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http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ When we celebrate Thanksgiving in a little over a week, after being thankful for family and friends, for health and comfort, for food and shelter; it may be time to be thankful for the left. I have seen far too much despair and defeatism, too many comments that suggest there is no hope for […]


Dear Ruth,
You might want to tell your readers the following:

AFSI’s Executive Director , Helen Freedman, is in Jerusalem at the present, following the conclusion of another hugely successful Chizuk mission to Israel. The mission ended Wednesday night, Nov. 14, just as the Gaza war broke out. Some of the group returned to the U.S. while others stayed on. Friends in the south who were visited just days before by AFSI are under attack. They are spending their days in their safe rooms or in the sewer pipes that serve as shelters in Nitzan, the Jewish refugee camp for the Gush Katif exiles. Ironically, the only safe places in Israel today are the holy cities of Hebron and Jerusalem, along with the threatened areas of Judea and Samaria. The biblical sites which make up the heart of Israel, and which are always on the bargaining table with Israel’s enemies, end up being Israel’s safe havens. There seems to be a message here to which attention should be paid.

I’ll be back in the office on Tuesday

Egypt’s PM rushes to Hamas’ aid in Gaza By AMY TEIBEL and KARIN LAUB | Associated Press

http://news.yahoo.com/egypts-pm-rushes-hamas-aid-gaza-122444817.html GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Egypt’s prime minister rushed to the aid of the Gaza Strip’s Hamas rulers Friday in the midst of an Israeli offensive there, calling for an end to the operation, as Palestinian rocket squads aimed at Tel Aviv for a second straight day. Sirens wailed across Israel’s main metropolis […]

Maryland’s Endemic Corruption: An Object Lesson for the Nation James Simpson

http://www.aim.org/special-report/marylands-endemic-corruption-an-object-lesson-for-the-nation/ Maryland is one of the most corrupt states in our nation. Nowhere is this fact more evident than with the state’s treatment of illegal aliens. Maryland politicians have literally become lawless in their efforts to cultivate illegals, and this lawlessness flows downhill from the very top. I will focus on a few of the […]


http://www.aim.org/ It’s not every day that events make Vice President Joe Biden seem smart or even kind of prophetic, but four years ago, he foresaw that Barack Obama would be sorely tested by foreign policy crises after his election. “Mark my words,” said Biden in October 2008, “it will not be six months before the […]


Yesterday I attended a small private luncheon in honor of Monica Crowley, the charming, witty, erudite author of the incredibly timely book “What the Beep Just Happened?- The Happy Warrior’s Guide to the Great American Comeback.” Ms. Crowley delivered a stunning and brilliant speech on our current dilemma as Americans and lovers of freedom. Her remarks were, at her request, off the record and so they shall remain.

Now, in my opinion there are none so sappy as men who worry and fret about “women’s rights” and how the GOP ignores them and blah, blah, blah. One of the questioners was just such a man. To my delight and surprise, another man present, a well respected commentator,countered with the following:

It is the Democrats who are anti women….they have consistently ignored Moslem abuse of women who are harassed, forced into childhood marriages, and beaten, tortured, flogged and stoned to death for minor infractions of sharia law.

Right he is and those who ignore this are guilty of abetting crimes against women while they prattle about “reproductive rights.”

Is BengPetAllen…”Gate” Related to Afghanistan? Its Closer than You May Think! John Bernard ****

What a difference just a few days can make. Just a day or so before the election, the White House was still grappling with exactly how to categorize the coordinated attack by members of Ansar Al Shariah on the US compound in Benghazi. Apparently, the 52% of the voting block in the US who chose to keep the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for another fun filled four years isn’t concerned about that. In fact they are not apparently concerned with any of the inconsistencies in our foreign policy.

Yes, inconsistencies; policies that are inconsistent with the traditional and constitutional vision of US national security. If someone wants to try and convince me that wasting the precious blood of American War Fighters for the benefit of another people, in another land, who are taught from birth to hate the great western satan is either rational or patriotic; have at it! So what does this have to do with revelations of David Petraeus’s extra-curricular activities?

Absolutely nothing! And that is the point!

Unfortunately, it took an attack on a small, unprotected compound in Libya which ended with the death of two Bureaucrats and two genuine, American Heroes, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods to cause the dead in DC to even consider that something might be wrong. Why? Simply because it hit close to home. No longer were those who were betrayed nameless, uniformed, men and women from towns with obscure names. The two principals killed in the coordinated attack launched by Ansar Al Shariah on the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Towers in New York City, September 11th, were, for all practical purposes, kin.

They were of the DC crowd and the DC crowd takes notice when their own are threatened.

But what the media – all the media, the vast majority of the DC crowd and most Americans seem to have missed is that the very same foreign policy vision that caused the attack in Benghazi, is that which has been killing American Service Members and ISAF forces in Afghanistan! But as with all things, the squeaky wheel gets the attention; and DC can be very squeaky when the carnage they have caused hits too close to home.


http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/ngo-hypocrisy-in-gaza/ Gerald Steinberg is professor of political science at Bar Ilan University and president of NGO Monitor MORE IN THIS BLOG Restoring Israeli deterrenceWaiting for Turkey’s ApologyBecause of our sins, we were exiled from our landEuro President Barroso: Freeze Funding for Political NGOsFacing the facts: Human rights, bias, and professional standards As in all of […]


Another Tack: Remarkably déjà vu President Shimon Peres these days casually dismisses talk of his return to politics as “mere speculation. I myself never said anything.” He rarely does. He just enjoys the hype. He relishes the buildup, the attention and excitement. But, despite the thrill and flattery, there really is no way Peres would have […]


http://www.investigativeproject.org/3810/rockets-what-hamas-rockets Violence between Israeli Defense Forces and Palestinian terrorist organizations in Gaza this week is prompting the usual outcry from Islamist groups in America and abroad. Rallies are planned in major cities throughout the United States Friday. Twitter feeds teemed with righteous outrage at what Islamists describe as Israeli aggression. Tunisia’s ruling Ennahda Party issued […]