveying his holiday wishes for my family and me, he provided me with a link to an infuriating Boston Globe news report that was entitled,
Many freed criminals avoid deportation, strike again
The vast and secretive US prison system for immigrants, stymied when it tries to deport some criminals, has quietly released thousands, including killers, a Globe investigation shows
Here is the link to this important news report:


This report is lengthy and make so many important points that I will not attempt to delve into each and every point here but ask that you please take the time to read this report in its entirety and then I ask that you forward this e-mail to everyone you can and ask them to do the same.

I will, however, provide you with the first few sentences of this report:
FLUSHING, N.Y. — Qian Wu thought the man who brutally attacked her was gone forever.

She was sure that Huang Chen, a Chinese citizen who slipped into America on a ship and stayed in the country illegally, would be deported as soon as he got out of jail for choking, punching, and pointing a knife at her in 2006.

But China refused to take Chen back. So, after jailing Chen on and off for three years in Texas, immigration officials believed they were out of options and did what they have done with thousands of criminals like him.

They quietly let him go.

Nobody warned Wu, or prosecutors, or the public. The petite, 46-year-old woman learned Chen was still here when he stormed into her unlocked apartment one day in January 2010 and announced, “I bet you didn’t expect to see me.” Terrified, she called the police, and he fled. But for two weeks, Chen was free to stalk her and finally, to catch her as she hurried home with milk and bread one afternoon.

Chen then finished what he had started earlier, bashing Wu on the head with a hammer and slashing her with a knife. As she lay crumpled in a grimy stairwell, he ripped out her heart and a lung and fled with his macabre trophies.

“She lived in horror in the last two weeks of her life,” said Yongwei Guo, Wu’s widower, through an interpreter in New York. “She knew there was somebody coming to kill her and we asked the police for protection, and also the government, but they did nothing.”



Watch this video carefully. It is 32 minutes well spent. The narrative to demonize Jews and the Jewish state is going unchallenged, for the most part, at American universities. There is SILENCE from many quarters. This cancer is well-entrenched and being allowed to prosper at our institutions of higher learning, many of which are publicly funded. Future generations are being indoctrinated to HATE Jews and Israel.

If you’ve read How Do You Kill 11 Million People by Andy Andrews, you’ve heard “why the truth matters more than you think.”

Janet Levy
Waiting for ADL
On April 1, 2012, we released our first video exposing anti-Semitism at Northeastern University. The Anti-Defamation League has now stayed silent on the issue for:

269 Days

4 h : 18 m : 47 s

Contact ADL and ask them why they’re ignoring anti-Semitism at Northeastern University



From 1977 to 1980, BBC One ran “Citizen Smith”, a TV comedy about an aspiring young revolutionary who wore a beret and a Che T-Shirt and did his best to create a Communist Britain while heading up the Tooting Popular Front, consisting of six members, by virtue of shouting “Power to the People” and making up lists of the people he would put up against the wall on the day of the glorious revolution.
This is finally Citizen Smith’s time where the lazy and cowardly aspiring revolutionary can create his own Tooting Popular Front, camp out in a public park for a few months, and earn generous media coverage. And for those too lazy to camp out in the spring and summer, there’s always hacktivism, the truly lazy man’s revolution, download a denial of service program, aim it at a site and watch it go down for a minute, an hour, or perhaps even a day or two.

Social media is full of Citizen Smiths, dressing up in Che avatars and shouting their “Power to the People” slogans in 140 characters or less. And these Citizen Smiths are taken seriously by their older peers in the media who have had their own days of pretending to be Che and now just pretend to be journalists. While the Citizen Smiths create their fake revolution, the grown-up Citizen Smiths show up to cover it, in the great battle for a Communist Britain, America, Australia and also all the rest.

There is a great deal of hard work ahead, such as deciding who to put up against the wall first. Everyone has agreed on the rich, the dreaded 1 percent, except presumably for those 1 percenters funding the revolution and paying the Citizen Smiths who work for NGOs and come up with new social media engagement strategies to tackle economic disparities and that sort of thing.


Spain to Deport Christian Refugee over Mohammed Film http://frontpagemag.com/2012/dgreenfield/spain-to-deport-christian-refugee-over-mohammed-film/print/ Spain has begun deportation proceedings against Imran Firasat, a Christian refugee from Pakistan, for making a documentary about Mohammed and thereby threatening the national security of Spain. If Firasat is deported back to Pakistan, he will face the death penalty proving that it’s a short step […]