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* Boy runs from crowd and attempts to wrestle flame from torch bearer shouting Arabic for ‘God is Great’
Anna Skora, 23, manages to keep hold of flame to carry on
* Security drag teenager away, who has since been arrested and is being held in custody
Kent police say the relay continued ‘without disruption’ as Ms Skora passes torch on to next bearer

A 17-year-old shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ – Arabic for ‘God is Great’ – as he unsuccessfully tried to grab the Olympic torch during a stretch of the flame’s route through Maidstone towards Redhill.

Broadcast live on the BBC, the youth lunged from the crowd to try to take the torch from the hands of its bearer Anna Skora, but was swiftly bundled away by officers.

In one video posted to YouTube he can be seen waiting behind a car and as Ms Skora gets closer he lunges towards the torch.

Scroll down for video.

Hollywood’s Israel Problem & the Gentleman’s Agreement : Moshe Phillips ****

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/11935#.UAmRuqA2yE4 The fascinating, unknown story of how famed Hollywood figures who followed Jabotinsky helped the Jews and the State of Israel. And, asks the writer, what is Hollywood like today vis a vis Israel? No different than Israel’s president. In 1947, Hollywood gave us “Gentleman’s Agreement,” a thoughtful and compelling portrait of anti-Semitism in America […]

Ze’ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky…In Honor of His Memory by Gerald A. Honigman


Jabotinsky was both brilliant and essential in the human aspects of Israel’s resurrection and survival.
During my own graduate study days in the late ’70s, I will never forget a conversation I had with the tenured chief honcho professor of one of the doctor seminars. He would later see to it that my own academic career would be nipped in the bud by denying me a Ph.D. dissertation advisor. I was the most advanced doctoral student in the program and the department used me to secure additional funding. But, I asked too many of the wrong questions. Professor Daniel Pipes’ organization, Campus Watch, Professor Martin Kramer’s book, Ivory Towers On Sand…, and a brand new, break away academic organization from MESA, ASMEA, would later emerge over the same issues–all too late to help me, however.

After hearing a fellow doctoral student’s oral summary of her own research project covering the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Amin al-Husseini), it was my turn to do likewise with the extensive research I had done on Jabotinsky.

At no time during the presentation about the Mufti was it reported that Hitler had made him the leader of the Waffen SS Division in the Balkans in charge of atrocities against Serbs, Gypsies, and Jews. And the professor asked no prodding questions about such things afterwards as well. He simply went along with the whitewash.

Yet, after my discussion about Jabotinsky, the same professor was quick to question about his alleged “fascist connections.”

Alas, such experiences were and still are quite common in too many duplicitous MESA-run classrooms where one set of lenses is used to scrutinize Israel and Zionism and quite a different set–if any at all–is used to critique the “Arab” world.


Dershowitz et al happily endorse funding relocation of Jews – but recoil in horror at any suggestion of funding the relocation of Palestinians.

Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. – George Santayana, Life of Reason (1905)

The major issue is not [attaining] an agreement, but ensuring its actual implementation in practice. The number of agreements the Arabs have violated is no less than number which they have kept.– Shimon Peres, Tomorrow is Now (1978)

These excerpts aptly convey the fanatical fraudulence of two-state advocates – at least of those who claim to be pro-Israel Zionists. For in redoubling their efforts to reach their preferred mode of resolution of the Palestinian issue, they seem to have forgotten that the real aim is not an agreement on the establishment of a Palestinian state, but long-term stability and security for Israel.

Desperation, denial and disregard

Seemingly oblivious of – or determined to disregard – the fact that the greater the efforts made to reach such a two-state arrangement, the more Israel’s stability and security have been undermined, twostaters persist in their quest.

Regrettably – indeed, tragically – many in the “intellectual establishment” have embraced the failed formula of two-statism as a corollary of the historically disproven dogma of “land-for-peace,” staking their personal prestige and professional reputation on its desirability and feasibility.

In so doing, they have mortgaged their intellectual integrity to a policy that is demonstrably neither.

Not only is it impossible to justify two-statism on the basis of logical consistency or empirical validity, but its continued pursuit will almost inevitably bring about a situation that directly negate the values invoked for its adoption, and precipitate consequences which are the antitheses of those its advocates intended.

Impervious to fact and reason, its high-profile proponents cling doggedly – some might say obsessively – to it, disregarding the massive accumulation of contradictory evidence and denying the unequivocal significance thereof.

Confronted by the resolute refusal of reality to bend to their will, two-staters are beginning to promote proposals that appear increasingly desperate and detached from the real world.


Pelosi: Keep tax returns for congressmen private
Congressional leaders were defiant T…
Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz21A121gzg
Obama job council meetings 0, fundraisers 106
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Obama job council meetings 0, fundraisers 106
Mitt Romney takes the White House to task: “We’re surprised that the president has not met with his Jobs Council in the last six months. … We took a look at his schedule and over the last six months he has done 106 fundraisers. And so, I think you learn something about the president’s priorities.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz21A1Bo08M
Poll: 61% say Holder in contempt of Congress
Fox News
by: Dana Blanton
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Poll: 61% say Holder in contempt of Congress
Attorney General Eric Holder Photo Credit:AP

A majority of American voters would have voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents about the Fast and Furious debacle.

The U.S. House of Representatives held Attorney General Holder in contempt on June 28 by a vote of 258-95.

A Fox News poll released Thursday shows 61 percent of voters nationally would have done the same thing if they were in Congress. That includes most Republicans (82 percent) and nearly half of independents (49 percent) and Democrats (48 percent).

Read more: http://times247.com/articles/poll-61-percent-say-holder-in-contempt-of-congress#ixzz21A1QMXZL
New polls show Obama vulnerable on economy
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Three new polls suggest that voters’ optimism about the state of the economy has slid, making Obama more vulnerable to efforts that seek to turn the campaign into a referendum on his economic management. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz21A1nTPDb



Don’t ask why Hezbollah attacked

Wednesday’s suicide bombing in Bulgaria may have been a startling reminder that Jews are not safe in the world today, but it did not come as a surprise to anyone involved in intelligence, espionage and counterterrorism. That such acts of targeted, cold-blooded killing have not been carried out on a daily basis, as they were during the Second Intifada, is due to the incredibly heroic work of our security services, not to a weakening of the will or means of our enemies.

Nor was it accidental that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately responded by pointing the finger at Iran and its chief proxy, Hezbollah. Whatever spin analysts have been trying to put on Netanyahu’s blatant and authoritative accusation, made before all the forensic facts were in, anyone paying the slightest bit of attention knows that there is a global war going on between the East and the West — with the former fast and furiously building a nuclear weapons arsenal that could blitz the latter if not into oblivion, then at least into submission.

It is being said by pundits that the purpose of Netanyahu’s statement about Israel’s not being the only entity in danger from the Iranian threat was to prepare the ground for a possible joint military operation against the Islamic republic’s nuclear facilities. This is doubtful.


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/309936/green-jobs-gone-bust-deroy-murdock ‘We’ll invest $15 billion a year over the next decade in renewable energy, creating five million new green jobs that pay well, can’t be outsourced, and help end our dependence on foreign oil,” candidate Barack Obama pledged in a radio address on November 1, 2008. Three years and eight months later, as unemployment has […]



Editor’s note: Below is a copy of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s letter to Rep. Keith Ellison in response to objections over the congresswoman’s concern over the Muslim Brotherhood’s penetration of the U.S. government. The letter includes a discussion of Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin and her troubling ties to the Brotherhood.


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/nonie-darwish/huma-abedin%e2%80%99s-mother%e2%80%99s-extreme-islamist-agenda/print/ Huma Abedin, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, could be the nicest woman with the greatest character, but that is not the issue nor should it be a reason to prevent ny inquiry into her family background and connection to the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead of attacking Representative Bachmann for raising important questions regarding Muslim […]

Why Don’t Rocket Attacks Against Israel Get Headlines? Giulio Meotti

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/giulio-meotti/why-dont-rocket-attacks-against-israel-get-headlines/print/ Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheba….All major southern Israel cities are again under a heavy rocket offensive from Hamas-controlled Gaza. There are Jewish dead, babies wounded, schools and synagogues destroyed, cities and towns terrorized. The latest wave of rockets took place only last week. But Israel as the most heavily bombed nation in the world never […]