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Variations on the Theme of The Arab War Against Israel by Shoshana Bryen

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3108/arab-war-against-israel The “Arab Spring” is just another phase of the Arab war against Israel, against which Israel will have to defend itself. Amid the Arab upheaval of past 18 months, a question has crept among the speeches, demonstrations, riots, elections, battles and massacres – Is Israel better off, or worse off, for the revolution among […]

Palestinians: Salam Fayyad “The Moderate” by Hisham Jarallah

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3102/salam-fayyad Fayyad often comes across in the international community as a “moderate” man who believes in peace and coexistence with Israel; but his actions reveal that the Palestinian prime minister is anything but liberal or moderate. The Salam Fayyad government has just punished a school principal for allowing his pupils to dance with Israelis […]

Eric Holder’s Amnesia on Fast & Furious — on The Glazov Gang

Eric Holder’s Amnesia on Fast & Furious — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Will the Attorney General be held in contempt? The battle rages on Frontpage’s television debate program.



The unique evil of Auschwitz and a deeply distasteful football PR stunt

Some years ago, on a fact-finding trip to Munich, I visited the nearby site of the former Nazi concentration camp at Dachau.

It was an unsettling and disturbing experience, beyond being brought up against the horrors that had taken place there. For I found myself surrounded by coach parties of Japanese and other tourists eagerly photographing the camp sights — and even posing for snaps in front of the exhibits.

I thought about this queasy-making ‘Holocaust tourism’ when I read about last week’s visit to Auschwitz by seven members of the England football squad, ahead of their first match today in the Euro 2012 football championships being held jointly in Poland and Ukraine.
Members of the England team enter the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz, under the sign which translates into: ‘Work makes you free’

Members of the England team enter the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz, under the sign which translates into: ‘Work makes you free’

Of course, the fact that Poland was the epicentre of the industrialised Nazi killing machine, and had virtually its entire population of three million Polish Jews exterminated — not to mention the bestial part played by the Ukrainians in the Nazi genocide — is impossible to forget.

Many visit the Auschwitz extermination camp, where some 1.5 million Jews and others were murdered, as an educational experience to learn about the unimaginable events of the Holocaust.
Indeed, the England squad’s trip was organised by the Football Association jointly with the Holocaust Educational Trust.



The Muslim Brotherhood is well entrenched throughout the government and government agencies at the federal, state and local levels. They have taken hold of the FBI, the DHS, the military, the State Department, and other government organizations. The Muslim Brotherhood determines U.S. counterterrorism policy and its operatives meet regularly with Janet Napolitano as well as the Department of Justice staff.

Recently, the DoJ joined the Muslim Brotherhood in an investigation of NYPD counterterrorism interventions that have protected Americans from jihadist attacks. Ask yourself why Major Hasan’s trial has been delayed and why he hasn’t received the death penalty almost three years after he committed the Fort Hood massacre? Also, why has Hasan’s murderous rampage been officially designated as “workplace violence” and ‘nothing to do with Islam?’ What about the order to destroy the cell phone videos taken by Pfc. Lance Aviles showing Hasan shouting “Allahu Akbar” and Hasan’s private business cards that identified him as a “Soldier of Allah, Glory to G-d” or SoA(SWT)? Why were two Al Qaeda fundraisers – Al Munia and Muntasser – just set free? How was the federal judge in this case able to rule that references to Osama bin Laden were off-limits during their criminal trial?

Last month, one of the MB subsidiaries – CAIR – successfully eliminated 900 pages of close to 400 FBI training presentations that they deemed “offensive to Islam.” FBI agents will no longer learn anything about the enemy except that they are followers of “the religion of peace.” In 2009, all references to “jihad,” “Islam” and the “Muslim Brotherhood” were expunged from the FBI lexicon and the National Intelligence Strategy of the U.S. Contrast this with the 9-11 Commission report issued in 2004 which mentioned “Islam” 322 times and “jihad” 126 times.

Recently, the U.S. State Department removed an entire section of a human rights report that dealt with the persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world. For over a decade, the State Department has been actively facilitating higher levels of Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Our military has been busy learning to respect Islam and our troops are well schooled in the proper handling of Islamic religious materials. They also know not to urinate or spit in the direction of Mecca. At a once prominent military academy deemed the “West Point of the South” – VMI – cadets now celebrate the 771 A.D. Muslim conquest of Spain. The Houston VA National Cemetery eliminated references to G-d and prayer as part of burial services for our fallen soldiers.

The article below is lengthy but worthwhile and instructive. It exposes the infiltration of a conservative state all the way to the governor’s office. This is a state that has passed anti-shariah legislation! If you don’t think this situation can be extrapolated to a multitude of states in America, you’d be mistaken.

Read it carefully and understand the enemy’s stealth strategy. This is the Hijra – the Islamic doctrine of immigration. It is the manifestation of the General Strategic Plan for North America. (English translation follows Arabic).



A law suit, ‘Hassan v. The City of New York’, was filed in United States District Court on June 6, 2012 by Muslim Advocates of San Francisco and the Law Offices of Bhalla & Cho, LLC of Jersey City, New Jersey on behalf of Muslim individuals, organizations and businesses who claim they are been singled out for surveillance only based on their religion.

I obtained a copy of the 25 page complaint and it can be viewed on my website here: Hassan V. NYC.

The suit claims violations of the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause through discrimination. They seek monetary damages but the main goal is to put an end to the surveillance, which they claim is ongoing.

According to the compliant, back in 2002, shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the NYPD started watching entire neighborhoods where Muslims lived in Newark and other towns. The plaintiffs (Muslims) say that the NYPD also infiltrated Muslim organizations and mosques with undercover officers and informants. They claim that people who were the subject of the surveillance were chosen not because of any suspicion of wrongdoing, but strictly because of their religion.

The plaintiffs named are three individuals: Syed Farhaj Hassan, Moiz Mohammed and Jane Doe; two businesses: All Body Shop Inside & Out and Unity Beef Sausage Co.; and three organizations: the Council of Imams in New Jersey, Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada, and Muslim Foundation Inc.



From my poolside in Puglia I was going to do you an amusing post about The Archers. I expect it would have been very funny. But sadly we shall never know. That’s because I want instead to draw your attention to two important stories from the US which, I suspect, will have far greater impact on the world than even Nigel Pargeter’s murder (by politically correct BBC harridans) ever did.

I refer to Governor Scott Walker’s victory in Wisconsin and an equally important but perhaps less well-publicized victory won in the Alabama house and senate over the UN’s malign and insidious Agenda 21.

Walker’s victory has been thoroughly and expertly analyzed by my estimable colleague Tim Stanley. For the benefit of those readers who a) find US politics remote, weird or dull and/or b) think Walker was one of the Brothers responsible for The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Any More before going a bit weird on his solo albums, I’d just like to reiterate that this is a story of significance to all of us.

The Wisconsin result mattered because it was a show-down between the entrenched statism of the Left and the free market, small government values of the Tea Party. Walker’s victory was by no means a foregone conclusion: that’s what was so nerve-wracking about it for those of us who believe that the economies of the West are on the brink of a precipice right now; and that the reason that they are on the brink of a precipice is the direct result of governments spending more than they can afford – on welfare, on public services, on everything. So on a State-sized scale, Governor Walker was doing what all our leaders throughout the Western world should be doing (but so rarely: vide David Cameron have the balls to do): saying “Enough is enough! We cannot go on living this lie any longer.”




Florida Voter Purge Reveals Noncitizens Who Voted

The Miami Herald today has a textbook example of burying the lede. Four paragraphs under the headline “County elections chiefs to state: We won’t resume voter purge program” is this gem:

About 40 people statewide have been identified as noncitizens. At least four might have voted and could be guilty of a third-degree felony.

So a very cursory review has already found forty non-citizens on Florida voter rolls? How many would a thorough review reveal if it weren’t stopped by the Eric Holder Justice Department and the ACLU?

And the same cursory review has shown four of these non-citizens actually voted?! Which four Democrats want to volunteer to have their votes cancelled by these criminals? What would completion of the program statewide reveal? Ten non-citizens? 100? 500? What number would convince the voter fraud deniers like the ACLU that something needs to be done?

Instead, cue the voter fraud deniers to announce that non-citizen voting in Florida isn’t an “epidemic” or “widespread.” They will crow that “only four” examples have been found! This is how the people who are institutionalizing criminality in our elections operate. They sue. They threaten. They add threats from the DOJ. They print outrageous editorials in the Tampa Times.

The only people standing against these enablers of crime are regular citizens who actually write emails supporting state officials, Governor Scott and election integrity groups.

Also read:
53,000 Dead Voters Found in Florida




Oh No You Didn’t: Mossad Agents Claim Obama Lying About Stuxnet by Joel B. Pollak

Israeli officials who were placed at risk by the Obama administration’s leaks about the Stuxnet virus are disputing American claims that the cyber-weapon was jointly developed by the U.S. and Israel. Rather, they say, Israeli intelligence first started developing cyberspace warfare against Iran, only convincing the U.S.–with some difficulty–to join in. The Israelis allege that President Barack Obama claimed credit for Stuxnet to boost his re-election campaign.

The source for the new claim is Yossi Melman, a journalist for Israel’s left-wing Ha’aretz daily (via Israel Matzav):

The Israeli officials actually told me a different version. They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran’s nuclear intentions. And only later they managed to convince the USA to consider a joint operation — which, at the time, was unheard of. Even friendly nations are hesitant to share their technological and intelligence resources against a common enemy…

Yet my Israeli sources understand the sensitivity and the timing of the issue and are not going to be dragged into a battle over taking credit. “We know that it is the presidential election season,” one Israeli added, ”and don’t want to spoil the party for President Obama and his officials, who shared in a twisted and manipulated way some of the behind-the-scenes secrets of the success of cyberwar.”

The Obama administration’s pattern of leaks to mainstream media outlets–of which the Stuxnet virus is only one example–prompted bipartisan outrage from Congress and the appointment of two special prosecutors. While the leaks jeopardized U.S. national security–allegedly for the political purpose of burnishing President Obama’s image as commander-in-chief–they may also have been exaggerated, if the new reports from Israel are accurate.



“Political cowardice in the face of financial scams on an epic scale is not exactly news these days, but the utter incompetence of the European finance ministers and lack of coordination among the international organizations involved in the deliberations are deliciously new. Never before in the course of human events have so few wiped out so much credibility for so many.”

There must be somebody besides us ex-bankers-in-remission rolling around the floor laughing about the succession of headlines on Saturday afternoon. First came this:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The International Monetary Fund is estimating that Spanish banks need at least a euro40 billion ($49.87 billion) capital injection following a stress test it performed on the country’s financial sector.

and an hour or two later, this:

Spain will seek financial help from its Eurozone partners but exactly how much won’t be known until private audits are undertaken, the country’s economy minister announced Saturday. Earlier, European finance ministers discussed plans to offer Spain up to $125 billion (100 billion euros) in a bid to stabilize its banks — and ease concerns over the even bigger European debt crisis. That amount was described as an upper limit, not an indication of what Spain would ask for. After Spain’s announcement, the Eurozone ministers issued a statement that they expected a formal request “shortly” and are “willing to respond favorably.” Spain earlier said it wanted to wait for two independent audits — due by June 21 — before deciding on whether to seek aid, and it was not clear if those audits were being stepped up.

It’s $49 billion–no–its$125 billion! Either this is a particularly aggressive effort to soften up European sentiment for an even larger bailout, or it is the product of a general panic in the Spanish government and the European elite. In fact, the butcher’s bill probably will be a multiple of the promised $125 billion. As I wrote in an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, the 184 billion euros in bad loans to which Spanish banks admit is probably less than half the total. The Spanish elite bet the whole economy on a construction bubble which, relatively speaking, has three times the weight that America’s housing bubble did back in 2008. Even worse, Spanish banks have more than doubled their loans since 2008, apparently capitalizing interest (lending more to zombie borrowers in order to book interest payments and avoid a write-off).