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Guiltless in Guantánamo by Nidra Poller (June 2012)

It’s been years since I last bought a copy of the International Herald Tribune (New York Times abroad) and I don’t bother commenting anymore on its stylized bias, but I got a free copy the other day and, not being wasteful, tried to read it. Now here I am dissecting an article. Not just any article: a template “guiltless in Guantánamo” piece, featured four-columns wide on page two of the print edition. You can read it online here.

The innocence of the liberated Guantánamo prisoner is established in the first paragraph:

“IT was James, a thickset American interrogator nicknamed ‘the Elephant,’ who first told Lakhdar Boumediene that investigators were certain of his innocence, that two years of questioning had shown he was no terrorist, but that it did not matter, Mr. Boumediene says.”

The extent of the injustice is tallied in the second paragraph:

“The interrogations would continue through what ended up being seven years, three months, three weeks and four days at the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.”

The cause of the injustice is the subject of the third paragraph: Mr. Boumediene, who was running an aid program for orphans in Sarajevo, was “swept up” in the post 9/11 panic.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/jihad-and-sharia-whats-the-connection-women A new dark age is descending across much of the Middle East as the forces of Sharia Islam, enabled by official U.S. government policy, again demand strict enforcement of Islamic law. Parliamentary elections in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia already have brought the sharia-adherent Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) to positions of unprecedented power in each legislature; […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/01/terrorist-corpses-for-peace/ In a strange peace offering, on Thursday Israel transferred the bodies of 91 terrorists to the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. They had been interred in an enemy combatants’ cemetery in the Jordan Valley. The purpose, for Israel, of retaining corpses of terrorists is for possible use in hostage deals. Doing so is also a […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/01/welfare-for-fake-palestinian-refugees-not-in-americas-interest/print/ Each century brings forth its own patriots. Once upon a time we had Patrick Henry, today we have Senator Patrick Leahy, who declared in the Senate that his opposition to an amendment that would distinguish how much of the UNRWA’s funding goes to actual refugees versus fake refugees was a patriotic act. “I always […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/01/sen-pat-leahys-anti-israel-extremism/ Last Thursday, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) targeted an amendment by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) that would force the State Department to determine how many actual Palestinian refugees – not their children, relatives, friends, or distant relations – are being served by US tax dollars. Leahy was upset because he knew, as most supporters of […]



Thou shall have no other gods before Obama. For Obama is a jealous god who demands total obeisance.

In 2008, Americans voted to deify a unique man of history. Obama is much more than the first president to be raised by a transsexual nanny in Indonesia. He’s also the very first commander-in-chief to thank his drug dealer in his high school yearbook, instead of his mom.In the last election, public schoolteachers forced their students to sing hymns of praise to their puppy-eating Obama-god, and proudly placed their devotionals on YouTube. Media acolytes proclaimed him “The One” and “The LightBringer,” and audiences fainted dead away at his rallies, presumably overcome by all that dang Light he was a’bringin’.

And religious people and institutions went right along with the whole preposterous charade, unfazed by this utterly un-American worship of a politician. (Can anyone imagine true believers fainting at an Eisenhower rally?)

Military Exercises and Political Correctness By Shoshana Bryen

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2012/06/military_exercises_and_political_correctness.html It can’t be said that the U.S. is doing nothing about Syria. The administration created the “Atrocities Prevention Board,” which failed the test at Houla. It is supporting the feckless Kofi Annan, who is adding to a resume that includes the genocide in Rwanda and massacres in Bosnia. It is beseeching the Russians, who […]



I’m impressed by this article, entitled “Stolen Lives, Stolen Minute,” by Melbourne lawyer and Jewish communal figure Jack Chrapot, which comes courtesy of the antipodean J-Wire service, and am taking the liberty of reproducing it in full.

Write Jack Chrapot:

‘In less than two months, the Games of the XXX Olympiad will take place in London; a sporting pageant featuring athletes from over 200 nations competing in 26 sports and a total of 39 disciplines. The programme will cover nineteen days and hundreds of hours of competition and yet, the International Olympic Committee cannot find a minute to spare during the Games to honour the memory of the eleven Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists forty years ago at Munich.

The organisers would no doubt insist that their refusal of such a request on behalf of relatives of the athletes has nothing to do with politics or the fact that Arab and Muslim countries make up more than a quarter of the participating nations or to avoid embarrassment to the Palestinian contingent which is competing at the games under its own flag and whose current president, Mahmoud Abbas, was responsible for the financing of the Munich attack.

IOC spokesman Andrew Mitchell says that “the victims are honored on a regular basis by the IOC and the Olympic movement, for instance, on the occasion of IOC sessions,” but such sessions are not public and the victims and their relatives deserve more respect.

As a recent editorial in the Jerusalem Post noted:

“a moment of silence does not seem to be too much to ask, especially considering the brutality of the murders and the fact that the victims were killed not on the streets of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv but rather inside the Olympic village as participants in the Games”

It should be remembered that when Baron Pierre de Coubertin established the modern Olympic movement at the end of the 19th century, his goal was to use the Games to build a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sports. He wanted to create opportunities for sport to be practiced without discrimination.


Issa to expand probe of Obama’s green cronyism
Thursday, May 31, 2012
With the presidential campaign in full gear, expect Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, to expand his public probe of the Obama administration’s green crony program that included risky loans to below-investment-grade companies like now-bankrupt Solyndra. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1wX79jP00

Tea party growing up, fielding stronger candidates
The tea party says it’s growing up —…
Read more…
Times Opinion
GHEI: Spanish slowdown
Nita Ghei
GHEI: Spanish slowdown
Spain appears to be the next victim of Europe’s spending crisis. Like their colleagues in Athens, Madrid’s bureaucrats have been piling on the debt, avoiding any tough structural reforms that might require cutting back. Unlike Greece, however, Spain’s economy is so large that it can’t realistically be bailed out. Read more…
China slowdown deals blow to world economy
Friday, June 1, 2012
China’s slowdown worsened in May as its factories saw a further deterioration in demand at home and abroad, dealing a new blow to a global economy struggling with a sharp downturn in Europe and a faltering recovery in the United States.

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1wX6txUua


Some of Barack Obama’s best friends are Jews. He says so himself. (Who knew?) The Poles, not so much.

Mr. Obama is afflicted with golden tongue disease (croesus tungitus, in the medical dictionaries), common to those with an eloquent tongue, particularly if the tongue is forked and bleeds around the edges. The tongue is sometimes set off and running before the brain is fully engaged. In the president’s case, the disease is probably terminal.

The president and his croesus tungitus have had a rough week. First he offended the Polish government with a reference to “Polish death camps” instead of saying “Nazi death camps in Poland,” and then he offended facts, reality and 20 American Conservative rabbis with his assertions that he is, too, a good friend of Israel, because he knows more about Judaism than any president before him, and besides, some of his best friends are Jews.

Speakers afflicted with a golden tongue (usually of fool’s gold) squirm into trouble because they think they can say anything and the audiences will swoon no matter how foolish and absurd the message. Many times the man with the golden tongue is correct, and therein lies the trap in the rap. Sometimes the babble for the rabble doesn’t make anybody swoon.

The president expected the 20 rabbis to swoon on cue, either from the unalloyed joy of being in the presence of the long-awaited messiah, or from something he said. Because his brain was not fully engaged, he pandered with the oldest cliché in the repertoire of ecumenical panderers. This, alas, was not an audience as gullible as the president thought it was.

Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper, reported that Mr. Obama boasted to the assembled rabbis that he knows “more about Judaism” because he reads a lot, talks a lot and even, sometimes, listens a lot. When you’re sitting around with your pals from the old community-organizing days in Chicago, the lights dim and the second or third bottle of wine lending a mellow tone to the evening, the conversation will naturally turn to theology, and to Moses and Lot, Jeremiah, Joshua, Nehemiah, Micah, Isaiah and all those old dead Jewish guys.