On Medicare, Go on Offense The GOP has been running scared. It needn’t, and mustn’t. President Obama’s leftist ideology is killing the economy, rationing health care, and trashing the Constitution. That is the winning answer to the “Leftist or failure?” question recently posed by Charles Krauthammer. Should Republicans in 2012 hit Obama for being […] Since A Slim Israeli Waistline Courts Death … In view of the 44th anniversary of the Six Day War, David Singer, a Sydney lawyer and foundation member of the International Analysts Network, has written one of his typically thoughtful and thought-provoking articles on the Middle East. Entitled “Palestine – an Arab West Bank is […] As Gabrielle Giffords continues her recovery and Jared Loughner winds his way through the justice system, it is worth taking a look back five months at the consequences and implications of that day in Arizona. Giffords survived the attack, but it was free speech that took the bullet. The end of Glenn Beck’s run […]
Several times during the last month Dick Morris predicted that Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romeny will duke it out for the GOP nomination. As he added last night on Fox the competing visions of the GOP are now between tea party conservatives and mainstream Republicans. Pawlenty and Gingrich are DOA….but others may still emerge from […] Ibn Warraq: The Westminster Institute (Virginia): Educating the Public and Government About the Ideology of the Terrorists, and Ways to Counter It (Part I) The Westminster Institute (Virginia): Educating the Public and Government About the Ideology of the Terrorists, and Ways to Counter It by Ibn Warraq The Westminster Institute was founded in March, […] Kosovo: Muslims turn church into public toilet, waste dump THIS IS THE LEGACY OF CLINTON’S OUTRAGEOUS WAR AGAINST SERBIA…AND HOLBROOKE’S DISASTROUS “DAYTON AGREEMENT” WHICH CLEARED THE PATH FOR JIHADISTS IN THE BALKANS…RSK It sure is great that the U.S. fought to “liberate” these people! Islamic Tolerance Alert from modern, moderate, pro-American Kosovo: “Church in […] Nigeria: Boko Haram jihadists open fire on beer garden, killing 4 Boko Haram is frequently portrayed as a loopy, but dangerous fringe group. But the group focuses its attacks on practices that are against Sharia, and their aim is the fundamental aim of jihad in all its forms: to impose Islamic law. “Nigerian Islamists […]
The OU-Israel Center Presents: THE PREFERRED OPTION: ISRAELI SOVEREIGNTY OVER JUDEA & SAMARIA Exploring the issues and creating a serious discussion SPEAKERS: · Yoram Ettinger – Ambassador (ret.) · Dani Dayan – Chairman, Yesha Council · Dr. Mordechai Kedar – Bar Ilan University · Caroline Glick – Jerusalem Post MC: Yoel Meltzer whose articles appear […] By Elliot Jager The depth of sympathy for the Jewish state among ordinary Americans ought to be cause for positive amazement. In stark contrast to strikingly negative European attitudes, a far-reaching CNN poll released on May 31 presents an uplifting picture of American public opinion toward Israel: 65 percent of those surveyed had a generally favorable […] The modern university is no longer made up simply of departments and regular professors teaching students. Ancillary centers, programs, and initiatives proliferate, undertaking research on every conceivable topic and, in exchange for use of the university’s name, bringing in prestige, money, and the occasional celebrity. The fates of such entities rarely make the New […]