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Mosque Plan Called Too Large for Rural Howard County In Maryland: Arthur Hirsch

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/howard/bs-md-ho-sunday-mosque-20121108,0,7633340.story Leaders of the Dar-us-Salaam community in College Park have been looking for years for a new home, a place for a school and a mosque close enough to be convenient for members living in several counties. They’ve scouted hundreds of spots and looked closely at a handful, and now they think they’ve found what […]


http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/EgyptAir-stewardesses-begin-wearing-hijab/articleshow/17183802.cms CAIRO: EgyptAir stewardesseswho campaigned to wear the Muslim headscarf have begun donning the hijab for the first time since the national carrier was founded in 1932, a company official said on Sunday.The first flight attendants dressed in the hijab, which mainstream clerics say is mandatory, worked on flights to Jeddah in Saudi Arabiaon Saturday.Under […]

Juliana Pilon Reviews ‘The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal’ By Edward Alexander

Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs http://www.iwp.edu/news_publications/detail/juliana-pilon-reviews-the-state-of-the-jews-a-critical-appraisal Juliana Geran Pilon, Director of IWP’s Center for Culture and Security and Professor of Politics and Culture, recently reviewed The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal by Edward Alexander (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2012), 248 pages.  The review will appear in the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs VII:1 (2013). The intentionally ambiguous title of […]

FBI Scrutinized on Petraeus The Stories Just don’t Add Up

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324073504578113460852395852.html?mod=us_most_pop_newsreel Complaints by Female Social Planner Led to Email Trail That Undid CIA Chief By EVAN PEREZ, SIOBHAN GORMAN and DEVLIN BARRETT A social planner’s complaints about email stalking launched the monthslong criminal inquiry that led to a woman romantically linked to former Gen. David Petraeus and to his abrupt resignation Friday as Central Intelligence […]

Why Obama Won — on The Glazov Gang

Why Obama Won — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Dwight Schultz, Nonie Darwish and Tommi Trudeau shed light on why Americans embraced the pain of more “hope and change.”

Militant Muslims Cutting Out Tongues by Raymond Ibrahim

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3445/militant-muslims-cutting-out-tongues Why so much violence against the tongue? As the Sheikh of Islam himself: Ibn Tamiyyah, once wrote, “Waging war verbally against Islam might be worse than waging war against it physically.” A professor of Islamic exegesis at Cairo’s preeminent Islamic university, Al Ahzar, Dr. Abdullah Badr, recently proclaimed on Egyptian television that a new […]

Europe Loses One of Its Most Courageous Politicians by Peter Martino ****

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3447/uri-rosenthal Civil servants posted good riddance messages, criticizing the minister and welcoming his successor. It is easy to forget that Israel fights a defensive war 365 days a year. And that its enemies never grant the Jewish state a moment of peace. Last month saw a significant increase in the number of terrorist attacks: 166 […]

Douglas Murray: On Boycotting Israel

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3444/boycotting-israel There are a lot of Nazi caparisons being thrown around these days. Where might they be most accurately directed? Toward the State of Israel? Or against the growing number of people who believe that it is permissible to boycott any herb, any product or indeed any tune if it comes from the hand or […]


Oliver Stone: ‘I find Obama scary’
Friday, November 9, 2012
In Oliver Stone’s new book — “The Untold History of the United States” — the filmmaker, along with historian Peter Kuznick, argues that, “The country Obama inherited was indeed in shambles, but Obama took a bad situation and, in certain ways, made it worse.” Read more…
Petraeus move completes Benghazi housecleaning
Big Peace
Friday, November 9, 2012
Now that the Obama administration has succeeded in winning a second term, they are cleaning house. The two figures most linked to the disaster in Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director David Petraeus, are gone. The figure most linked with Fast and Furious, Eric Holder, will be gone. The figure most linked to the administration’s economic failures, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner, will be gone. Only Obama remains. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2BofmUCko
Petraeus move completes Benghazi housecleaning
Big Peace
Friday, November 9, 2012
Now that the Obama administration has succeeded in winning a second term, they are cleaning house. The two figures most linked to the disaster in Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director David Petraeus, are gone. The figure most linked with Fast and Furious, Eric Holder, will be gone. The figure most linked to the administration’s economic failures, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner, will be gone. Only Obama remains. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2Bog3QND9
Obama’s re-election unleashes layoff tsunami
Freedom Works
Friday, November 9, 2012
So with another four years for President Obama to look forward to, and the obvious inevitability of Obamacare that this entails, let’s examine the very real jobs that will be lost, and the very real lives that will be affected. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2BogJFWJT


The way the pundits are swooning over the resignation of General Petraeus, one would think he was the second coming of something between Oliver Cromwell and Curtis LeMay. Pardon me, but his campaigns in “Surgeistans” are total fiascoes. Iraq and Afghanistan are surging towards Sharia with increasing violence every single day. While climbing the ladder to general he spent most of his time at West Point, first as a “pre-med”. He graduated in 1974, joined the infantry ascending the ranks, Petraeus worked in many different capacities and for several different units within the Army.

During the 80s he was mostly involved in education….at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School where he got a Master’s degree and Doctorate in International Relations, and then headed back to West Point.

In 1991 he was promoted to Lt. Colonel and commanding officer with the 101st division where he was wounded….in friendly fire…when a fellow infantryman discharged his M-16 by mistake. At the age of 46 he was promoted to Brigadier General, and soon after sustained another injury, again, not in combat, but in training when his parachute failed. He then served in Bosnia as part of the NATO Stabilization Force, as both Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Deputy Commander of the U.S. Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force. For his efforts there, he was promoted to Lieutenant General in 2004. Petraeus was made a full general in 2007.

His military “doctrine” was a clone of the “heart and minds” campaigns which were such failures in Vietnam, and his counterinsurgency operations enacted rules of engagement which crippled our forces.

In politics he was an absolute dud, once famously declaring that the Arab/Israel wars were responsible for the anti American sentiments of the Moslem world, culminating with his famous theory that the infamous video about Mohammed inspired the Benghazi attack.

He waged no brilliant campaigns, was no leader of men in combat, and apparently got lost and terminate his non illustrious career in a boudoir.