History & The Eye of Newt By Frank Salvato http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11019/pub_detail.asp Former US House Speaker and GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich was instantly assailed by a plethora of people for statements critical of the modern-day understanding of the Palestinian history. From Palestinian Authority leaders, to mainstream media political analysts and even those who share the GOP […]
Palestine is a Geographical Area, Not a Nationality
See: www.mythsandfacts.org/Conflict/7/palestinians.pdf
In an interview with Republican Presidential Primary front-runner and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a former Professor and Historian, he explains his position on the Arab-Israeli conflict and states that the Palestinians are “an invented Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs.”
It is time to tell the truth that is based on facts:
Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century to the turn of the 20th, the area called Palestine was a deserted waste land that belonged to the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey.
‘Palestinianism’ in and of itself lacks any substance of its own. Arab society on the West Bank and Gaza suffer from a deep social cleavage created by a host of rivalries based on divergent geographic, historical, sociological and familial allegiances.
What glues Palestinians together is a carefully nurtured hatred of Israel and the rejection of Jewish nationhood.
See: www.mythsandfacts.org/Conflict/7/palestinians.pdf
Source: The Jewish Channel www.tjctv.com
S. African activist slams UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’: ‘Government to govt aid is a reward for being better than anyone else at causing poverty’ — ‘It enriches the people who cause poverty’
‘The UN is saying to poor countries: ‘Those of you who adopt more anti-prosperity, anti- jobs, and anti-growth policies — under the pretense of environmentalism — we will enrich you”DURBAN, South Africa – South African development activist Leon Louw declared the UN’s “Green Climate Fund” nothing more than an attempt by wealthy nations to keep the poor nations from developing.
In an exclusive interview with Climate Depot at the Durban UN climate summit, Louw declared foreign aid or “government to government aid” is simply a way for rich countries to reward poor countries who are “best at causing poverty.” Louw is the Executive Director of South Africa’s Free Market Institute which is considered the “3rd ranked most influential think-tank in Africa.”
“What the government of rich countries are saying to poor countries is: ‘Those of you who are best at causing poverty, we will enrich you, we will give you money,’” Louw told Climate Depot while attending the UN climate summit.
“Government to government aid is a reward for being better than anyone else at causing poverty. Countries that get more government to government aide have lower economic growth rates. Countries with less aid, have higher growth rates. If you subsidize failure you get failure and foreign aid does exactly that. It rewards people for being unsuccessful,” Louw stated.
The Associated Press described the UN climate fund as a method to “distribute tens of billions of dollars a year to poor countries to help them adapt to changing climate conditions and to move toward low-carbon economic growth.”
But Louw, says the UN climate fund will wreak havoc on the developing world’s poor. Louw explained: “The money goes to government and governments spend it on of course on themselves, meaning various government projects, creating bigger departments — bigger bureaucracies, it’s called big bureaucratic capture. They build empires, they build conference centers, and they buy political support. They go and distribute the money to communities where they want support and votes.”
Newt Gingrich stood by his controversial remarks that the Palestinians are an “invented” people, and at the GOP presidential debate on Saturday night doubled down by continuously blasting the Palestinians as “terrorists.”
“Is what I said factually correct? Yes. Is it historically true? Yes,” Gingrich said. “We are in a situation where everyday rockets are fired into Israel while the United States – the current administration – tries to pressure the Israelis into a peace process.”
“Somebody ought to have the courage to tell the truth,” he continued. “These people are terrorists, they teach terrorism in their schools … it’s fundamentally the time for somebody to have the guts to say enough lying about the Middle East.”
Earlier this week, Gingrich ignited a firestorm when he called the Palestinians “an invented people.”
The other candidates took issue, not with the factuality of the remarks, but rather that it needlessly provoked what is already a delicate situation.
“That’s just stirring up trouble,” Rep. Ron Paul said. “To go out of our way to say that so and so is not a real people … this is how we get involved in so many messes.”
Mitt Romney echoed those sentiments.
“I happen to agree with most of what the Speaker said,” Romney said. “Except by going and saying that most the Palestinians are an invented people. That I think was a mistake on the Speaker’s part.”
Romney said Gingrich shouldn’t have thrown “incendiary words into a place which is a boiling pot” because it makes life more difficult for the Israelis. He also said that Gingrich had no right speak on behalf of the Israelis.
“I didn’t speak for the people of Israel,” Gingrich countered. “I spoke as a historian who has looked at the world stage for a very long time … I feel quite confident that an amazing number of Israelis found it nice to have an American tell the truth about the war they are in the middle of.”
The President of the United States came to Osawatomie, Kansas, last week to deliver a speech of such fascinating awfulness that archeologists of the future, sifting through the rubble of our civilization, will surely doubt whether it could really have been delivered by the chief executive of the global superpower in the year 2011.
“This isn’t about class warfare,” declared President Obama. Really? As his fellow Democrat Dale Bumpers testified at the Clinton impeachment trial, “When you hear somebody say, ‘This is not about sex,’ it’s about sex.” The president understands that “Wall Street,” “banks,” “fat cats,” etc., remain the most inviting target, and he figures that he can ride the twin steeds of Resentment and Envy to re-election and four more years of even bigger Big Government. His opponents, he told us, “want to return to the same practices that got us into this mess. … And their philosophy is simple: We are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules. … It doesn’t work. It has never worked.” He blamed our present fix on “this brand of ‘you’re on your own’ economics.”
All is not lost. We live in an age of terrifying anti-Semitism, and so far, the Jewish establishment’s only real response has been a competition over who can surrender fastest. But Jewish self-respect is not dead.
A few courageous men and women — barely more than a minyan — jump out of bed each morning, determined to defend Israel and the Jewish people, combat Islamic outrages, and expose the Jews in the Basement — the craven, self-appointed Jewish grandees.
True, this handful of heroes are sometimes reviled in their own communities and threatened with lawsuits and jail. They’re loudly ignored, defamed, and detested by the establishment. It doesn’t matter. Each one is blessed with holy chutzpah — an invigorating spiritual cocktail of brazen effrontery, steely stubbornness, and passion for justice.
Israeli democracy is as healthy as ever
There is a growing desire to wrest political power from unaccountable bodies and restore it to the citizens of Israel, and the proposed NGO bill is intended to do just that
On Wednesday, William Hague decided to wade into domestic Israeli politics by slamming a proposal to limit the funding of NGOs by foreign governments. According to Hague, the bill would have the effect of “undermining the democratic principles” upon which the State of Israel was founded.
Leaving aside the obvious question of whether a British cabinet minister ought to be lecturing another country’s parliament on its legislative agenda, we might wonder why our foreign secretary was so keen to embroil himself in what is already a very heated debate within Israel.
After all, if Hague really cared about defending democracy, wouldn’t he spend a little less time criticising the Middle East’s only democratic state and a little more time voicing concern over, say, the rise of Islamism in Egypt?
This week’s news story about the twenty-two year old care worker beaten senseless by a drunken gang of Somalian women would have sent chills down the spine of anyone who defends the rule of law as applicable to all. They were spared a jail sentence after their defence lawyer claimed that as Muslims they were unused to drinking.
In a society where we’ve recently railed against our representatives and corporate types for “corruption”, “greed” and for appearing to believe that “the rules don’t apply to them” – we’re apparently still making excuses for our citizens based on gratuitous or farcical claims to “extenuating circumstances”, especially where some of those circumstances can be fitted inside a politically correct agenda. The rules still apply.
http://times247.com/ CNN ran a piece last week entitled, ‘Exclusive: Inside the offices of Occupy Wall Street.’ Photo Credit:CNN Money The so-called leaderless Occupy movement has just been caught red-handed operating what appears to be a nerve center staffed by professional agitators deeply tied to groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros. Those same groups, most […]
Few other places turn out dystopian fantasies quite like the United Kingdom and if the United States has never quite become the chrome skyscraper and flying car utopian wonderland of its utopian fantasies, with its ubiquitous cameras and DNA banks, the United Kingdom seems well on the way to its dystopian destination.
1984, The Prisoner and V for Vendetta are all a train ride away nowadays. Say the wrong thing and you can expect to be wearing a prison suit and nominated for a national run on Two Minute Hate.
Towards the end of last month, the UK launched a nationwide manhunt or womanhunt, in coordination with online activists, Labour politicians and the police to bring the most feared criminal in the islands to justice. The lady, whose last name is appropriately enough West, will be spending Christmas in prison away from her three children. Her crime was to engage in some abrasive taunts with the denizens of the New Britain complete with obscenities and be videotaped doing it.