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‘Julia’: Obama’s dream of government dependence

In the competition for the creepiest…
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FBI wants websites to be wiretap-friendly

If you are paranoid about the rise o…
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Biden left out of Obama’s top campaign meetings

On Sunday evenings, President Obama …
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AOL boss shrinks Huffington’s editorial role

Arianna Huffington’s duties as editr…
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Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1tzbCbFA1


New York Times Coverage of Israel: What Comes After Ridiculously Biased? http://pjmedia.com/barryrubin/2012/05/04/new-york-times-coverage-of-israel-what-comes-after-ridiculously-biased/?print=1 With the arrival of Jodi Rudoren as correspondent, New York Times coverage of Israel and related issues has now gone to a new level of ridiculous bias, especially after a predecessor who really did try to be fair. What is most impressive about […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ EUROPE HERE WE COME American Muslims grew in number over the past decade, outnumbering Jews for the first time in most of the Midwest and part of the South, while most mainline churches lost adherents, according to a census of American religions released on Tuesday. Some 158 million Americans were classified as “unclaimed” by […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ VICTORIES AND DEFEATS The whole “Gutsy Call” narrative depends on the calculus of risk. In going after Bin Laden, the SEALs were risking their lives, but what was Obama risking? An ordinary leader would at least be expected to suffer political fallout from a failure. But does anyone really believe that a media which […]



Playing the Osama card

U.S. President Barack Obama has a lot to be worried about these days, as his bid for re-election pushes into high gear. Now that the Republicans have an actual candidate, the U.S. president knows he cannot merely rest on the dubious laurels that landed him in the White House three and a half years ago.

Back then, his credentials consisted of his being the “Great Black Hope” and the ultimate anti-Bush. That female reporters were unabashedly throwing their underwear at him as though they were groupies at a rock concert didn’t hurt. And because he was such an unknown quantity (due to his not really having accomplished anything up until that point), a lot of otherwise average Americans didn’t bother to read beyond the fawning headlines to learn just what a radical he actually was.

Today, however, Obama is no longer the guy who was promising to transform America into one big happy labor union. He is now the incumbent, with a real record – and it’s a pitiful one indeed.

This is not to say that he has lost the support, or adoration, of much of the media. On the contrary, because Republican contender Mitt Romney is a Mormon who is proud of his affluence and business successes, the press has an even easier time portraying Obama as the champion of the poor. That it is the president who has been creating more poverty with each passing minute doesn’t come into the reportage. Luckily for all the president’s sycophants, the blame can be placed squarely on Wall Street.


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2114/Invasion-of-the-Body-Snatchers-For-Real.aspx Remember the sci-fi cult classic “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”? The 1956 movie is about a small town where extraterrestrial “pods” take over the townspeople. Even pillars of the community change into zombielike clones, as revealed by their blank stares and abnormal impulses. Outwardly, though, the “pod people” remain unchanged. The town doctor, played […]


Into the Fray: ‘Haaretz’ vs the Jews

The success of the post-Zionist strategy hinges on breaking the sense of kinship between the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

Independence Day is not a holiday for Israeli Arabs. Sixtyfour years ago, they lost their land and their national honor… [their aversion to] the national anthem “Hatikva” – which talks of “a Jewish soul yearning” – should serve as an incentive for devising symbols and events with which all Israeli citizens can identify without being false to themselves. – Haaretz editorial, April 27

And the two words that are the most important are “Nefesh Yehudi” [A Jewish soul]”. When I hear those two words I know why I am here. I know what I am doing here. – An oleh in an Independence Day interview on the significance of “Hatikva” – April 26

It is not often that I find myself disagreeing with The Jerusalem Post’s Caroline B. Glick. Indeed, for many years I have had nothing but the highest regard for her intrepid and articulate defense of Israel and Zionist ideals.

However, I am compelled to dispute the views articulated in her last column, “Post-Zionism is so 1990s,” in which she appears to convey the view that the threat of post-Zionism has waned into insignificance, or at least receded into obsolescence.


Film director Moshe Levinson completed his film “Benzion” this week – the same week that Professor Benzion Netanyahu died at the age of 102 • In an interview with Israel Hayom, Levinson shares new discoveries about the man whose genius is now being recognized by the general public.
Nadav Shragai

In the final seconds of the film “Benzion,” Professor Benzion Netanyahu, who died this week, recalls that when he studied the Bible as a child, he had difficulty identifying with “King David, the glory of the Jewish people.” Professor Netanyahu told Moshe Levinson, the film’s director and producer, “David is not an honest man. Saul, who was persecuted, the man who had to fight everyone who was against him, was the one I supported.” It seems that the film’s epilogue, which ends 53 fascinating minutes about Professor Netanyahu, sums up the personality of the elder Netanyahu, who stuck to his truth even when it was unpopular.


http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/05/04/u-s-state-department-witnessed-1974-birth-of-eurabia/ U.S. State Department Witnessed 1974 Birth of Eurabia Serendipitously, perhaps, in the midst of Geert [2] Wilders [3]’ visit to the U.S., warning of the consequences of Europe’s ongoing Islamization, today I came across a State Department memo from the U.S. embassy in Madrid, dated September 19, 1974 (1974 Madrid 05880 [4]), declassified June […]



Have you dated a composite woman? They’re America’s hottest new demographic. As with all the really cool stuff, Barack Obama was doing it years before the rest of us. In Dreams from My Father, the world’s all-time most unread bestseller, he spills the inside dope on his composite white girlfriend: “When we got back to the car she started crying. She couldn’t be black, she said. She would if she could, but she couldn’t. She could only be herself, and wasn’t that enough . . . ”

But being yourself is never going to be enough in the new composite America. Last week, in an election campaign ad, Barack revealed his latest composite girlfriend — “Julia.” She’s worse than the old New York girlfriend. She can’t even be herself. In fact, she can’t be anything without massive assistance from Barack every step of the way, from his “Head Start” program at the age of three through to his Social Security benefits at the age of 67. Everything good in her life she owes to him. When she writes her memoir, it will be thanks to a subvention from the Federal Publishing Assistance Program for Chronically Dependent Women but you’ll love it: Sweet Dreams from My Sugar Daddy. She’s what the lawyers would call “non composite mentis.” She’s not competent to do a single thing for herself — and, from Barack’s point of view, that’s exactly what he’s looking for in a woman, if only for a one-night stand on a Tuesday in early November.

Then there’s “Elizabeth,” a 62-year-old Democratic Senate candidate from Massachusetts. Like Barack’s white girlfriend, she couldn’t be black. She would if she could, but she couldn’t. But she could be a composite — a white woman and an Indian woman, all mixed up in one! Not Indian in the sense of Ashton Kutcher putting on brownface make-up and a fake-Indian accent in his amusing new commercial for the hip lo-fat snack Popchips. But Indian in the sense of checking the “Are you Native American?” box on the Association of American Law Schools form, which Elizabeth Warren did for much of her adult life. According to her, she’s part Cherokee and part Delaware. Not in the Joe Biden sense, I hasten to add, but Delaware in the sense of the Indian tribe named in honor of the home state of Big F***kin’ Chief Dances with Plugs.

How does she know she’s a Cherokee maiden? Well, she cites her grandfather’s “high cheekbones,” and says the Indian stuff is part of her family “lore.” Which was evidently good enough for Harvard Lore School when they were looking to rack up a few affirmative-action credits. The former Obama special adviser to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and former chairperson of the Congressional Oversight Panel now says that “I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group, something that might happen with people who are like I am,” and certainly not for personal career advancement or anything like that. Like everyone else, she was shocked, shocked to discover that, as the Boston Herald reported, “Harvard Law School officials listed Warren as Native American in the ’90s, when the school was under fierce fire for their faculty’s lack of diversity.”

So did the University of Texas, and the University of Pennsylvania. With the impertinent jackanapes of the press querying the bona fides of Harvard Lore School’s first Native American female professor, the Warren campaign got to work and eventually turned up a great-great-great-grandmother designated as Cherokee in the online transcription of a marriage application of 1894.

Hallelujah! In the old racist America, we had quadroons and octoroons. But in the new post-racial America, we have — hang on, let me get out my calculator — duoettrigintaroons! Martin Luther King dreamed of a day when men would be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their great-great-great-grandmother’s wedding-license application. And now it’s here! You can read all about it in Elizabeth Warren’s memoir of her struggles to come to terms with her racial identity, Dreams from My Great-Great-Great-Grandmother.

Alas, the actual original marriage license does not list Great-Great-Great-Gran’ma as Cherokee, but let’s cut Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Crockagawea Warren some slack here. She couldn’t be black. She would if she could, but she couldn’t. But she could be 1/32nd Cherokee, and maybe get invited to a luncheon with others of her kind — “people who are like I am,” 31/32nds white, and they can all sit around celebrating their diversity together. She is a testament to America’s melting pot, composite pot, composting pot, whatever.

Just in case you’re having difficulty keeping up with all these Composite Americans, George Zimmerman, the son of a Peruvian mestiza, is the embodiment of endemic white racism and the reincarnation of Bull Connor, but Elizabeth Warren, the great-great-great-granddaughter of someone who might possibly have been listed as Cherokee on an application for a marriage license, is a heartwarming testimony to how minorities are shattering the glass ceiling in Harvard Yard. George Zimmerman, redneck; Elizabeth Warren, redskin. Under the Third Reich’s Nuremberg Laws, Ms. Warren would have been classified as Aryan and Mr. Zimmerman as non-Aryan. Now it’s the other way round. Progress!