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http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/12/02/iraqi-refugee-arrested-for-bombing-arizona-social-security-office-with-ied-media-silence-ensues/ Editor’s Note: Updates to this story follow the article. The typically quiet town of Casa Grande, Arizona, was rocked by an explosion at the local Social Security Administration office early Friday morning of what appears to an improvised explosive device (IED). No one was hurt in the explosion, which occurred shortly before the office […]

The Nihilism of the New Relativity by EDWARD CLINE

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-nihilism-of-the-new-relativity?f=puball Why do Western politicians and the Mainstream Media hale and defend Islam? Why do they promote the welfare state? Why do literary critics lionize salacious and third-rate novelists? Why do art critics exhaust Roget’s Thesaurus in their praise of anti-art? Why do politicians and journalists side with the global warming advocates, and then, when […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-arabic-springs-stillbirth FSM recently sat down with Dr. Mark Gabriel for an interview. The situation in Egypt these days reminds us of the situation in the beginning of the year 2011, during what became known as the Arab Spring. Once again, people are gathering on Tahrir Square and they are demonstrating. They are protesting against the […]



“Suffice it to say that while women suffer and die all around the world, in America, liberal “ladies” represented by the likes of political prop Sandra Fluke come across like a bunch of whining ingrates who defame the memory of martyrs like Maria Santos Gorrostieta and innocents like Gisa — two victims of the world’s real war on women.”

American women have now been esteemed to such a level that for taking a stand against religious liberty and becoming the nation’s contraceptive cover girl, Sandra Fluke is actually being considered as TIME magazine’s Person of the Year.

Women who commiserate with Sandra likely view themselves as also suffering the hammers of hell here in the misogynist war zone called America. After all, American women have withstood the abuse and pain of living thus far without the benefit of free contraceptives. Now, however, equipped with newfound fame and with the re-election of Barack Obama signifying a battle won, maybe Ms. Fluke can now branch out and become an international spokesperson on how women around the world can stand strong in the face of male-imposed tyranny.

Who better than Sandra to represent injustices such as a 15-year-old girl being beheaded by a male cousin over a rejected marriage proposal?

Here in America, while girls of Mexican-American descent picked out dresses for a festive quinceañera, in the Imam Sahib district of Kunduz province, 15-year-old Gisa was out gathering water by the river when she was ambushed by close male cousin Sadeq, who proceeded to saw off her head with a knife.

Gisa’s father refused to allow his daughter to marry because of her tender age. So, instead of a wedding dress and a wedding, the girl’s headless body was returned to her family, wrapped in a sheet and dressed for a funeral.

With that in mind, Sandra Fluke did do a bang-up job on Capitol Hill advancing awareness of the war on women by schooling the Catholic hierarchy on polycystic ovary syndrome. So why not fly Sandra out to Khanabad to give a similar speech to Afghani men about the discriminatory display of hostility exhibited when one separates the head of a young girl from her body?



“Perhaps the time has finally come for Israel to claim in full its settlement rights in Judea and Samaria under international law.”

One day after the United Nations General Assembly recognized “Palestine” as a “nonmember observer state” — a status that it shares only with the Vatican — an actual state responded. The Netanyahu government quickly fired a shot across the bow of the Palestinian Authority for its decision to court the United Nations rather than negotiate with Israel. Israel announced that it is authorizing the construction of 3000 housing units in East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). Even more brazenly, it intends to proceed with plans for zoning and development in a barren area known as E-1, between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim to the east, on the road to Jericho.

Like Captain Renault in Casablanca, liberal pundits were “shocked, shocked” to realize that the words of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the General Assembly and the votes of its members could so quickly be trumped by the Israeli government. According to the New York Times (in page 1 coverage that read like an editorial), Israel’s response was a “surprise” that came as a “shock.” It indicated the determination of the Jewish state to wage “diplomatic war” over the future of 4.6 square miles of barren landscape with nothing on it but a police station and some Bedouin shepherds.

There is no denying the strategic importance of E-1. Its development would create a seamless corridor between Israel’s capital and Ma’ale Adumim, a hilltop community in the Judean desert inhabited by nearly 30,000 Israelis. That would effectively divide the West Bank, with Ramallah and the north linked to Bethlehem and the south only by a highway.



There was no reason for the shocked reactions in Israel following the disclosure that the suspected perpetrator of the bus bombing in Tel Aviv last week was a Palestinian Arab who had been granted Israeli citizenship to facilitate a “family reunion.”

This category of Arab Israelis had been implicated before in terror, espionage, assorted conspiracies to undermine Israeli security and a surfeit of random crime.

Hence, any sense of surprise is misplaced. If anything, this should serve as a reminder. Too many have, for example, forgotten Shadi Tubassi, the suicide bomber who murdered 16 Israelis at a Haifa restaurant a decade ago. He too was allowed here for “family reunion.”

The danger is so potent that even our ultra-liberal High Court of Justice had seen fit – on several occasions, despite its proclivities – not to disallow government attempts (via citizenship legislation provisions) to stem the tide of Palestinian migration into Israel proper. That migration is seen by many as the implementation by the back door of what the Palestinians dub their “right of return.”

One of the most frequent arguments in favor of relinquishing beyond-the-Green-Line territory is the need to safeguard our Jewish majority. That’s why Jerusalem so steadfastly rejects the Palestinians’ insistence on their right to inundate Israel with the progeny of purported Palestinian refugees.

Yet while demographic apprehensions are regarded as cogent on the territorial issue, Israel has incongruously flung the door open to the precise demographic peril that dominates our polemics.

Unbeknownst to most Israelis, the Oslo Accords made possible a steady stream of Arab immigration via family reunion schemes, directly adding well over 140,000 Arabs to Israel’s population in the 1990s. Additionally, untold thousands likely reside here illegally. Israel’s Arab communities are awash with illegals and the police fear to crack down.

Some 100,000 Palestinians work in Israel. It’s time to revoke and/or discontinue their work permits. Anything less puts us all at risk. The general public is unaware that the numbers of Arabs from beyond the Green Line employed in Israel has nearly reached levels that existed prior to the 2000 intifada.

Arguments that the Palestinian Authority’s economy depends on giving its population jobs here are unconscionable both from a demographic standpoint but all the more for pressing security needs. The argument, from our end, that these laborers are essential for construction and agriculture are equally as unacceptable when weighed against the danger to Israeli lives.


Thousands attend anti-Nazi rally in Hungary to protest lawmaker’s call for screening of Jews Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/12/02/thousands-attend-anti-nazi-rally-in-hungary-to-protest-lawmaker-call-for/#ixzz2Dz2HPZHY BUDAPEST, Hungary – Thousands attended an anti-Nazi rally Sunday in Hungary organized by Jewish and civic groups to protest a far-right lawmaker’s call to screen Jews for national security risks.The rally was unusual because politicians from both the […]



Editorial: “The Infallibles” in panic over Dispatch International

By Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard

Dispatch International has struck fear in Swedish mainstream media, to the extent that people linked to several media organizations, among them the daily Sydsvenskan and Swedish Television, are trying to take down our website. Last week we noticed that it was under heavy attack – of a magnitude that is normally used if you want to shut down a small country or a major organization.

We withstood the attack and our setup is such that we plan to survive any attack in the future.

The most interesting aspect concerning the onslaught was that people associated with several Swedish media organizations took part in it. Our analysis of the hackers shows that among the culprits were people connected to the dailies Sydsvenskan, Norrköpings Tidningar, Värnamo Nyheter, Swedish Television and a production company associated with Radio Sweden, Tredje Statsmakten Media AB.

The latter produces the program “Medierna i P1” (Media in P1) for Radio Sweden – a weekly show intended to scrutinize Swedish media.

Ever since Dispatch International got started, Sydsvenskan has been heaping abuse on our newspaper. On 23 November Sydsvenskan’s cultural editor Rakel Chukri claimed that Dispatch International is spreading hatred against people of color. She was of course unable to point to a single instance of Dispatch International doing such a thing.

It now turns out that people with access to computers at Sydsvenskan are not satisfied with merely vilifying us, but are engaged in an attempt to wreck us by illegal means.

There is no way the recent attack can be due to an honest mistake or construed as a bungled attempt to access our content. The hackers have carefully entered a complex code that can have no other purpose than demolishing our operating system. The attack must have been carefully planned and coordinated.



As some readers know, I am Washington correspondent for Dispatch International, a new weekly newspaper that appears every Thursday in English, Danish, Swedish and German. Our motto from Thomas Jefferson is our raison d’etre: “Freedom of the press cannot be limited without being lost.” Thus, the paper — helmed by journalist and free- speech-hero Lars Hedegaard of Denmark and the equally strong journalist Ingrid Carlqvist of Sweden — is committed, indeed, came into exstence to print news the rest of media will not. These include stories about Islam, government corruption, immigration, crime and other urgently important features about our life and times that the MSM seek to ignore and deny.

This helps explains why severe and massive cyber attacks on Dispatch International are originating in part from MSM organizations in Sweden!

Here is an excerpt from a letter Dispatch International’s Henrik Raeder Clausen sent out today:

Dear Friends of Freedom,

In the current state of affairs, starting a new and honest newspaper would seem the perfect antidote to the political correctness that poisons the established media, which is why we started Dispatch International. We had expected that to be quite a fight, and we certainly got our share of MSM condemnation and Denial of Service attacks we had anticipated. What we did not expect, however, was the combination of the two – the latest Denial of Service attacks have in part been traced to several established media houses Sydsvenskan, Norrköpings Tidningar, Värnamo Nyheter, Swedish Television SVT and Tredje Statsmakten Media AB.

The names of these Swedish MSM outlets are not familiar to most American readers, but their role as obstacles to the free flow of information in postmodern democratic society, alas, is.

Storm over German Plan to Supply Saudi Arabia with Armoured Vehicles see note please

Royal Guard patrol cars could be used to crush ‘popular dissent’ in the Gulf Kingdom


“Germany’s federal security council, which Ms Merkel presides over in person, was said to have secretly waived through the supply of anti-tank rocket launchers to Israel after first postponing the idea.The German manufacturers, Dynamit Nobel Defence, advertise the weapons as being ideal for use over short distances or for firing from inside buildings. “They would be perfect for use against Hamas in the Gaza strip,” Der Spiegel wrote.The security council decided against taking any decision about an Israeli request for anti-tank rocket launchers in June this year because of German Foreign Ministry concerns that they might be used for house-to-house fighting in areas of civilian unrest. However, on Monday their export was agreed because Israel was perceived to be under serious threat from Hamas, Der Spiegel said.Like all her post-Second World War predecessors, Chancellor Merkel has insisted that for Germany the security of the state of Israel is “not negotiable”. Earlier this year the German government was reported to have supplied Israel with submarines capable of being equipped with nuclear warheads.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is reported to be considering a request from Saudi Arabia for the supply of several hundred German-made “Boxer” armoured patrol vehicles which are purpose built to help the military combat rebel forces and could be used to crush popular dissent.In a report on the proposed arms deal which was leaked to Der Spiegel magazine, it was said that the request was discussed last week at a secret session of Germany’s federal security council which had previously given the go ahead for the controversial supply of anti-tank rocket launchers to Israel.

The magazine said the Saudi government had requested the Boxer vehicles for the Saudi Royal Guard – a unit whose role is confined mainly to protecting the Saudi royal family. “The Boxer is roadworthy and suitable for combating uprisings,” it noted.

It said that in the event of the “Arab Spring” spreading to Saudi Arabia, the Royal Guard would almost certainly be used to defend the royal family to the last. “Then there would be the possibility of German armoured vehicles being used against the masses,” the magazine wrote.

The Boxer is currently used by German forces in Afghanistan as an armoured troop transporter and patrol vehicle. It can also be used as a mini field hospital. The Saudi demand for the vehicles comes on top of a request for the supply of 270 German-built Leopard 2 tanks, which rate as the most sophisticated of their kind in the world.