China’s Terribly Successful Communist Party Turns 90 By Erich Follath and Wieland Wagner,1518,770696,00.html ” When the Vatican representative asked the Communist Party envoy what he thought the differences were, he replied: “You were sent by God, but we were sent by the devil.” Beijing’s communists are among the world’s most successful capitalists, but their […] Reports say that Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez may be seriously ill. In Dictatorspeak, seriously ill means seriously dead. And seriously dead, means there’s a revolution coming up shortly. But whether Hugo Chavez is dead, sick or just vacationing in Cuba for his health– there’s no reason for him to feel down. Even if Hugo […]
I HAVE VOWED NOT TO USE THE WORD “PALESTINIAN” WHICH IS IDENTITY THEFT…”PALARAB” SUIT ME JUST FINE…..RSK Like the rest of the Left the media hold Israel responsible for Hamas’s imprisonment of Schalit because they perceive the Arabs generally and the Palestinians specifically as objects rather than actors. Talkbacks (34) Sunday was the first […]
Texas…the Very Best of the 57 States Russ Vaughn Page Printed from: at June 28, 2011 – 04:57:32 AM CDT One of the most powerful arguments that could be mounted in the upcoming presidential election could come from only one of the potential challengers: Rick Perry. The economic engine driving the Texas economy isn’t […] What is it about Israel that prompts such a widespread departure from common sense, reason and moral reality? As another insane flotilla prepares to butt across the Mediterranean bringing “aid” to the “beleaguered” people of Gaza, in its midst travelling the MV Saoirse, does it never occur to all the hysterical anti-Israeli activists in […]
Why Israel Needs to Get Serious about Treason Posted By Steven Plaut URL to article: Israel recently passed a law that would strip Israelis of their citizenship if convicted of espionage or treason. Condemned for this by countries all over the world, almost all of whom have far harsher anti-treason laws than Israel, the […]
Fraud Up and Down The Education System By Herbert London In Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz the Wizard tells his constituents that he wants an educated populace, “so by the power vested in me I will grant everyone diplomas.” Welcome to the education system of 2011. Much of what we now observe comes […] Okay, so here are some unsolicited but heartfelt words of caution for Governor Rick Perry of Texas as he contemplates whether to enter the Republican primary for President of the United States. As you and your trusted aides crunch numbers, take the pulse of major donors, look at various match-ups in states like Iowa, […] CONTENTS MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA ITEM 1: The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center: The Upcoming Flotilla to the Gaza Strip Update LIBYA ITEM 2: WSJ: Goldman’s Paperwork Flub In Libya Deals, Lack of Basic Contracts Deepened Conflict; ‘Not Legally Sound’ ITEM 3: CNBC: Court Filing: Libyans Knew Stanford Was […]
SAN FRANCISCO _ This city has an obsession with the male sex organ, and not just on Gay Pride Day. San Francisco is ever on the scout for new ways to elevate and honor it as the municipal icon. Gay Pride Day and the parade on Sunday was a big hit, with the […]