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Hillary Clinton snubs Israel, apologizes for US counterterrorism
Secretary of State Clinton apologizes on behalf of US at Global Counterterrorism Forum in Istanbul – Photo

News item:The United States blocked Israel’s participation in the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s (GCTF) first meeting in Istanbul on Friday, despite Israel’s having one of the most extensive counterterrorism experiences in the world.

Israel was excluded from the meeting due to fierce objections by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Washington-based source told Globes news…
Twenty-nine countries are participating in the GCTF, ten of which are Arab and/or Muslim countries.
The GCTF was created (and is undoubtedly mostly funded by) the US. According to the State Department,

The U.S. proposed the creation of the GCTF to address the evolving terrorist threat in a way that would bring enduring benefits by helping frontline countries and affected regions acquire the means to deal with threats they face. It is based on a recognition that the U.S. alone cannot eliminate every terrorist or terrorist organization. Rather, the international community must come together to assist countries as they work to confront the terrorist threat.

Given that the most ‘frontline’ country facing terrorist threats is Israel, which has been subjected to terrorism on an almost daily basis since its birth, one would expect that Israel would be among the founding members of the GCTF.

Nope. Israel was not included among the membership, and as we see from the above, is not even permitted to attend its meetings as a non-member.
Do we begin to sense the stench of hypocrisy here, as our State Department happily acquiesces in maintaining Israel’s pariah status for the benefit of the ‘enlightened’ members of this forum like Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia?
The smell gets even stronger as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, representing the Obama Administration, crawls on her belly to apologize for the behavior of the US:




AND ALSO READ: http://www.vosizneias.com/63413/2010/09/01/coney-island-ny-principal-ps-90-is-only-used-to-white-jewish-principals/ from 2010
NY Principal Pulls Patriotic Song, Wants to Avoid Offending Other Cultures
Admonishing teachers that she did not want to “offend other cultures,” Coney Island principal Greta Hawkins reportedly is refusing to allow students to sing “God Bless the USA” at a school moving-up ceremony later this month.The New York Post reported on Sunday that Hawkins had no problem, however, with Justin Bieber’s “Baby” for her school’s June 20 commencement.

The more patriotic song, also known as “Proud to be an American,” was to be sung by pupils waving American Flags at PS 90.

But after five classes spent months learning the song, Hawkins reportedly ordered a CD playing the Lee Greenwood hit to be shut off, the Post reported.

“A lot of people fought to move to America to live freely, so that song should be sung with a whole lot of pride,” Luz Lozada, whose son, Daniel, is in kindergarten, told the Post.

The Department of Education reportedly supports the principal’s decision, with spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti saying that Hawkins found the lyrics “too grown up” for children.

“The lyrics are not age-appropriate,” she said of the song, which gained popularity after the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq invasion.

MICHAEL CUTLER: RECIDIVISM AND POLITICS: Politicization of immigration compromises national security

http://www.andmagazine.com/content/phoenix/12303.html I generally write about issues that relate to immigration and border security. The issue of immigration is not a single issue but rather a singular issue because it impacts nearly every challenge and threat our nation confronts today. Everything from national security criminal justice and community safety to the economy and unemployment, healthcare and […]

JUNE 14,2012: Prisoners arrive at Auschwitz By MICHAEL OMER-MAN

“Young and healthy people don’t live longer than three months here. Priests one month, Jews two weeks. There is only one way out — through the crematorium chimneys.” Photo: REUTERS

That was the message delivered to the 728 prisoners who arrived in the first mass transport to Auschwitz on June 14, 1940, as later recalled by survivor Kazimierz Albi.

The first group the Nazis sent to Auschwitz, which later became one of the most notorious institutions of murder in human history, was made up of Polish political prisoners. They arrived at the compound two years before it became a camp for the extermination of Jews, but the message delivered to that first group by a Nazi captain made clear that this was never an ordinary prison.

The Polish prisoners, who were transported by train from Tarnow, were mostly Poles accused of belonging to resistance movements and included a number of Jews. As they descended from the train that day, each was assigned a prison number between 31 and 758. Prisoners 1 through 30, common German criminals, had been sent to the camp a month earlier.

“My brother was ahead of me. He got number 116; and Troop Captain Stachowicz was given number 117. I got number 118. The list for our transport started with Stanislav Ryniak, number 31, and ended with Ignacy Plachta, number 758.,” Albi recalled of those first minutes in the camp.

“After those formalities, the Kapos drove us… to the roll-call ground, where we had to line up in 5 rows.”

For the next two years, the Nazis continued sending Polish political prisoners to the concentration camp at the intersection of the Vistula and Sola rivers. In 1942, however, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime devised the “Final Solution” to rid Europe of its Jews, a plan in which Auschwitz would play a central role. On January 25 of that year, Heinrich Himmler gave an order to camp authorities to prepare for the arrival of 150,000 German Jews.

Jews: A Silenced Minority: Michael Devolin

June 2012, edited and submitted for publication by Nurit Greenger. http://docstalk.blogspot.com/2012/06/jews-silenced-minority.html “Man is almost always as wicked as his needs require,” wrote Leopardi. How well this statement delineates contemporary journalism, especially that particular vein committed to obfuscating Islam’s deep-seated anti-Jewish hatred—exculpating it, writ large, and shamelessly dissembling it to the Western world as an ancient, […]

Obama’s Socialist New Party Membership Confirmed — on The Glazov Gang

Leftist film producer Tommi Trudeau celebrates the new evidence proving his beloved “chairman’s” socialist ties.


*Part 1: http://youtu.be/7BtQUal4D9Q Part 2: http://youtu.be/IZ112jDY3t
Part 3: http://youtu.be/unQ2OrmjsTk

Western Critics of Democracy: “Accomplices to Injustice”by Michael Curtis

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3106/western-critics-democracy Why would these high-minded progressives and supposed upholders of free speech not protest the decision of the UN Human Rights Council to punish criticism of Islam, or speak out against honor killings or female genital mutilation, or protest the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights Islam, which states that Sharia law is the “only source […]

Finland’s War on Free Speech by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3107/finland-free-speech “Stating of facts cannot and must not be criminal, even if they offend someone.” — Jussi Kristian Halla-aho, Finnish blogger convicted of defaming Islam. Finland’s Supreme Court has found a prominent politician guilty of defaming Islam for “Islamophobic” comments he made on his personal blog. The ruling represents a major setback for free speech […]



Forty-five years ago, on June 5, 1967, the world was writing Israel’s obituary. The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, along with military contingents from many other Arab and Muslim regimes, were all poised at tiny Israel’s vulnerable borders, ready to annihilate the Jewish state. The odds appeared immensely stacked against Israel, and the likelihood of any outside military support, even from the United States, seemed remote. Israel stood alone.

The Arab Muslim street was shrieking bloodcurdling threats of mass extermination for all Israelis, young and old, and the Arab leaders were falling over themselves to see who could utter the most hideous promise of massacre and slaughter. The Muslim Arab cry Itbah Al-Yahud, an Arabic phrase meaning “Slaughter the Jews,” was spewing from every Arab regime’s controlled radio and television station.

Khaybar ya Yahod, another Arabic battle cry — referring to a seventh-century attack by Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, and his followers against the Jewish community in Khaybar, in present-day Saudi Arabia — was also being shouted by huge Arab mobs. Mohammed’s surprise attack, breaking a ten-year treaty, resulted in the forced expulsion of all the Jewish men, women, and children. In 627 AD, Mohammad also attacked the Jewish Bani Quraysh tribe, beheading many of the men and boys and enslaving the women and young children.



When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the political right accuses the left of pursuing a fantasy — namely, that peace is possible. At the same time, however, the right suffers from what many consider its own fantasy: that Israel can defy the world, and particularly the U.S.

In addressing the right’s “fantasy,” the fact is that you can count the instances where Israeli prime ministers have defied the U.S. on the fingers of one hand.

Ben Gurion’s declaration of statehood is one such example, as was his refusal to withdraw in the ’48 war to the Partition line. He insisted instead on the Armistice lines. In part for his intransigence, he was punished with the creation of UNRWA.

Other instances of Israel bucking the United States include, perhaps, Eshkol’s decision to pre-empt the Six-Day War and Begin’s courageous decisions to bomb Iraq’s nuclear reactor at Osirak, and to push on to Beirut in the first Lebanese War.

Begin, uncharacteristically, gave up every inch of the Sinai, after much pressure and prodding. He even came to the conclusion that doing it was a good thing. The most important reason was because Egypt, then Israel’s biggest Arab enemy, was prepared to break the Arab rejectionist front by making peace with Israel. This was considered a very big deal at the time.