Canadian Human Rights Commission Goes After Free Speech by Adam Daifallah One of the greatest protections Americans have against Islamists, and the threat they pose, are the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Never take them for granted, for most countries, even some Western allies, do not benefit from such a bulwark against illiberal […]
As a follow up to your groundbreaking initiative, I’ve attached the groundbreaking PowerPoint presentation on Jewish and Arab demography west of the Jordan River, which refutes conventional wisdom. 1. Demographic perceptions have played a key role in shaping Israel’s national security policy and in eroding the level of confidence in the future of the Jewish […] Determined disinterest in our own destruction During the Cold War, America faced an implacable enemy, driven by a supremacist ideology that called for, among other things, the use of an array of covert front groups, stealthy techniques and subversive activities to achieve our destruction. For many years, our effort to defeat Soviet Communism featured […] Our World: An Obama foreign policy By CAROLINE B. GLICK 20/06/2011 Robert Gates’s recent remarks signal that the president’s handling of US foreign affairs is about to undergo a dramatic transformation. Outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is worried about the shape of things to come in US foreign policy. In an interview with […] Not George V1 mastering his stutter but Mohammed VI of Morocco spreading sweetness and light. Late last night, Glenn Reynolds linked [1] to an eyebrow-raising column by Jennifer Rubin [2] from The Washington Post called “A king, a speech, and a new constitution for Morocco.” The title ought to have had an exclamation point […] Sudan Ethnic Cleansing Begins Again Posted By Faith J. H. McDonnell In the 1990s, the National Congress Party (NCP) government of Sudan, then known as the National Islamic Front (NIF), attempted to exterminate the black African Christians, Muslims, and followers of traditional religions in South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. The militia came obscenely […]
Abedin/Weiner: A Marriage Made by Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood?Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. Frontpage: Robert […]
Gunwalker: From Obama’s Inauguration to Issa’s Report Posted By Bob Owens On June 20, 2011 @ 12:00 am In Uncategorized | 6 Comments Major scandals don’t always have the most dramatic beginnings. Andrew Johnson was impeached for replacing the sitting secretary of war; Richard Nixon’s collapse started with a breaking and entering. Bill Clinton’s infamy […] The most damning revelations coming out of the hearings on Operation Fast and Furious held by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform are the unmistakable indications that the program was never designed to succeed as a law enforcement operation at all. A quartet of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agents and supervisors […]
Understanding Online Radicalization: The Jihadi BlogsPosted By Ali Teymouri In the first part [1] of our series, “Understanding Online Radicalization,” we examined the one-stop shop of jihadi forums. In the next part of the series, we will examine jihadi blog Revolution Muslim and its successor, Islam Policy. Unlike jihadi forums, which are online warehouses […]