Western leaders seek the kudos of brokering “Middle East Peace” but their reliance upon Arab oil precludes an ability to be unbiased. U.S. initiatives are leaving Israel increasingly vulnerable.
It’s a siren song no US President can resist: Peace in the Middle East. It’s the Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece, the Excalibur for an American leader seeking an undying legacy. The phantasm of Middle East peace is more illusory than the quests of heroes like Heracles, Jason and Odysseus. It’s a fool’s quest with an incalculable cost in squandered money, national prestige and blood, yet the illusion of this messianic dream continues to draw American Presidents like Homer’s Sirens drew ancient mariners to their destruction.
Leave aside for a moment the delusion that leads us to arrogate unto ourselves the responsibility for the “peace process.” The Middle East is only one of a host of intractable situations in the world that go back into ancient history. Ireland. India-Pakistan-Kashmir. China-Korea-Japan. Africa. China-Tibet. China-Taiwan. Turkey-Greece. Russia-former satellites. Russia-Japan. Russia-anybody in her way. Sunni-Shi’ite. Flemish-Walloon. Cyprus. Argentina-Britain.