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Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) is professor of political science and international law at Purdue University. He is the author of many books and articles dealing with nuclear strategy and nuclear war, including “Apocalypse: Nuclear Catastrophe in World Politics” (The University of Chicago Press, 1980); “Mimicking Sisyphus: America’s Countervailing Nuclear Strategy” (D.C. Heath/Lexington, 1983); “Security or Armageddon: Israel’s Nuclear Strategy” (D.C. Heath/Lexington, 1986); and “Terrorism and Global Security: The Nuclear Threat” (Westview, 1987). In Israel, he was Chair of Project Daniel.

When, back in March of this year, he was interviewed on CBS’s 60 Minutes, Meir Dagan, former chief of Israel’s Mossad, stated: “The regime in Iran is a very rational one.” Moments later, hedging a bit, Dagan admitted that it was “not exactly our rational.” He then proceeded to hedge even further, indicating that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was “not exactly rational based on Western thinking.”

What, exactly, was Meir Dagan saying? Reduced to its bare essentials, his statement claimed only that Iran’s leadership displays some form of “logical thinking.” Nothing more.

To be sure, there was literally nothing in his remarks to suggest that the regime in Tehran would consistently value collective survival as its highest goal.

Such an omission was plainly significant. This is because the rationale of strategic deterrence must always rest upon a uniformly presumed preeminence of national self-preservation. By definition, where such a presumption is absent, there can be no traditional deterrence.

Ideally, therefore, Iran would still be prevented from becoming a nuclear weapons state. After all, if we can accept Dagan’s personal and somewhat eccentric assessment of enemy rationality, that country’s prospective nuclear force commanders could ultimately choose to value certain preferences more highly than Iran’s survival as a state. Such a scenario of failed nuclear threat dynamics is improbable, but it is not inconceivable.

Already, it is widely and authoritatively acknowledged that a nuclear Iran is a fait accompli. For several generally-discussed operational reasons, the remaining prospect of any viable and cost-effective preemption by Israel is exceedingly small. In consequence and also in compensation, there must now be heightened Israeli preparations for effective anti-missile defense, especially the Arrow and Iron Dome interceptors.

Less obviously, perhaps, there must take place, in stark contradiction to the traditionally prevailing notion that “irrational” adversaries cannot be deterred, the thoughtful and systematic implementation of new forms of deterrence.

What, exactly, does this mean? Irrationality is not the same as madness. Unlike a “crazy” or “mad” adversary, which would have no discernible order of preferences, an irrational Iranian leadership might still maintain a distinct and consistent hierarchy of wants. The pinnacle or very top of this hierarchy would almost certainly be represented by abundantly clear and widely held religious values.

Although such an Iranian leadership might not be successfully deterred by the more usual threats of military destruction — because a canonical Shiite eschatology could genuinely welcome “end times” confrontations with “unbelievers” — it might still refrain from any attacks that could elicit credible harms to its most basic religious values. An overriding Iranian concern for safeguarding the holy city of Qom, for example, comes immediately to mind.

It is also plausible that an Iranian leadership would simultaneously value certain of its prime military institutions, and could also be deterred by compelling and possibly coincident threats to these institutions. A pertinent consideration would be the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, the power behind the Iranian dictatorship, the principal foe of the Iranian people, and the current leadership’s main instrument of repression. Here, it could be purposeful for Jerusalem to hold at risk the Guard’s physical facilities, its terrorist training camps, its navy of small attack boats, its missile program, the homes of its leaders, and even its space program.

Most civilian targets would be deliberately excluded from attack vulnerabilities, as would those particular military targets that were not identifiably Guard-related. Such a calculated exclusion would not only be in Israel’s best overall strategic interests. It would also be necessary to ensure proper Israeli compliance with the law of war.

A nuclear Iran could be dangerous to Israel even if its leadership were entirely rational. Miscalculations, or errors in information, could still lead a perfectly rational Iranian adversary to strike first. In these unstable circumstances, the very best anti-missile defenses would prove thoroughly inadequate.

All active defenses require a near-100 percent reliability of intercept to be useful for any “soft-point” protection of cities. Naturally, as purely a matter of physics, such an extraordinary degree of reliability could never be expected. In such defensive systems, there would inevitably be intolerable “leakage.”

If Iran were presumed to be rational, in the usual sense of valuing its national physical survival more highly than any other preference, of combination of preferences, Jerusalem could then begin to consider certain benefits of pretended irrationality. Years ago, Israeli General Moshe Dayan, had warned: “Israel must be seen as a mad dog; too dangerous to bother.” In this crude but effective metaphor, Dayan had already understood that, sometimes at least, it can be distinctly rational to feign irrationality.

An element of just such counter-intuitive reasoning may have been exhibited by U.S. President John F. Kennedy, during his handling of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Many years ago, when I was co-chairing a panel at the Naval Academy with Admiral Arleigh Burke, the former chief of naval operations repeated to me privately what had earlier been published by Ted Sorensen, JFK’s biographer. Kennedy, confirmed Burke, had believed that his actions, a “quarantine” of Cuba, would entail potentially “even odds” of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.



Let’s face it. Obama won the election. Just like Putin and Ahmadinejad did theirs. The only difference is that unlike Iranians and Russians, Americans won’t be gathering in the streets to protest their disenfranchisement at the hands of the corrupt Democratic Party machine.

First, he received over 99% of the vote in districts where GOP inspectors were illegally removed. Next, he won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland. Well, he’s gotten another lucky break!

Mr. Obama won Wood County in Ohio this year. That’s right, Mr. Obama won the majority of Wood County’s 108% of registered voters. That’s not a typo.

In 2012, 106,258 people in Wood County are registered to vote out of an eligible 98,213.

Secretary of College Democrats Morgan Holliger chimed in, “We won Wood County, we won Ohio.”

Mr. Obama did indeed win Wood County, along with its 108% of voters.

Half the Democratic ground game is voter turnout. The other half is voter fraud. Voter ID would make an impact on this game, but that would be just like the return of Segregation or something.



News releases trumpeting not merely inaccurate, but false, science have become a way of life for Americans and others around the world. There is rarely, if ever, any fact checking done by the editors and reporters who pass along often dangerously false science on a wide range of topics, with many reports designed to alarm consumers.

Such is the case with bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that has been in use for some 60 years to protect the contents of metal food containers and create shatter resistant plastics. In 2011 I wrote a four-part series about the efforts to ban BPA which has been subjected to more than 5,000 studies, none of which has found harm or undue risk in normal use. Its safety was reaffirmed earlier this year by the refusal of the Food and Drug Administration to ban it.

But the anti-chemical drumbeat continues. A recent study at the University of California-San Diego that purported to show a risk of danger when BPA was metabolized and this finding was announced by a news release issued by the university. It was reviewed and approved by researcher Michael Baker and contained the traditional hype we see when organizations want to whip up public concern when none is warranted. Remarkably, the tactic was exposed in a lengthy article by Jon Entine in Forbes magazine.

JIM KOURI:Petraeus Resignation Won’t Interfere with Benghazi Probe, Say Lawmakers


Editor’s Note: Americans deserve a complete explanation of the Administration’s decisions on Benghazi. The responsibility for these critical foreign policy decisions rests with the president of the United States. Will he come clean?

In response to the surprise announcement on Friday that Gen. David Petraeus officially resigned from his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, many observers wondered if he would still participate in the House and Senate probes into the tragic Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack.

The popular military leader shocked many when he revealed he had an extramarital affair with West Point graduate and author Paula Broadwell, who had written a book about Gen. Petraeus’ service in Afghanistan.

There are some within the intelligence community, the military and law enforcement assigned to counterterrorism units who accused Petraeus of failing to respond decisively to calls for assistance from CIA operatives posted in Libya amid the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

A spokesperson for the House Foreign Relations Committee said that all hearings will proceed as scheduled, although Director Petraeus’ resignation will probably change the witness list. It’s not immediately clear if the CIA will send a replacement witness to testify, but a source told this writer that the CIA’s Deputy Director Mike Morell may be called to give testimony.

Appearing on Fox & Friends, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) had blasted President Barack Obama and his administration, including the CIA director, for playing politics with the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, dead.

Complaining about the lack of candor emanating from the Obama White House the State Department, the Defense Department and the CIA, Kelly said, “I am appalled by the dereliction of duty that’s taken place by this administration. We’ve got to get to the bottom of this and we’ve got to get it fixed.” Kelly, a first-term congressman, serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.



Today I have officially gone “Galt”. Since I have no business or a paying job to quit, I can only cut-off what I do have control over, and that is my charity donations. Today I had the opportunity to do just that. While checking out at Kmart I was asked if I wanted to contribute a $1 to the March of Dimes. I looked the girl in the eye and said, “No thank you. Obama has been re-elected and he assured us only he and the government can take proper care of autistic and Down Syndrome children.” She didn’t know what to say except, “Okay” and finished the transaction. The people behind me in line just blinked. Then upon getting home the house phone rang and it was somebody asking for a donation to a breast cancer charity. I said, “No, Obama has been re-elected and he assured us only he and the government care about ‘lady parts’, so you can just wait for money from his stash.” and I hung up. It felt … oddly liberating. When the local FOP calls for the annual donation I will repeat the same, fully knowing they as a union supported Obama in the election. I cannot wait to say the same to the Salvation Army with their red kettles and bells outside all those stores I frequent this holiday season. Oh, and all you little public school kiddies that go door to door with your $1 candy bars and whatnots … yeah, you too. See what your union teacher says about them apples. Honestly, I hate to do this to charities, but if the agenda is to remove the private sector from life in this country, and to completely depend on the government, then so be it.

And so it begins…


MY E-PAL DAN FRIEDMAN RIGHTLY CALLS THIS “IVY LEAGUE DHIMMIS” Harvard ‘deeply troubled’ by row over Israeli buffet Business School responds to former student’s criticism, description of Israeli dining station as affront to Arabs. The Harvard Business School is “deeply troubled” for having offended Arab sensibilities due to the mischaracterization of various foods appearing on […]

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Rabbi Mark Pruzansky ****

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire The most charitable way of explaining the election results of 2012 is that Americans voted for the status quo – for the incumbent President and for a divided Congress. They must enjoy gridlock, partisanship, incompetence, economic stagnation and avoidance of responsibility. And fewer people voted. As I write, […]


http://q4j-middle-east.com The widely-published AP report by Mohammed Daraghmeh on October 29th announced that Arabs were preparing to once again push for creating their 22nd state in the United Nations. It cannot be stated too often that this would be their second, not first, created in the original April 25, 1920 Mandate of Palestine. What is […]



Tuesday 11/13/12—“Benghazi: US Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine”

This Tuesday, 11/13/12, I will be participating in the Center for Security Policy [2] event

“Benghazi:US Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine,” at the Kirby Center of Hillsdale College, Washington, DC.

The event [2] can be viewed via a live internet stream.

Below is the CSP announcement [2]:

At 12:30 PM on Tuesday, November 13 at Hillsdale College in Washington, DC, the Center for Security Policy is pleased to present a live-streamed panel discussion with three of America’s top experts on the shariah doctrinal threat to national security. Dr. Andrew Bostom, Diana West and Stephen Coughlin will be joined by Frank Gaffney to discuss, “Benghazi: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine.”

The event will be streamed live, beginning at 12:30PM at the Center’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/securefreedom [3], embedded on this page or on Facebook at facebook.com/securefreedom [4].

The Center for Security Policy presents a panel discussion

Benghazi: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Featuring nationally-recognized experts and authors:

Dr. Andrew G. Bostom – author of Sharia versus Freedom [5] (Prometheus Books, October 2012). Dr. Bostom’s earlier publications include The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History [6] and The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims [7] . He posts regularly at http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog [8].

Diana West – author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character [9] (St. Martin’s Press, April 2013). Ms. West’s earlier publications include The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization [10] and Shariah: The Threat To America: An Exercise In Competitive Analysis (Report of Team B II) [11] . She posts regularly at http://dianawest.net [12].

Stephen Coughlin – author of Catastrophic Failure: The Big Lie in the War on Terror (Center for Security Policy Press, January 2013). Mr. Coughlin’s earlier publications include Shariah: The Threat To America: An Exercise In Competitive Analysis (Report of Team B II) [11] , and “To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad [13].” His popular series of educational video lectures on Shariah doctrine can be viewed on youtube: Part 1 [14], Part 2 [15], Part 3 [16], Part 4 [17], and Part 5 [18] .

Moderator: Frank J. Gaffney Jr., President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy


Four More Years: Obama Wins Re-election In late spring, the backroom number crunchers who powered Barack Obama’s campaign to victory noticed that George Clooney had an almost gravitational tug on West Coast females ages 40 to 49. The women were far and away the single demographic group most likely to hand over cash, for a […]