Many of you reading this probably felt a kick in the gut when the election results came in. Filled with optimism by Republican pollsters predicting a landslide victory, the outcome came as an even bigger shock. Losing is never fun or easy and can lead to a temporary state of shell shock in which […] Sometimes the revolution politicians seek isn’t the one they get. Consider the irony—and the opportunity—in Monday’s report that the U.S. is likely to surpass Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer as early as 2020. In its annual world energy outlook, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) says the global energy map “is […] For the most part Israel’s military responses can be summed up with one word; “Restraint.: I understand the reasoning, from politics to world view, I get it, I don’t always agree, but I do understand. But at what point does Israel stop worrying about world view, which we all know will always be against […] On the corner of the street a giant rat squats over the sidewalk, its shadow blocking the cold winter sun, while at its feet, hired men, some with heavy accents, hand out leaflets and chant, “Who are we, What do we want” in the familiar hymn of the hired union protester, not a member […] Obama’s election and Gaza It sure didn’t take long for the effect of the U.S. election to be felt around the world, particularly in the Middle East. Within days of President Barack Obama’s victory, Israel found itself under missile and mortar attack on two fronts. Though the bulk of the blitz is coming from […] If you’re a conspiracy theorist, the timing of David Petraeus’s resignation was perfect. He stepped down as CIA director Friday, six days before he was to have testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi and three days after Barack Obama’s re-election, thereby shielding Obama from both pre-election embarrassment and […] In January I was rebuked by some readers for predicting that the GOP would lose, and for saying it deserved to lose, too. “It doesn’t matter that Americans are generally eager to send Mr. Obama packing,” I wrote. “All they need is to be reasonably sure that the alternative won’t be another fiasco. But […] It seems fitting that the director of Central Intelligence should be the first casualty of an election where both sides had more to lose than to gain by mentioning foreign policy. My admiration for General David Petraeus was grudging, but he was well-qualified for the job: a general who can manipulate his own masters […]
Herb was my dear friend and mentor and a stalwart fighter for Israel in the mold of Shmuel Katz and Zeev Jabotinski. In Hebron, the cradle of the Jewish faith and the fist capital of the Jewish people AFSI members headed by Helen Freedman gathered to dedicate ” Zweibon Hall.”
From David Wilder:
Friday afternoon we dedicated a memorial room to our dear friend, Herb Zweibon, founder and director of AFSI, Americans for a Safe Israel. Herb was a genuine friend of Israel, and especially of Hebron’s Jewish community. AFSI’s executive director, Helen Freedman led a group of about 25 friends from the US for a week-long visit in Israel, and to Hebron for this Shabbat. We all gathered at the new “Zweibon Hall,” at the entrance to the ‘Hezkiah neighborhood,” here in Hebron to dedicate this room in Herb’s memory. Washington Institute analyst Eric Trager has written an article analyzing a RAND report that discusses how the U.S. government can further engage with the Muslim Brotherhood while insulating themselves from “domestic criticism.” The article begins: November 12, 2012, Vol. 18, No. 09 There is one curious beneficiary of the September 11 attack on the […]