The gap is enormous; it’s an abyss, and its name is Benghazi. They the people have re-elected Barack Hussein Obama, and we have been talking to ourselves. If the disastrous consequences could be clearly perceived, they might lead to a national awakening, but I fear they will be as muddled and confused as the public mind, and the public mind will adjust as it goes along, for the same reasons why it chose to intoxicate itself with the Obama illusion. The hope may well be a crucible of empty promises, but the change is implacable. The United States has slipped out on its history.
It seems that the economic factor was, as expected, decisive for the vast majority of voters. And that’s why they chose Obama over Romney? When European voters dissatisfied with the state of their economies systematically reject incumbents, Americans, of all people, reward economic failure? Foreign policy, on the other hand, apparently weighed less than zero in determining the choice of voters. Logical, isn’t it? Iran races to go nuclear, the Arab-Muslim world is in a paroxysm of rage and destruction, Israel’s existence is under dire threat, European societies tremble as their providential economies run out of gas and their demographics link up with the enraged sharia-imposing forces massed on the borders of the free world, so why should foreign policy be an issue?
Why have issues anyway when you can just groove with a guy who tells you he’s done a great job, the economy is on the mend, al-Qaeda is on the run, and Osama bin Laden is dead? Here comes the 21st-century inside-out version of the Know-nothings — pro-immigrant and anti-American, anti-Christian and Islam-friendly, the Know-nothings welcome with open arms the cool trendy vanguard of totalitarian conquest. And they can’t get enough of it. They sincerely believe they are defending noble humanitarian values against the greatest danger known to humanity — restriction on abortion and gay rights.