It is symptomatic of the national condition of the United States that the worst humiliation ever suffered by it as a nation, and by a US president personally, passed almost without comment last week. I refer to the November 20 announcement at a summit meeting in Phnom Penh that 15 Asian nations, comprising half […] Politics is not a game that comes naturally to Republicans. Little boys in Republican families usually want a briefcase, not a baseball glove, a football or a boxing glove for their sixth birthday. Ronald Reagan, the modern Republican icon, was a Democrat first, after all. The giants of Congress when Congress was respected – […] Mainly, I lead a quiet, writer’s life. I read, I write, I listen to music, I gaze out my window. Sometimes, I visit a museum or see a movie. I read two or three books and several manuscripts every week and about one hundred articles and many hundreds of emails every day. I read […] The diplomatic hosannas for Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi following his brokering of the recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel were still being heard even as the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood started behaving like a pharaoh. Morsi “temporarily” seized new powers that, among other things, forbid judicial review of his policies. What ought […] | During the so-called “Arab Spring,” the Obama administration insisted that the United States risked being on the “wrong side of history” if it remained aligned with secular despots like Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak. Recent events have made it clear there is a wrong side for freedom in the Middle East and, thanks to Team […] If Israel is seriously committed to its own long-term survival as a sovereign nation in this part of the world, it must try a different approach. With the decision makers in Jerusalem agreeing to a cease-fire just one week after finally giving the green light for a military response to the unbearable daily rocket […] Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi can at least get a prize for brazenness. Just last Wednesday he was being praised by the Obama administration for his “practical” role in working out a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. “This was somebody focused on solving problems,” a “senior administration official” admiringly told the New York Times. The […] The conclusion of Israel’s campaign against Hamas, complete with an enforced ceasefire and a victory for the Islamic terrorist group, should come as no surprise at all. Long before the blockade of Gaza, the terrorist group’s greatest weapon was the sympathy of the world. Twenty years ago, on December 1992, Israeli forces responded to […] Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Pamela Geller, the founder, editor, and publisher of She is the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), and is a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, and other publications. She is the author of Stop the […] The Hamas terrorists fired over 1,500 rockets into civilian areas of Israel just before and during the recent “Pillar of Defense” military operation, rockets that killed at least five Israelis, wounded many others and did loads of damage. Southern Israel underwent the regional equivalent (and the moral equivalent) to the Londoners of the 1940s […]