There is something surreal and unnerving about the so-called “debt ceiling” negotiations staggering on in Washington. In the real world, negotiations on an increase in one’s debt limit are conducted between the borrower and the lender. Only in Washington is a debt increase negotiated between two groups of borrowers. Actually, it’s more accurate to […] Stephen Marche Publishes Hilarious Parody On Obama Cult Worship In Esquire Magazine by Jason Bradley “….I just found out it wasn’t a hit piece pointed at the absurdities of liberals. It’s for real. And he is one of them. And now I have the creeps because Esquire actually published it knowing full well it […] ISTANBUL (AP) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clintonsays she’s hopeful that a religious tolerance agreement between the West and Islamic countries will end efforts to criminalize blasphemy that threaten freedom of expression. Clinton said Friday in Turkey that an initiative by the U.S., the European Union and the Organization of the Islamic […] Rupert Murdoch doesn’t have a monopoly, now quit whining! The left can’t compete with right-wing media. For punters, nor for cash – so they nationalise and subsidise their biased institutions. Right thinking people were sickened by the revelations that the phone of murdered teenager Milly Dowler had been hacked by journalists from the News of […]
The End of Modern History in the Middle East by Bernard Lewis I GREATLY ADMIRE ASAF ROMIROWSKY BUT LEWIS HAS BEEN WRONG AND MISLEADING ON TOO MANY ISSUES……FIRST: THERE WAS NEVER, REPEAT NEVER THE “GOLDEN AGE OF COMITY” OF JEWS IN MOSLEM NATIONS THAT LEWIS WROTE ABOUT….AT BEST THEY REPRESENTED MOMENTS IN THE CENTURIES WHERE […] Just when you thought it was not possible for the Holder Justice Department to become any more hostile to the national and homeland security interests of the American people, along comes yet another travesty. This one threatens both, as it apparently would involve turning loose in America a convicted terrorist known to be a […]
The Iconoclast Friday, 15 July 2011 GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain Opposes Sharia and Mega- Mosques at Murfreesboro Rally by Jerry Gordon Herman Cain GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain, GOP Candidate for President showed up at a rally in Murfreesboro Thursday and spoke in opposition to ‘Creeping Sharia’ in America and the Mega-Mosques promoting it. […]
Another Tack: Double standards to uphold We call them men of letters, peace activists, democracy’s champions and human rights campaigners. We never, ever call them extremists. The word “fanatic” couldn’t be remotely considered in reference to the sensitive, caring and agonized denizens of Israel’s political Left. Only reputed right-wingers are maligned as extremists, fanatics, fascists, rabble-rousing […]
How Long the Largess to the Palestinians? Posted By P. David Hornik URL to article: It’s been a bumpy road for the Palestinians lately. Recent staged spectacles that were supposed to whip up sympathy for them and put Israel in a bad light again—the Nakba Day (May 15) and Naksa Day (June 4) marches […] GOP Lawmakers Pledge Support for Judea and Samaria Four leading GOP lawmakers have pledged to support Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. The lawmakers are US Representatives Pete Sessions (TX), Michael Grimm (NY), Nan Hayworth (NY), Col. Allen West (FL). The pledge came from lobbying efforts by Shomrom Liaison Office Director David Ha’Ivri, who […]