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New York City “Islamophobia” Event Ignores What We’re Afraid of by Phyllis Chesler with Fern Sidman


As Islamist terrorists are being arrested in Baku for a plot to attack both the American and Israeli Embassies; as Muslims torture, murder, and exile Christians from their native Arab lands; as Hamas constantly bombards Israeli civilians with rockets launched from Gaza; even as Iran is threatening to send many “caravans of tens of thousands” of hostile Iranians to march on Jerusalem—guess what subject drew 225 eager audience members and the media to an upper west side Jewish Community Center?

The subject du jour was:”Combating Islamophobia,” which featured panelists Rabbi Marc Schneier and Imam Shamsi Ali. The moderator: None other than former First Daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

Why are Jews confusing “Islamophobia” with anti-Semitism? One understands why Muslims who are used to feeling superior to all other religions, would want to assume whatever remains of Jewish victimhood and make it their own in order to gain sympathy for real and imaginary slights and for terrorist aggression—but why are Jews enabling them to do so?



More than anything, Marie Colvin, who was laid to rest Monday, will be remembered for sacrificing her life for the London Sunday Times’ circulation figures (albeit pro forma in the name of intrepid reporting on the siege of Homs). Her immortality in the annals of journalism is guaranteed.

With that in mind, it’d be especially instructive for us to recall one of her eyewitness accounts which is most pertinent to our own circumstances.

It was published nearly six years ago – in April 2006, only a few months after we disengaged from Gaza.

Colvin tossed the truth about our self-bamboozlement directly in our faces. This perhaps was why that specific item generated near-zero resonance among us. Why focus on the unpleasant even if it’s the straightforward bottom line with profound implications for our possible future follow- up follies?

If there’s anything we dislike, it’s to be confronted with evidence of our own inexcusable imbecility.

Colvin unceremoniously gave us the facts. It was left up to us to draw conclusions which our establishment and Left-dominated media scoffed at. Therefore, Colvin’s singularly unpalatable feature never made our headlines back in the day.

That in itself poses something of a riddle. One would expect our agenda-driven press to lap up her material, because Colvin was never remotely renowned for being a lover of Zion.

Having gone where few men dared and promoted herself as dedicated to chronicling war’s worst, she covered conflicts in Kosovo, East Timor, Chechnya and Sri Lanka, where she lost an eye. In March 2006 she boldly ventured a tad beyond the reinstated Green Line to see what became of Morag, one of the spirited settlements razed by Ariel Sharon and sidekicks – Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni et al.

“Four green flags of the extremist Palestinian party Hamas were flying last week at the gate of a military training camp built on the ruins of Morag,” she opened. “Inside the camp recruits from the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, ran mock attacks over dunes covered in dry grass. One of them stopped to launch a rocket-propelled grenade.”

Colvin stressed that “the base is no makeshift encampment. A telecommunication tower rises from a dune; loudspeakers broadcast from masts… the stones from the old homes have been painted white and used to make guardhouses. Even the settlement’s gate has been cannibalized; now it swings to Toyota pick-up trucks bringing more armed men in uniform.”

A senior al-Qassam honcho who showed Colvin around explained to her that his outfit’s deadly aims vis-à-vis Israel haven’t changed one iota since Hamas’s electoral victory.

The insolence of the unnamed hotshot quoted by Colvin was underscored at exactly that same time by then-Palestinian Authority foreign minister Mahmoud a-Zahar of Hamas (during the Hamas-Fatah partnership).

Angry Turk’s Message for Europe: “We are Coming” by Soeren Kern

http://www.stonegateinstitute.org/2947/angry-turks-europe “Whether or not you want us in the European Union, our influence in Europe is growing. We are more numerous. We are younger. We are stronger.” A second-generation Muslim immigrant in Austria has authored a provocative new book in which he argues that Europe’s future is Turkish, whether Europeans like it or not. The […]


http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-a-tale-of-one-city-part-ii/ In 2008, then Presidential candidate Barack Obama addressed the annual AIPAC conference in Washington, DC. He received tumultuous applause for his declaration that he would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear arms, and that Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel.  Given his latest AIPAC performance and the usual next day equivocations, not […]


Consider the following scenario…
You’re out for a leisurely ride on a bus minding your own business and then, from out of nowhere, your bus is attacked and people are maimed and murdered. Enemies sworn to destroy you and your state have crossed the border; all together, eight of your countrymen are now dead. After the dust settles, what do you (or any citizen of any country) expect your government to do about this? A no brainer–correct ?
Okay, now here’s the reality…

Israel has recently been hit by hundreds of rockets, missiles, and mortars deliberately aimed at its civilian population.

Arabs from Gaza launched them (they have continuously launched others as well prior to this) in response to Israel’s pinpoint assassination of the mastermind of those actual attacks mentioned above, Zuhair al-Qaissi, of the Popular Resistance Committee–along with some of his chief lieutenants. Israeli intelligence claimed that al-Qaissi was plotting to carry out a similar attack in the near future.

Of about 25 Arabs who have died so far in this current flare-up, about 22 are confirmed “militants.” Considering that the latter deliberately operate from amidst their civilian human shields, this is, beyond doubt, quite an example of that maximum restraint the United Nations’ Mr. Ban Ki-moon and others pontificate to Israel about. For him to even mention this while thousands of civilian Arabs have been deliberately massacred by Syria is a sick joke. With all of its imperfections, Israel deserves lectures from no one on such matters. Indeed, via any objective measuring stick, it shines above most others–and above all in its own neighborhood, for sure.


Semper slice: Marines to cut infantry, air squadrons
The Marine Corps said on Wednesday i…
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Rush’s audience going nowhere but up, observer says
There has been no measure of his lis…
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Accused U.S. soldier flown to Kuwait
The American soldier accused of shoo…
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Senators demand IRS answer for Tea Party scrutiny
Roughly a dozen GOP senators are pre…
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Read more at: http://times247.com/


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/03/15/jim-belushi-raises-money-for-obama-castro/ “I love Cuba!” bellowed comedian Jim Belushi last week from a Havana stage. The comedian, who cashed-in on his comedian brother’s name, was giving a stand-up routine as guest of honor of a regime whose “constitution” mandates two years in prison for any subject overheard cracking a joke about Belushi’s host, Fidel Castro. Jim […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ While terms like “The Marketplace of Ideas” are still tossed about occasionally like confetti out of a tenth story window,  they mean about as much as the soiled mass of tape that everyone has stepped on by the time the parade is over. The age of ideas, when issues might actually be debated, instead […]

The Afghanistan Murders and the Abyss of Altruism Edward Cline ****

The military policy of the United States has been governed by altruism since at least World War I, when Herbert Croly, the proto-fascist and Progressive writer, advocated that America involve itself in that war as a “tonic of a serious moral adventure.” The shocking news is that, if an American soldier murdered sixteen Afghani citizens in cold blood, it is a direct consequence of that policy.
The messianic President Wilson could not pass up what he saw as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help remake the world. As historian Arthur Ekirch writes in The Decline of American Liberalism, “The notion of a crusade came naturally to Wilson, the son of a Presbyterian minister, imbued with a stern Calvinist sense of determinism and devotion to duty.” He was goaded by a host of Progressive intellectuals, such as John Dewey and Herbert Croley, editor of The New Republic, who wrote that “the American nation needs the tonic of a serious moral adventure.”


I first posted this heart-warming April 1945 photograph of Canadian-liberated Zwolle, Netherlands last year. I’m posting it again because the point I raised then is at least as relevant today, particularly in light of the tragic and completely aberrational incident in which an Army Staff Sergeant apparently walked off base and shot and killed t6 Afghan civilians.
Last year, I wrote:
Between 1940 and 1945, 128 known air raids were carried out by Allied forces on German-occupied Rotterdam in the Netherlands, killing 884 civilians and wounding 631. I mention this wondering whether Admiral Mullen ever ponders just why it was that Allied Forces in Europe were greeted as liberators in a war that caused millions of civilian casualties.
Just to underscore: that figure includes millions of civilian casualities caused by Allied Forces. How do Bush and Obama and Mullen and Kilcullen and Petraeus and McChrystal and now John R. Allen, the current commanding general in Afghanistan, explain the welcome Allied forces received across Europe in 1945 despite the massive suffering and death the Allies, too, inflicted? The answer is that the liberated peoples rejected the Nazis and their ideology. So why doesn’t the same logic work on “liberated” Afghans? Maybe they don’t reject either the Taliban or their ideology. Maybe there’s just way too much overlap on both counts.